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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What makes The Witcher 3 so utterly brilliant?


Is The Witcher 3 an RPG by your definition of the term....

Yes. 13 68.42%
No 6 31.58%

Omg. This game has gotten even better, the 9th gen patch is amazing.

I didn't even consider it would be at remaster levels of quality. It's made the best game ever even better. It even feels different to play, how Geralt controls and moves has weight now and it uses the duelsense to great effect to add some tactile feedbavk anf... argh, it's just so exciting..I'm so glad I held off fo 9th gen before continuing my latest playthrough. What a treat, a proper remaster of my favourite game for free. I can't quite make out what the Ray tracing is doing so I'm just going with the smooth 60 and loving it.

And now I get to platinum it all over again. Oh God it feels good.