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Forums - General Discussion - Olympics opening ceremony

APerfectCircle said:

And you have no evidence there isn't who are u to attack someone for something they believe in you if ur down with the woke stuff that's fine but don't talk about my faith you should be banned for that 

By that same argument... You cannot disprove that Leprechauns exist, you can't disprove fairies, the flying spaghetti monster, lochness monster, bigfoot, Thor the God of thunder and more.. By your blatantly incorrect logic, that would mean they would all exist?

This is why the burden of proof exists, the lack of evidence to prove something, isn't enough justification to believe something, otherwise you would be required to believe everything that has been fabricated in human history, irrespective of evidence held.

That's not "woke". - That's using common sense and blatant logic. If you disagree with that, then I am sorry, I am not sure what to tell you, except that you should probably stop burning books and start reading them instead... And start understanding what science is and the importance of the burden of proof.

BasilZero said:

If a Christian attacks someone, then they are not Christian because it goes against the very teachings of Christianity.

No one in this world should hate or attack anyone based upon their race, religion, sex, etc

If you allow mocking or attacking of one aspect then you are encouraging others to do the same for all the other aspects, hence why you keep seeing the amount of hate growing amongst all groups in the world. Its a never ending cycle and people never learn.

I am not in a position to assert if someone is Christian or not based on their intrinsic behaviors... Religious beliefs are complex because individuals tend to believe strongly in their particular religion that they have been indoctrinated into.
Also we need to keep in mind that their "role model" aka the Abrahamic God as defined in the Bible, Torah and Quran... Is a mass murderer. - So any behavior that is more civil than that is an improvement I guess.

I would just like society to move away from being "insulted" or "offended" at everything that moves and start being open to being openly debated or discussed... And it's not just the religious that fall into that trap, but my own in my minority demographic.

Last edited by Pemalite - on 01 August 2024

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Nobody cares if your a first responder or what your beliefs in other religions are let ppl believe what they believe in u been brainwashed to believe science is the only way nobody is attacking u for it I probably get banned for this don't care this site sucks anyway but I'd punch ur teeth in if u stood infront of me 

In response to the whiners.  

Ok, on a more pleasant note, Snoop Dogg got a personalized pen from the Olympics people.  Here he is showing it off

It would be nice if we just had a normal Olympics Thread, Lol.

So much anger over such minor shit

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 01 August 2024

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I love my country (US), but damn. We can really be egocentric and ignorant at times.

Ryuu96 said:

It would be nice if we just had a normal Olympics Thread, Lol.

Wow.  I just checked the Sports board and we don't have an Olympic thread at all.  

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 


Anyone watching the female gymnastics All-around finals?

IcaroRibeiro said:


Anyone watching the female gymnastics All-around finals?

Get back on topic please.

IcaroRibeiro said:


Anyone watching the female gymnastics All-around finals?

The Fucking GOAT.

We should have a proper Olympics Thread if people want to talk about it.

Americans on this site could be celebrating the GOAT above instead of complaining!!!

Ryuu96 said:
IcaroRibeiro said:


Anyone watching the female gymnastics All-around finals?

The Fucking GOAT.

We should have a proper Olympics Thread if people want to talk about it.

Americans on this site could be celebrating the GOAT above instead of complaining!!!

As a Brazillian I was cheering for Rebeca, but I'm just happy she got a silver because Simone really GOATed lol