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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Bofferbrauer2 said:
JWeinCom said:

Yes but you know both sides are bad and eggs are expensive so it's really a wash.

Both sides may be bad, but one is objectively worse

Typical woke leftist bs. Or did you forget about the time Obama wore a tan suit? 

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Bofferbrauer2 said:

I'll just leave this Honest Government Ad here:

It's sad that this even has to be made.  The end of the maga movement can't come soon enough.

Asked about self proclaimed black nazi Mark Robinson, Trump claims he doesn't know anything about the situation. If Trump is that out of the loop that he doesn't know what is going on in a crucial swing state, he is clearly not mentally sharp enough to run for president.

Of course, the more likely scenario is Donald Trump is lying. Trump actually has an obvious tell when he is lying. His lips move. This is another time where Trump offered the opportunity has refused to denounced naziism. Because he wouldn't want to offend one of his core constituencies.

Vance on the other hand said the comments were bad but urged us to wait for the full story. Because one Instagram post is enough for him to tell everyone that Hattians are eating dogs, but when it comes to a republican, an extensive trove of evidence is not enough.

Literally the scum of the Earth.

In other news, another massive once in a lifetime storm has happened in my life time. Surely has nothing to do with the fact that warmer air can hold more moisture and that the air is warmer because of global warming. Just another woke psyop. 

JWeinCom said:
Ryuu96 said:

The too old suddenly stopped in the media once Biden dropped out, Lol.

Guy is struggling, he is clearly mentally and physically declining, I don't think he can do another 4 years in office

He's declining and it's not like he was a stable genius to begin with. Do you by any chance have a chart of number of rallies by harris?

DonOLD is getting too old to do the job. And too senile.

JWeinCom said:

Asked about self proclaimed black nazi Mark Robinson, Trump claims he doesn't know anything about the situation. If Trump is that out of the loop that he doesn't know what is going on in a crucial swing state, he is clearly not mentally sharp enough to run for president.

Of course, the more likely scenario is Donald Trump is lying. Trump actually has an obvious tell when he is lying. His lips move. This is another time where Trump offered the opportunity has refused to denounced naziism. Because he wouldn't want to offend one of his core constituencies.

Vance on the other hand said the comments were bad but urged us to wait for the full story. Because one Instagram post is enough for him to tell everyone that Hattians are eating dogs, but when it comes to a republican, an extensive trove of evidence is not enough.

Literally the scum of the Earth.

In other news, another massive once in a lifetime storm has happened in my life time. Surely has nothing to do with the fact that warmer air can hold more moisture and that the air is warmer because of global warming. Just another woke psyop. 

Even Rick Scott is admitting that the "climate is changing." He's not quite ready to admit to possible anthropogenic causes of why it's changing. Meanwhile, DeSantis won't even allow the words "climate change" to be uttered by anybody in the state government... but he knows it's happening. 

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JWeinCom said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Both sides may be bad, but one is objectively worse

Typical woke leftist bs. Or did you forget about the time Obama wore a tan suit? 

That wasn't as bad as the time Obama put Grey Poupon mustard on a hot dog. That's an impeachable offense.

SanAndreasX said:
JWeinCom said:

Typical woke leftist bs. Or did you forget about the time Obama wore a tan suit? 

That wasn't as bad as the time Obama put Grey Poupon mustard on a hot dog. That's an impeachable offense.

As bad as Obama was Biden is worse. One time he ordered TWO scoops of ice cream.

Just Trump saying more vile shit as per usual.

I legit would not be the slightest bit surprised if he whips out the n-word eventually.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 6 days ago

This rhetoric on migrants the past few weeks has been sickening, dude has just gone full blown "copy the Nazis" in his rhetoric, migrants are eating your pets, migrants are raping everyone, migrants are killing everyone, we're going to liberate our country from them, even the legal ones, blah blah blah. Straight up ranting about migrants is all he has now, he's attempting the win on pure hatred alone because his economic policies are fucking stupid, his foreign policy is garbage and his stances on abortion are awful and unpopular.

With nothing left to campaign on he turns to the old fashioned approach of creating an imaginary common enemy for the public, a thing that people can direct all their hatred towards and blame everything on, for Hitler it was the Jews and for Trump it's migrants, whether they're in the country legally or not, it makes no difference to his disgusting rhetoric and makes up any old bullshit to put fear and hatred into the common person who doesn't know any better and yes it is possible to campaign on immigration without going full-blown Hitler-mode but unfortunate for Trump, he was also the reason the last border bill was blocked.

But he's attacking migrants already legally in America too, this is way beyond "we have too many people coming into the country" when you're also attacking people here in America legally and talking about deporting those people and making up vicious lies about them, I think JD Vance? Made some bullshit up as well that they aren't here legally because in his mind the legal approval wasn't legal.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 6 days ago

This dude needs to be put in a care home already.