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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

An open convention or even him immediately resigning the presidency would have been democracy. Trying to have his cake and eat it too. If they hadn't tried to lie about his cognitive decline until they could hand the nomination to her once he'd already won the primaries I could at least believe it was genuine but waiting until your VP, who was horrible in the previous primary, could be handed the nomination without having to work at it like most things in her life? That's the sleaziest thing I've seen in a nomination process ever.

There it is, guys. 

District Attorney for San Francisco.
State Attorney General of California.
US Senator of California.
Vice President of the United States.

But she never worked for any of it because she's apparently a "DEI hire".  Just call her the n-word already.  

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

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Renamed said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

An open convention or even him immediately resigning the presidency would have been democracy. Trying to have his cake and eat it too. If they hadn't tried to lie about his cognitive decline until they could hand the nomination to her once he'd already won the primaries I could at least believe it was genuine but waiting until your VP, who was horrible in the previous primary, could be handed the nomination without having to work at it like most things in her life? That's the sleaziest thing I've seen in a nomination process ever.

There it is, guys. 

District Attorney for San Francisco.
State Attorney General of California.
US Senator of California.
Vice President of the United States.

But she never worked for any of it because she's apparently a "DEI hire".  Just call her the n-word already.  

Ah yes just completely make something up yourself then act like I said it.  What a strange thing to say. "If you call out the woman who literally slept with her boss Willie  to move up you're basically saying the N word" like wtf lol

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Renamed said:

There it is, guys. 

District Attorney for San Francisco.
State Attorney General of California.
US Senator of California.
Vice President of the United States.

But she never worked for any of it because she's apparently a "DEI hire".  Just call her the n-word already.  

Ah yes just completely make something up yourself then act like I said it.  What a strange thing to say. "If you call out the woman who literally slept with her boss Willie  to move up you're basically saying the N word" like wtf lol

Say what you really think instead of being a coward.

Must have graduated with her degree in political science and economics by sleeping with her professor, then graduated from the University of California, College of Law with a Juris Doctor by again, sleeping with her professor.

Harris was hired as deputy DA before Willie Brown (who was dating Harris) then appointed her to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and Medical Assistance Commission, then in 1998 (after Willie was no longer Speaker of the California State Assembly) she was recruited by Terence Hallinan (must have slept with him too!) as Assistant District Attorney then Chief of the Career Criminal Division (must have slept with all the people in there too!). She then took a job at San Francisco City Hall working for Attorney Louise Renne (must have slept with her too!). 

Then she ran for DA of San Francisco and won (must have slept with all the voters!). Then she ran for Attorney General of California and won (must have slept with all those voters too!) and she won her re-election too (by sleeping with all the voters, obviously!) and then she ran for Senate and won (obviously more sleeping around!) and then was appointed to the Senate Judiciary Committee (by sleeping with the person who does the appointing!) and then achieved Vice President (by sleeping with Joe Biden, obviously!).

There's only two roles you can link directly to Willie Brown (her appointment to the UIAB and MAC) and it's on you to prove that she achieved those roles by "sleeping with him" rather than her own merit considering she was previously Deputy DA, she achieved her biggest roles (DA, AG, Senator, VP) independent of Willie Brown. But because she's a woman and black, she must have slept her way up to the top and she hasn't had to work for anything (complete and utter bullshit, but you know that already).

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 August 2024

The question is, what did Trump achieve? inherit buildings worth hundreds of millions which happened to get even more expensive because...buildings in New York and other places just exploded in price and what else? Most stuff he put his fingers on went downhill. He would be probably richer nowadays as he is now if he would still own everything he did inherit and that with his shady tricks to avoid to pay any penny to the country he's supposed to love so much.

I mean, if I inherit something which is worth 500 million and which will be worth 5 billion in 20 years, am I a genius to be worth 3 billion in 20 years?  To me that doesn't sound like I'm a crazy genius who knows everything. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 15 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Ah yes just completely make something up yourself then act like I said it.  What a strange thing to say. "If you call out the woman who literally slept with her boss Willie  to move up you're basically saying the N word" like wtf lol

Say what you really think instead of being a coward.

Must have graduated with her degree in political science and economics by sleeping with her professor, then graduated from the University of California, College of Law with a Juris Doctor by again, sleeping with her professor.

Harris was hired as deputy DA before Willie Brown (who was dating Harris) then appointed her to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and Medical Assistance Commission, then in 1998 (after Willie was no longer Speaker of the California State Assembly) she was recruited by Terence Hallinan (must have slept with him too!) as Assistant District Attorney then Chief of the Career Criminal Division (must have slept with all the people in there too!). She then took a job at San Francisco City Hall working for Attorney Louise Renne (must have slept with her too!). 

Then she ran for DA of San Francisco and won (must have slept with all the voters!). Then she ran for Attorney General of California and won (must have slept with all those voters too!) and she won her re-election too (by sleeping with all the voters, obviously!) and then she ran for Senate and won (obviously more sleeping around!) and then was appointed to the Senate Judiciary Committee (by sleeping with the person who does the appointing!) and then achieved Vice President (by sleeping with Joe Biden, obviously!).

There's only two roles you can link directly to Willie Brown (her appointment to the UIAB and MAC) and it's on you to prove that she achieved those roles by "sleeping with him" rather than her own merit considering she was previously Deputy DA, she achieved her biggest roles (DA, AG, Senator, VP) independent of Willie Brown. But because she's a woman and black, she must have slept her way up to the top and she hasn't had to work for anything (complete and utter bullshit, but you know that already).

Yawn. I'm sure you'd LIKE it to be simple.  Everyone is an ist or ism or phobe that doesn't agree with me so I'll passive aggressively allude to that while listing her credentials that have been called out numerous times including her record by Tulsi in the last primary she actually tried to win rather than back her way into a nomination without having to win it.  Just like she was handed everything else in life. I'm sure you think any dissent of your golden goddess Kamala is just "bullshit"

Piss off with the self righteous attitude.  You have no moral highground here.  You have no moral compass at all as you try to put Kamala up just like you accuse people of putting trump up on a pedestal.  Yet I continuously see people who are voting for trump make fun of him lol like Republicans take the piss out of Trump so much and even those who hold their nose and vote for him laugh at him consistently.

It's such a little false reality people live in while they're in their cult that immediately flipped a switch to Harris in curious unison as soon Biden dropped out instead of having an open convention and letting her win it or having him drop out and be honest about seeing his mental decline before the debate.  But oh no back then it was "bullshit" I'm sure according to you that Biden had any cognitive decline and I'm sure he was sharp as a tac so naturally we nominate him again!  You can NEVER claim to stand for genuineness again after the Biden cognitive decline was denied until that debate and Kamala was just crowned the candidate because some leaders told the people who can't think for themselves who their nominee was.

I am Iron Man

Around the Network
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Piss off with the self righteous attitude.  You have no moral highground here.  You have no moral compass at all as you try to put Kamala up just like you accuse people of putting trump up on a pedestal.  Yet I continuously see people who are voting for trump make fun of him lol like Republicans take the piss out of Trump so much and even those who hold their nose and vote for him laugh at him consistently.

You're the one with the self righteous attitude, accusing people of having no moral compass, accusing people of being liars. 

If Kamala Harris was a Republican, you would have dismissed these "sleeping to the top" claims as baseless rumors, just like you did with Trump yesterday. 

Ryuu asked you to prove your claims. ->

There's only two roles you can link directly to Willie Brown (her appointment to the UIAB and MAC) and it's on you to prove that she achieved those roles by "sleeping with him" rather than her own merit considering she was previously Deputy DA,

You refuse to do that, and instead you respond with whataboutisms, and attacking people.

If you can't provide any basic evidence to your claims, you're not in a position to accuse someone else of being in a cult.

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 15 August 2024

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Ryuu96 said:

Say what you really think instead of being a coward.

Must have graduated with her degree in political science and economics by sleeping with her professor, then graduated from the University of California, College of Law with a Juris Doctor by again, sleeping with her professor.

Harris was hired as deputy DA before Willie Brown (who was dating Harris) then appointed her to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and Medical Assistance Commission, then in 1998 (after Willie was no longer Speaker of the California State Assembly) she was recruited by Terence Hallinan (must have slept with him too!) as Assistant District Attorney then Chief of the Career Criminal Division (must have slept with all the people in there too!). She then took a job at San Francisco City Hall working for Attorney Louise Renne (must have slept with her too!). 

Then she ran for DA of San Francisco and won (must have slept with all the voters!). Then she ran for Attorney General of California and won (must have slept with all those voters too!) and she won her re-election too (by sleeping with all the voters, obviously!) and then she ran for Senate and won (obviously more sleeping around!) and then was appointed to the Senate Judiciary Committee (by sleeping with the person who does the appointing!) and then achieved Vice President (by sleeping with Joe Biden, obviously!).

There's only two roles you can link directly to Willie Brown (her appointment to the UIAB and MAC) and it's on you to prove that she achieved those roles by "sleeping with him" rather than her own merit considering she was previously Deputy DA, she achieved her biggest roles (DA, AG, Senator, VP) independent of Willie Brown. But because she's a woman and black, she must have slept her way up to the top and she hasn't had to work for anything (complete and utter bullshit, but you know that already).

Yawn. I'm sure you'd LIKE it to be simple.  Everyone is an ist or ism or phobe that doesn't agree with me so I'll passive aggressively allude to that while listing her credentials that have been called out numerous times including her record by Tulsi in the last primary she actually tried to win rather than back her way into a nomination without having to win it.  Just like she was handed everything else in life. I'm sure you think any dissent of your golden goddess Kamala is just "bullshit"

Piss off with the self righteous attitude.  You have no moral highground here.  You have no moral compass at all as you try to put Kamala up just like you accuse people of putting trump up on a pedestal.  Yet I continuously see people who are voting for trump make fun of him lol like Republicans take the piss out of Trump so much and even those who hold their nose and vote for him laugh at him consistently.

It's such a little false reality people live in while they're in their cult that immediately flipped a switch to Harris in curious unison as soon Biden dropped out instead of having an open convention and letting her win it or having him drop out and be honest about seeing his mental decline before the debate.  But oh no back then it was "bullshit" I'm sure according to you that Biden had any cognitive decline and I'm sure he was sharp as a tac so naturally we nominate him again!  You can NEVER claim to stand for genuineness again after the Biden cognitive decline was denied until that debate and Kamala was just crowned the candidate because some leaders told the people who can't think for themselves who their nominee was.

Oh no, Tulsi called her out, well damn, I'm stumped, Tulsi is the bastion of truth and knowledge after all

I didn't say it before but I'll straight up say it now, I'm accusing you of being sexist and possibly racist. You still haven't proven to anyone how Harris was "handed everything else in life" You've not proven how she "didn't work" for her Degree in Political Science and Economics, her Juris Doctor, Deputy DA, Assistant DA, Chief of Career Criminal Division, DA of SF, AG of California, Senator and Vice-President...Because you are unable to, because you see a black woman and think "she must be a DEI hire or slept her way to the top" because you're a racist and sexist.

You aren't giving dissent or valid criticism, you're spewing straight up bullshit. Get better criticisms and maybe you won't be so upset at the responses, this isn't about moral high-ground or self-righteous attitude, it's about facts and you cannot prove that she slept her way to the top nor can you prove that she didn't work for anything and all the facts show that in fact she did work throughout her entire career. Nobody is putting Harris on a pedestal immune to criticism, they're just defending her against dumb criticism like you are so eloquently demonstrating.

Harris receives criticism, Joe Biden was receiving a ton of criticism. Talk about projection, I haven't seen you criticise Trump once and yet you come out with utter nonsense like the above about Democrat candidates non-stop, Lmao. Democrats criticise their candidates far more than frigging MAGA criticise Trump, hence why Democrats are often arguing amongst each other about being unified instead of fighting each other. It's fun to see you try to turn the cult narrative back onto on Democrats though, Lol.

You can't explain your positions, you never have, you can't back your points up, you flip-flop between what you believe in depending on the arguments to suit your agenda, you're like a MAGA Chatbot designed to spit out generic talking points and when confronted your systems overload. Keep being mad about Harris being the nominee, keep being mad that the Democrats are united behind her, boy you've got a lot more anger coming your way as you see the positive news continuing to flow for the Democrats.

the-pi-guy said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Piss off with the self righteous attitude.  You have no moral highground here.  You have no moral compass at all as you try to put Kamala up just like you accuse people of putting trump up on a pedestal.  Yet I continuously see people who are voting for trump make fun of him lol like Republicans take the piss out of Trump so much and even those who hold their nose and vote for him laugh at him consistently.

You're the one with the self righteous attitude, accusing people of having no moral compass, accusing people of being liars. 

If Kamala Harris was a Republican, you would have dismissed these "sleeping to the top" claims as baseless rumors, just like you did with Trump yesterday. 

Ryuu asked you to prove your claims. ->

There's only two roles you can link directly to Willie Brown (her appointment to the UIAB and MAC) and it's on you to prove that she achieved those roles by "sleeping with him" rather than her own merit considering she was previously Deputy DA,

You refuse to do that, and instead you respond with whataboutisms, and attacking people.

If you can't provide any basic evidence to your claims, you're not in a position to accuse someone else of being in a cult.

Except it's not on me to do that. I reject his parameters. I see the two events and reasonably concluded they're connected since it's obviously going to bias him. To ignore it or assume otherwise would make me a disingenuous liar

I am Iron Man

Clearly nobody gives a fuck about the Trump assassination attempt anymore, not even the Trump fans and this thread has gone way off-topic so I'm locking it unless more news comes to the light (then I will unlock it if asked) and this conversation can go either into the US Politics Thread or the Presidential Thread. We do not need multiple threads serving the same purpose.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 August 2024