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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Perfect Dark (Reboot) - On Track and its coming!

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spurgeonryan said:

Could just make the original playable. Simple. I know they are going all out. But just saying, stop all the crazy frame rate problems and the original would have been a 10/10. Always drooled over that game boy camera thing. I wanted to put my picture on there soóoo badly.

The original did get a remaster on Xbox 360.
Then re-released on Xbox One/Xbox Series.
Full 4k, 60fps with HDR on Xbox Series/One X.

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Ahh, I thought they were remaking it again. I remember one of those games, cannot remember how it reviewed, but thought it was a new game, not a remake.

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spurgeonryan said:

Could just make the original playable. Simple. I know they are going all out. But just saying, stop all the crazy frame rate problems and the original would have been a 10/10. Always drooled over that game boy camera thing. I wanted to put my picture on there soóoo badly.

The Original sits on a 97 Metacritic and they did release the Original running at 60fps.

Perfect dark I do not believe ever had a bad score. Were decent games, the frame rate was choppy, but that was it.

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spurgeonryan said:

Perfect dark I do not believe ever had a bad score. Were decent games, the frame rate was choppy, but that was it.

That was the era. Choppy frames was normal in those days. But like those eras, gamers weren't as sensitive back than like they are today, like if a game drops 3 frames during combat today, gamers scream "UNPLAYABLE!" 

People just didn't care back than.