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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who do you believe is the most over rated developer?

rocketpig said:
Griffin said:

I own that Zelda DS game, and i have played those other games i have mentioned. I'm pretty sure the codes on the games are the same for anyone who owns the DS game, the code is NTR-AZEE-USA. When you start the game on the DS it gives the name of the game in 3 lines with the "Nintendo" name on the bottom line, the picture is of link's face, and part of his one eye is cut off. Go load the game on the DS if you think i'm not telling the truth.

*boots up Phantom Hourglass*

Um, sorry man but no. That's not the intro to the game at all. There is no closeup of Link and the start screen is actually animated.

And Naz will back me up on this, I had HUGE problems with Phantom Hourglass but some parts of the game are truly unforgettable if you played it past one dungeon. There's even one dungeon that annoys you into remembering it forever...

Besides, it's not as if the game is 10 years old. It only came out six months ago.

 Yes to this post. I liked the game, one of the better handheld zeldas.  But that dungeon simply shouldn't have been allowed to even exist.

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Griffin said:



I'm talking about the DS menu where you pick the game.  I know all about the time dungeon or whatever it is called the one on the first island where you need to go back to after beating each dungeon.  It was by far the worst thing in the game. 

During the start of the game, after it finishes its video you have the name on the top screen, woth "Touch the screen!" on the bottom screen and below that its says 2007 Nintendo.  Once you touch the screen it goes to the page where you pick the file, you have the name, then below that you have your hearts, follwed by the butterflies, then the 3 rocks then the sword.  The butterflies are coloured pink, blue, yellow, the rocks are red,blue, green, then you have the sword with a blue handle.


If you actually owned the game you would know of a much much easier method of verifying your claim. Hell, if you just looked at the box art of the game you would be able to figure it out. Please just stop. You got your Nintendo trolling in so just move along.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
Griffin said:



I'm talking about the DS menu where you pick the game. I know all about the time dungeon or whatever it is called the one on the first island where you need to go back to after beating each dungeon. It was by far the worst thing in the game.

During the start of the game, after it finishes its video you have the name on the top screen, woth "Touch the screen!" on the bottom screen and below that its says 2007 Nintendo. Once you touch the screen it goes to the page where you pick the file, you have the name, then below that you have your hearts, follwed by the butterflies, then the 3 rocks then the sword. The butterflies are coloured pink, blue, yellow, the rocks are red,blue, green, then you have the sword with a blue handle.


If you actually owned the game you would know of a much much easier method of verifying your claim. Hell, if you just looked at the box art of the game you would be able to figure it out. Please just stop. You got your Nintendo trolling in so just move along.

 Please tell me this method, i'm looking at the box right now.

Square Enic easily.

They use to be incredible back in the day but they've been going downhill ever since they realized that people think their shit smells like roses.

Griffin said:


 Please tell me this method, i'm looking at the box right now.

In one of the corners you should notice the Wi-fi label yes?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Gnizmo said:
Griffin said:


Please tell me this method, i'm looking at the box right now.

In one of the corners you should notice the Wi-fi label yes?

 Yes, its on the top left on the front.

What is 16 digits, the bane of all "hardcore gamers," and present in every game on a Nintendo platform with internet play?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

easily bungie. they rarely if ever make a bad game, but due to halo they are off the charts in hype. as my friends and i have now decided, halo 3 is now the most over rated game due to not being possible to achieve the rating that fans give it.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

rocketpig said:
Shadowblind said:

You mean the company that just produced Portal and The Orange Box, right?


Hm, maybe not so much Valve so much as Half-Life. It was too generic an FPS for me to truely get into. Portal was fun, but overrated as well. Team Fortress 2 is just fun. Half-Life's scores are just unnaturally off.

Is it to late to change my answer to Square? Final Fantasy has gotton repetitive and boring. This coming from one of the largest JRPG fans on earth.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.


go ahead and attack me but i just dont like their games so its my opinion...i tried playing both half lifes but i could not stand the way the game played and the art style. I dont see whats so great but i guess some people really like it

just my opinion

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!