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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Tor, you won't get a response to your excellent question.

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Torillian said:
Farsala said:

Once again for the third time. I did not say that women need to serve men.

"Women who focus on their own education and career instead of their husband's is indeed more selfish." Focusing on yourself is more selfish than focusing on others.

Let's put it another way.

"Men who focus on their own education and career instead of their wife's is indeed more selfish." By your logic I am now saying men need to serve women? Nonsense. Strawman.

About Mt. Everest, I think that is all I need to know about your outlook.

to be fair your original post on this seemed pretty trad con and so one would assume you would expect men to focus on their career over their wife's. If that's not the case and you think no spouse should focus on themselves at the detriment of their spouse you really could have worded it way better. So for instance, is a man who won't be a stay-at-home dad for his wife selfish? 


If a man focuses on himself and not his families than it is a more selfish act.

What if the man makes way more money than his wife? Would it not be better, for the sake of the family, for him to work and for the wife to stay at home?

BFR said:

What if the man makes way more money than his wife? Would it not be better, for the sake of the family, for him to work and for the wife to stay at home?

If the family decides that is the best course of action. Seems pretty selfless.

If he is doing it just to make more money and buy more toys, games and what not. Seems pretty selfish.

Farsala said:
BFR said:

What if the man makes way more money than his wife? Would it not be better, for the sake of the family, for him to work and for the wife to stay at home?

If the family decides that is the best course of action. Seems pretty selfless.

If he is doing it just to make more money and buy more toys, games and what not. Seems pretty selfish.

Ok, I agree.  But, what if he spends it on his kids college tuition, birthday gifts, Christmas presents......But, then has extra cash for gambling, alcohol, cocaine, a mistress, hookers?

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BFR said:
Farsala said:

If the family decides that is the best course of action. Seems pretty selfless.

If he is doing it just to make more money and buy more toys, games and what not. Seems pretty selfish.

Ok, I agree.  But, what if he spends it on his kids college tuition, birthday gifts, Christmas presents......But, then has extra cash for gambling, alcohol, cocaine, a mistress, hookers?

Pretty nuanced right? Both.

In the end, it would be up to his family's judgement if it was all worth it.

I appreciate your permission to be happily married and also eat, VGC. 

Last edited by Jaicee - on 13 July 2024

Farsala said:

Once again for the third time. I did not say that women need to serve men.

"Women who focus on their own education and career instead of their husband's is indeed more selfish." Focusing on yourself is more selfish than focusing on others.

Let's put it another way.

"Men who focus on their own education and career instead of their wife's is indeed more selfish." By your logic I am now saying men need to serve women? Nonsense. Strawman.

If that wasn't your original intention, then you worded it poorly and need to retract that statement.

You don't even know what a Strawman is. We have stayed on topic the entire time.

Farsala said:

About Mt. Everest, I think that is all I need to know about your outlook.

Again. Every time you drive a car, you put your life at risk. It is literally the exact same thing.
So if you drive a car, then by your poor logic... You are being selfish.

BFR said:

What if the man makes way more money than his wife? Would it not be better, for the sake of the family, for him to work and for the wife to stay at home?

Good friends of mine decided that, even though the girlfriend can go to work and earn more money than the boyfriend... The boyfriend will go to work, because he wouldn't be able to tolerate staying at home... So he does extra overtime to make up for it.
So for them it was the best option.

When couples raise children, they should be raising them as a team whenever possible, they are Adults, they can talk it out.

I wish we had universal child care over here so that couples didn't have to make such choices, but it is what it is.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

BFR said:

What if the man makes way more money than his wife? Would it not be better, for the sake of the family, for him to work and for the wife to stay at home?

Good friends of mine decided that, even though the girlfriend can go to work and earn more money than the boyfriend... The boyfriend will go to work, because he wouldn't be able to tolerate staying at home... So he does extra overtime to make up for it.
So for them it was the best option.

When couples raise children, they should be raising them as a team whenever possible, they are Adults, they can talk it out.

I wish we had universal child care over here so that couples didn't have to make such choices, but it is what it is.

Agree universal childcare would be great in Australia. We are lucky we earn god money so my son goes to childcare everyday, but it is so much more these days, it is effectively an early learning centre. Compare to my wife an me he isn't as introverted as he is building his social skills at an early age.

But also universal childcare would mean that more career women would have children too as they wouldn't be stressed about paying for it. Also means they go back to work sooner an can maintain their skillsets instead of stay at home for a few years then feel like an outdated computer because they did not keep up with the evolving work environment. The added bonus is that if they have kids they will learn from their parents and most likely also become tax paying adults, so it's win win, replacing tax payer with future tax payer.



Someone just tried to assassinate Trump but the bastard raised his fist in triumph before he was whisked away