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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

curl-6 said:
haxxiy said:

helping to ruin the careers and lives of countless cinema fellows

So basically what the activist left is doing now to anyone who doesn't submit to their ideology.

Are you equating people getting kicked out of Hollywood for being socialist to people getting kicked out of Hollywood for being accused of things like rape, misogyny, racism & transphobia?

Who are the examples of celebrities who were unjustly cancelled for having conservative views?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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zorg1000 said:
curl-6 said:

So basically what the activist left is doing now to anyone who doesn't submit to their ideology.

Are you equating people getting kicked out of Hollywood for being socialist to people getting kicked out of Hollywood for being accused of things like rape, misogyny, racism & transphobia?

Who are the examples of celebrities who were unjustly cancelled for having conservative views?

You only have to express an opinion to the right of Karl Marx on a public space to get harassment, threats, exclusion from your peer group, and possibly being doxed and fired from your job.

I'm not even conservative, at least not on most issues, but I've been called a fascist and told I deserve to die just for saying I'm not responsible for what people who look like me may have done centuries before I was born.

As for victims of cancel culture, a quick google search will find you countless examples of people losing their jobs and/or being ostracized for expressing mainstream conservative views shared by millions if not billions of people.

Heck, I'll give you one from my own life; just this year someone from my workplace messaged me on Facebook looking for dirt on another coworker of ours to try to get him fired. His crime? Being white, male, and conservative.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 08 July 2024

Any opinion whatsoever will have someone upset, especially when you add in misunderstandings. It has absolutely nothing to do with Karl Marx. 

Right wingers have been trying to get stores closed because of t-shirts with rainbows on them. And accusing people of groomers for all kinds of nothing reasons. 

Absolutely none of this is a left-wing thing. Not exclusively left wing, not even predominantly left wing. 

It's not a left wing thing, it's how a disturbing number of people, across the political spectrum are like. 

There are even completely different factions of people who call themselves left wingers, who are practically diametrically opposed on most policies. 

It's very simple, when it comes to one of the biggest issues of today (and not some court ruling of 40+ years ago - heck, MAGA did not exist before 2016), Reagan Republicans (RR) support giving aid to Ukraine and MAGA Republicans (MR) do not. That is the major difference between these two factions.

zorg1000 said:
curl-6 said:

So basically what the activist left is doing now to anyone who doesn't submit to their ideology.

Who are the examples of celebrities who were unjustly cancelled for having conservative views?

Gina Carano is one example.

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Gina was mocking trans people. Bought into the maga lie of the 2020 election. Mocked people for wearing masks during the pandemic. She compared her getting criticized for her idiotic posts to being oppressed like the Jews. No, she is just a stupid bitch.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Gina was mocking trans people. Bought into the maga lie of the 2020 election. Mocked people for wearing masks during the pandemic. She compared her getting criticized for her idiotic posts to being oppressed like the Jews. No, she is just a stupid bitch.

And you called for the death of millions of people, which is infinitely worse.  Does that make you a stupid bitch, too?

pokoko said:
Leynos said:

Gina was mocking trans people. Bought into the maga lie of the 2020 election. Mocked people for wearing masks during the pandemic. She compared her getting criticized for her idiotic posts to being oppressed like the Jews. No, she is just a stupid bitch.

And you called for the death of millions of people, which is infinitely worse.  Does that make you a stupid bitch, too?

Domestic terrorists in suits whose flag may as well be red. And it's not millions in office.

But I come to VGchartz to talk games not Nazi's so this topic is dull. Peace out.

Last edited by Leynos - on 08 July 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

curl-6 said:
zorg1000 said:

Are you equating people getting kicked out of Hollywood for being socialist to people getting kicked out of Hollywood for being accused of things like rape, misogyny, racism & transphobia?

Who are the examples of celebrities who were unjustly cancelled for having conservative views?

You only have to express an opinion to the right of Karl Marx on a public space to get harassment, threats, exclusion from your peer group, and possibly being doxed and fired from your job.

I'm not even conservative, at least not on most issues, but I've been called a fascist and told I deserve to die just for saying I'm not responsible for what people who look like me may have done centuries before I was born.

As for victims of cancel culture, a quick google search will find you countless examples of people losing their jobs and/or being ostracized for expressing mainstream conservative views shared by millions if not billions of people.

Heck, I'll give you one from my own life; just this year someone from my workplace messaged me on Facebook looking for dirt on another coworker of ours to try to get him fired. His crime? Being white, male, and conservative.

Wow, great examples. “Just google it” & “I know a guy”

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

I think we can separate "Old Republicans" from MAGA to a certain degree but Republicans who say and do nothing as the MAGA cult takes over their party because they either don't care or put party over everything else are just as complicit in what follows. While I don't agree with the vast majority of Conservative/Republican talking points, there are some who split from MAGA in certain key issues to me, such as Ukraine support, NATO and European security, I appreciate that, I mean I dislike the Tories in every single way still but I can say at least unlike the MAGA cult they won't bend over backwards for daddy Putin.

But "Old Republicans" who say they don't like MAGA must actually speak out against them, they must ensure that Trump loses the election in 2024 and put this MAGA cult to its grave, if Trump wins in 2024 then the MAGA cult will take over the Republican Party completely, it must be shown that Trump cannot win anymore. Too often have I seen GOP House/Senate only call out MAGA when they're leaving office or after Trump lost, only to immediately jump back on the Trump band-waggon, I can only really remember Adam Kinzinger or Liz Cheney ripping into MAGA during their time in office.

I won't defend MAGA though and I'm not going to lose my mind and talk shit about Democrats because Leynos of VGChartz said something bad, not when there's actual Republicans in positions of power constantly trying to harm people, whether it's the abortion bans which actually are more dangerous for women and do result in deaths or demonising the LGBTQ+ community to the point of leading to increased suicides or violence against them, don't be surprised when people fight back when you treat them like worthless, not even human, shit and try to take away their rights. Lets not forget how many Ukrainians will die because of MAGA.

And fuck me there's not a single far-left in the Democrat Party in an position of power, the furthest left people were "The Squad" and the Democrats basically shunned them, nowadays AOC is far more centre than she used to be because she realised it was the only way to get things done with the Democrat Party. Meanwhile there's multiple MAGA lunatics in the Republican Party who are scaring other Republicans into submission, the last Republican House Speaker was booted out because of this cult, the current one delayed Ukraine aid by months because he was terrified of this cult, we have Trump who isn't even in a position of government authority demanding Republicans kill border bills (that they desperately screamed for) because he didn't want to give a win to Democrats.

What about the violence from the MAGA cult on January 6th where they tried to overthrow their own damn government and resulted in deaths? Truly a fucking embarrassing moment in America's history. How about the GOP Candidate Who Called for Obama’s Execution or Oklahoma GOP Candidate Who Called Killing Gay People ‘Totally Just’ or Florida State Republican Lawmaker Calling For All Palestinians To Die or Ex-GOP Gov Candidate Calling For ‘Firing Squad’ For Transgender Allies or Texas GOP Proposing Potential Death Penalty for Women Who Get Abortions or Republican State Senator Calling LGBTQ+ People 'Filth' When Asked About Death of Nonbinary Student or Trump, Paul Gosar Suggesting Gen. Mark Milley Deserves Death or GOP Rep Supports Foreign Law That Allows Death Penalty for Being Gay or GOP Candidate Calling For Garland's Death or Trump Supporters Calling For Riots and Violent Retribution After Verdict or Republican Senator Suggesting Peaceful Protesters Would Be Thrown Off Bridge in Home State or Kari Lake Encouraging Supporters to Strap 'On a Glock' For 2024 or Rep. Paul Gosar Posting a Video Depicting Violence Against Ocasio Cortez and Biden or Trump Not Ruling Out Political Violence If He Loses, Saying He Would Consider Pardoning All The Jan 6th Violent Thugs or North Carolina GOP Gov Nominee Mark Robinson Endorsing Political Violence or Project 2025 Architect Signalling Bloodshed If Left Opposes Them

Where is the Republican condemnation for all this violent rhetoric? Some from their own damn officials? Barely a peep of criticism, but Leynos of VGChartz says something bad and it's all "This is why Democrats suck! Wow so intolerant!" Give me a break, Lol. Democrats are always expected to be the adults in the room, they must always be perfect and well spoken even in the face of constant abuse and attacks and the moment they say something stupid, it's all "Democrats so violent!" while ignoring all the shit Republicans do/say.

Yes, what Leynos said was wrong (when it comes to Republicans as a whole) but give a break with the bed wetting condemnation of all Democrats because of a user on VGChartz when you have all of the above, from GOP candidates, GOP officials, MAGA supporters. Not to mention the bloody Neo-Nazis performing marches on the regular now, how many times do we see those lunatics flying the flag of Nazis or the Confederate Flag.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 July 2024