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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

konnichiwa said:
Ryuu96 said:

Foreign policy tends to rank low in the things people care about when it comes to an election doesn't it? If Trump wins, I believe it will almost entirely be down to the economy/cost of living but I'm still leaning towards a Biden win despite what some polls are saying, I'll worry when we're a month or two from election.

Biden needs to focus on bringing cost of living down, the Republicans don't exactly have a good attack angle for immigration anymore, like what? The Democrats are letting immigrants flood into our country! Okay, it was the Republicans who blocked the border bill based on orders from Trump, Lol. Need to make sure everyone knows who is to blame for ripping away women's bodily rights too.

1) Those bills tends to include other stuff like aid for country x, more taxes, etc.

2) In less than a year the Republicans can come with an better bill, Democrats kind of fecked it up, they were extremely Pro-Immigration and Anti-Trump's administration but it backfired thanks to the high number of immigrants coming in the last years.  

Let's face it Republicans sending Immigrants with busses to Pro Democrat states like NY was a great move. 

NY being an insane expensive place to live while meanwhile closing down schools/take over hotels so immigrants can live their will make people angry

Ny being an state that was so left winged and having protests with 'Feck blue lives' has reduced the police force , but when this happens around a time criminality is on the rise people will be fed up.

Whatever the democrats do or say the Pro Immigrants open border sticker is hard to remove....

1.) this one didn't. 

2.) just like the Republican replacement to the ACA? Republicans aren't interested in doing a good job governing. 

It helps that the open border sticker is imaginary. 

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One more thought, the next debate is Sept. 10, so Biden has another chance to redeem himself. Don't quit on the guy yet. But, that debate will probably be the last one no matter what happens.

BFR said:

One more thought, the next debate is Sept. 10, so Biden has another chance to redeem himself. Don't quit on the guy yet. But, that debate will probably be the last one no matter what happens.

Biden should be three months older then.

KLAMarine said:

Biden should be three months older then.

I mean, so will Trump, and he's from a family with a history of rapid-onset dementia.

He just needs not to mumble and go on these long tangents that are clearly memorized from debate prep. That's how Carter fumbled the ball 44 years ago. (And that was never going to work for an 81-year-old man with a stutter.)

Ramble. Get under Trump's skin. Omit and simplify if you must. Debates are a clash of personalities, not facts.






Leynos said:

I don't like politics but Trump isn't politics he is the face of a Nazi party who wants a dictatorship. I'd vote for a moldy sandwich over Trump or any Republican. Kill all Nazis. Kill all Republicans. Jail the actual politicians who suck. (no Rebub is a politician at this stage)

* Yes the mods see the comment. It will be discussed.

It will be discussed?.. Calls for murdering republicans will be discussed, not outright condemned?

Around the Network
KLAMarine said:
Leynos said:

I don't like politics but Trump isn't politics he is the face of a Nazi party who wants a dictatorship. I'd vote for a moldy sandwich over Trump or any Republican. Kill all Nazis. Kill all Republicans. Jail the actual politicians who suck. (no Rebub is a politician at this stage)

* Yes the mods see the comment. It will be discussed.

It will be discussed?.. Calls for murdering republicans will be discussed, not outright condemned?

Yep.  Absolutely absurd and it would not be allowed the other way.  

Very sad and disappointing.


I recall Bandorr ripping into me and shaming me for pointing out someone still lived at home with his parents.  Yet someone calls for my murder and Bandorr, well he will discuss it, maybe.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - 1 day ago


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

As a European, married to a US citizen born in Charleston SC, and with a daughter with US citizenship, my wife a Democrat voter since she was old enough to vote, it terrifies me that these types of posts exist, and that the forum moderation doesn't know how to act.

I would like to see the nanoseconds it would take to give a permaban or long ban to someone who made the comment but about democrat party voters. Just because someone is sympathetic to an ideology doesn't make them have to protect someone who makes these types of comments.

I selfishly hope Biden wins the election, it is what I think is in the best interest of the USA and the rest of the world, especially Europe, but it would cause me a very unpleasant feeling if this kind of comments were allowed without a harsh response from the forum moderators.

KLAMarine said:

It will be discussed?.. Calls for murdering republicans will be discussed, not outright condemned?

You realize condemnation requires a discussion, right? 

How long will someone get banned for, what does the mod note say? 

Not to mention this is done at the mercy of what is happening to the mod team. Personally I'm on vacation, I'm about a thousand miles away from my desktop and I'm painstakingly trying to type this stuff on my phone. 

If this happened a week ago, I would have been able to get to it sooner. 

Chrkeller said:

Yep.  Absolutely absurd and it would not be allowed the other way.  

Very sad and disappointing.


I recall Bandorr ripping into me and shaming me for pointing out someone still lived at home with his parents.  Yet someone calls for my murder and Bandorr, well he will discuss it, maybe.  

You sure love to make up stories where you're the victim, don't you? 

Bandorr asked the mods who were active in politics to ban as the comment was not to be tolerated. I don't think two of those mods have even been online since bandorr asked. It's mostly came down to me. And I didn't personally have an opportunity until this morning. 

And on this note, I personally have a harder time writing a mod note as I personally believe that's more of a reflection on the mod team, whereas writing a response to someone as my own response is substantially easier. 

the-pi-guy said:
KLAMarine said:

It will be discussed?.. Calls for murdering republicans will be discussed, not outright condemned?

You realize condemnation requires a discussion, right? 

How long will someone get banned for, what does the mod note say? 

Not to mention this is done at the mercy of what is happening to the mod team. Personally I'm on vacation, I'm about a thousand miles away from my desktop and I'm painstakingly trying to type this stuff on my phone. 

If this happened a week ago, I would have been able to get to it sooner. 

Chrkeller said:

Yep.  Absolutely absurd and it would not be allowed the other way.  

Very sad and disappointing.


I recall Bandorr ripping into me and shaming me for pointing out someone still lived at home with his parents.  Yet someone calls for my murder and Bandorr, well he will discuss it, maybe.  

You sure love to make up stories where you're the victim, don't you? 

Bandorr asked the mods who were active in politics to ban as the comment was not to be tolerated. I don't think two of those mods have even been online since bandorr asked. It's mostly came down to me. And I didn't personally have an opportunity until this morning. 

And on this note, I personally have a harder time writing a mod note as I personally believe that's more of a reflection on the mod team, whereas writing a response to someone as my own response is substantially easier. 

Pretty sure, by default, someone calling for my murder, in fact makes me a victim.

And Bandorr did rip me a new one sometime last year.  It sure as **** didn't require a discussion.

Your post is shameful.  Someone literally is calling for murder.  And yet you are coming at me?

People in this thread are wondering what is taking so long to condemn the call for murder.  I don't think that is an unfair question.


The larger point is it should be understandable that Republicans, such as myself, were rather bothered by the post. 

Last edited by Chrkeller - 1 day ago


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:

Pretty sure, by default, someone calling for my murder, in fact makes me a victim.

And Bandorr did rip me a new one sometime last year.  It sure as **** didn't require a discussion.

You all don't have to admit it, but favorites are being played.

Your post is shameful.  Someone literally is calling for murder. 

You're not a victim of the mod team. That was my point. 

Because as I mentioned personal posts don't require discussion, mod notes generally do. 

Favorites are not being played. If I was not on vacation, Bandorr wouldn't have bothered putting that it was being discussed. I would have been able to ban right away. 

>The larger point is it should be understandable that Republicans, such as myself, were rather bothered by the post. 

I was bothered too. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - 1 day ago