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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Tober said:
TallSilhouette said:

By literally asking Russia to interfere in our elections, completely looking the other way when they do and even put bounties on the heads of American soldiers, going out of his way to legitimize Putin's regime and delegitimize NATO, pressuring Ukraine to surrender to Russia, need I go on?

Tober said:

I am mentioning facts and you answer by mind reading. Mind reading does not exist. An political analyst on media channels cannot mind read as well, so don't take those to seriously.

I thought you were against removing context from replies. Is that just for thee but not for me? I already gave you a sourced example of Trump abandoning our allies that you disingenuously ignored. I don't have to read minds; Trump has stated repeatedly that he is against funding Ukraine's defense and thinks they should at the very least surrender the territory they've lost to Russia if not submit to them entirely. Denying funding (like he tried to extort them for before) would accomplish that on its own. By merely paying attention to his own words and actions you would know that Trump would quite literally let Russia march into Kyiv unopposed. Only one of us seems to actually be arguing in good faith, though.

I'm not an American citizen, so I don't have a vote in this. But America has the biggest influence in world peace, so I have an opinion on it.

Bush lied to invade Irak, causing a million death.

Under Oboma the Arab Spring started that got Lybia in ruins to this day, causing Mass human trafficking to Europe from Africa and gave rise to ISIS. And Crimea was annexed by Russia.

Trump's first foreign visit was with the Arab league, where he demanded people from their countries to stop funding ISIS. And ISIS folded soon after. Why did Obama not stop the funding for ISIS in the six years prior? I don't know, because mind reading does not exist.

Under Biden, The Northstream pipeline was blown up, The door to Nato for Ukraine was opened and Russia invaded Ukraine. Biden gives Ukraine just enough not to have Russia win, but never enough for Ukraine to win. Guaranteeing a perpetual war.

Bush, Obama, Biden all put policies in place for perpetual war somewhere in the world. Good for the industrial Military complex, bad for millions suffering.

For sure there are a million domestic reasons if you are an American citizen, who you would support or not. But as a non American the world felt safer with trump in office. I prefer pounding of own chest over dropping bombs any day in the week.

If you believe I'm arguing in good faith or not, is up to you. I would not know what I would have to gain if I would not be arguing in good faith though.

Trump is facing 91 felonies, and was successfully sued for rape..RAPE.  Sure the world is a safer place with Trump.

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the-pi-guy said:
Tober said:

That is quite the take, assuming people don't care about children when they are born?

Children are a miracle, only in an evil world they are regarded as shackles.

Ok, so support little Timmy's cancer treatment, support little Sally's school lunch, support Jenna being able to go to daycare so her mom can work.

Republicans are consistently cutting back support for families and kids. If you're only pro-life when it's convenient for you, as someone else's burden, you're not particularly pro-life. If you're not willing to support life, when it's inconvenient to you, then you're not pro-life. You're just an anti-abortion virtue signaler. 

Wow. Children a burden? You like me to pay everything for your children?

In a world where non will take responsibility for themselves, we look at the state as our god.

Communities have no problem helping each other, without the state needing to force them. I'm not a republican by the way.

zorg1000 said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Yep I do agree that my perspective was narrow. I was trying to see a view as if I was someone that doesn’t get involved in politics. 
what are your thoughts on the other two positions I mentioned?

what are your thoughts on each individual position from the two presidents?

“this particular platform shows that President Trump cares for the quality of the US population. It also shows that he wants US citizens to have labor force jobs like, trades, manual jobs, agriculture, construction, etc.”

I don’t mean to sound like a dick but my thoughts are that you have no idea what you are talking about. Trump and the GOP do not care about the quality of the US population. This is the guy who told people not to wear masks, to inject bleach and take horse dewormer during Covid and repeatedly called to reopen everything before we could do so safely. His immigration policy basically comes down to, black/brown/poor? No entry. White/wealthy? Come on in!

You say Trump supports trades/manual labor jobs but it’s Biden who signed the Infrastructure bill into law that is investing in fixing roads, bridges, ports, railways, electric grid, provide clean drinking water, expand public transit, expand broadband access, improve transportation safety, etc. It also has provisions that steel must be American made rather than imported. It was also Biden who signed the CHIPS & Science Act that gives incentives to semiconductor manufacturers to build factories in the US. He also signed the Inflation Reduction Act that gives tax credits for EV vehicles with the provision that they are assembled in the US. Between these three bills, we are seeing massive support for manual/trade jobs like general laborers, iron workers, pavers, masons, metallurgists, assembly workers, truck drivers, rail workers, heavy equipment operators, electricians, pipe fitters, engineers, etc. Many of these jobs don’t require a college degree and are well paying union jobs.

Basically Trump is all talk as he repeatedly said he would have “Infrastructure Week” and pass a big infrastructure bill while Biden has actually delivered on this front while also showing support for labor unions like rail and auto workers.

As for the other topic, it’s very transphobic.

Thanks for the information, rather great stuff.

President trumps remarks about not wearing masks, and drinking bleach and ivermetcin (horse dewormer), were to try and get the country back into shape as fast as possible because the masks we were given/purchased had and still have huge flaws (N-95 were the only positively accepted ones that were not purchased by the common US citizen), was a joke he made in a press conference, and ivermetcin doesn't kill anyone if used correctly (medicines of all kind are for the benefit of humanity, some work for some people, and for others a medicine might not, the human body is truly a remarkable feat of creation), respectively. Though I did think it was weird when people started to take it, but I understand, people were fearful and didn't want to die so they did almost everything imaginable to stay alive.

"His immigration policy basically comes down to, black/brown/poor? No entry. White/wealthy? Come on in!"
Where is this related quote from him ever during his 2020-2024 campaign speeches?

Well, that's how I see it only based on his platform for 2024.
Yes, Biden did do those things, I'm wondering what are his trades/manual jobs values for his 2024 campaign? As of now I see that he wants to continue to enforce both the Chips and Science Act, and the Infrastructure and Jobs Act, which have shown some positives. I'm just wondering if there's another I'm missing.
I'm only looking at their 2024-2028 political platforms, because those are values that both want to focus on.

Ok, I am just focusing on what will be the outcome. Also both Presidents have this in their political platform. So are President Biden and President Trump both transphobes?

I also don't care about this back and forth, "you are wrong, and I am right" kind of thinking and attacking, why can't people think critically about what the platforms would do to the US and effectively the world?

(Personally I think the best kind of thinking is done when you try to see both sides of the discussion, and ponder on the backstory, the effects it has now, and the effects for the future, and top it all off with prayerful revelation.)

Also I hope that my tone wasn't angry, or aggressive, typing in a neutral tone is difficult haha. Im just trying to make sure both sides are getting heard from. When people stop talking to those they might not agree with, terrible things are on the rise.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Tober said:

Children a burden?

Yes conservatives seem to view other people's children as a burden, and don't want to do anything to help them out. 

Tober said:

You like me to pay everything for your children?

My children? No, I make really good money. 

My children are well taken care of. But I know that I'm one of the lucky ones. 

Tober said:

In a world where non will take responsibility for themselves, we look at the state as our god.

Communities have no problem helping each other, without the state needing to force them. I'm not a republican by the way.

Nah in a good free country, the "state" is just the collective community taking care of each other. 

It's appointing people to be truckers to clear snow off the roads, it's appointing people to come up with the rules that work for the community. 

In a good country, the state isn't a ruling class that forces people to do things. It's the people voting on how to best take care of each other. 

Communities have tons of problems helping each other. If you're black in a predominantly white community, if you're gay in a very homophobic community. Has always been the case, even before "the state" existed. 

Shtinamin_ said:
zorg1000 said:

“this particular platform shows that President Trump cares for the quality of the US population. It also shows that he wants US citizens to have labor force jobs like, trades, manual jobs, agriculture, construction, etc.”

I don’t mean to sound like a dick but my thoughts are that you have no idea what you are talking about. Trump and the GOP do not care about the quality of the US population. This is the guy who told people not to wear masks, to inject bleach and take horse dewormer during Covid and repeatedly called to reopen everything before we could do so safely. His immigration policy basically comes down to, black/brown/poor? No entry. White/wealthy? Come on in!

You say Trump supports trades/manual labor jobs but it’s Biden who signed the Infrastructure bill into law that is investing in fixing roads, bridges, ports, railways, electric grid, provide clean drinking water, expand public transit, expand broadband access, improve transportation safety, etc. It also has provisions that steel must be American made rather than imported. It was also Biden who signed the CHIPS & Science Act that gives incentives to semiconductor manufacturers to build factories in the US. He also signed the Inflation Reduction Act that gives tax credits for EV vehicles with the provision that they are assembled in the US. Between these three bills, we are seeing massive support for manual/trade jobs like general laborers, iron workers, pavers, masons, metallurgists, assembly workers, truck drivers, rail workers, heavy equipment operators, electricians, pipe fitters, engineers, etc. Many of these jobs don’t require a college degree and are well paying union jobs.

Basically Trump is all talk as he repeatedly said he would have “Infrastructure Week” and pass a big infrastructure bill while Biden has actually delivered on this front while also showing support for labor unions like rail and auto workers.

As for the other topic, it’s very transphobic.

Thanks for the information, rather great stuff.

President trumps remarks about not wearing masks, and drinking bleach and ivermetcin (horse dewormer), were to try and get the country back into shape as fast as possible because the masks we were given/purchased had and still have huge flaws (N-95 were the only positively accepted ones that were not purchased by the common US citizen), was a joke he made in a press conference, and ivermetcin doesn't kill anyone if used correctly (medicines of all kind are for the benefit of humanity, some work for some people, and for others a medicine might not, the human body is truly a remarkable feat of creation), respectively. Though I did think it was weird when people started to take it, but I understand, people were fearful and didn't want to die so they did almost everything imaginable to stay alive.

"His immigration policy basically comes down to, black/brown/poor? No entry. White/wealthy? Come on in!"
Where is this related quote from him ever during his 2020-2024 campaign speeches?

Well, that's how I see it only based on his platform for 2024.
Yes, Biden did do those things, I'm wondering what are his trades/manual jobs values for his 2024 campaign? As of now I see that he wants to continue to enforce both the Chips and Science Act, and the Infrastructure and Jobs Act, which have shown some positives. I'm just wondering if there's another I'm missing.
I'm only looking at their 2024-2028 political platforms, because those are values that both want to focus on.

Ok, I am just focusing on what will be the outcome. Also both Presidents have this in their political platform. So are President Biden and President Trump both transphobes?

I also don't care about this back and forth, "you are wrong, and I am right" kind of thinking and attacking, why can't people think critically about what the platforms would do to the US and effectively the world?

(Personally I think the best kind of thinking is done when you try to see both sides of the discussion, and ponder on the backstory, the effects it has now, and the effects for the future, and top it all off with prayerful revelation.)

Also I hope that my tone wasn't angry, or aggressive, typing in a neutral tone is difficult haha. Im just trying to make sure both sides are getting heard from. When people stop talking to those they might not agree with, terrible things are on the rise.

Your whole paragraph about Trump and Covid reads as damage control and defending the indefensible. Joking or not, he was terrible, it was the worst pandemic in a century and he constantly downplayed its severity, ignored the country/world’s top health officials and gave out downright dangerous advice. I’ll give him credit for Operation Warp Speed which got us a vaccine quickly but then did little to nothing to convince people to get the vaccine and his base quickly became anti-vax.

I think the difference between us is that you are simply looking at their campaign platforms, in other words, taking their words as gospel. On the other hand, I believe talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. Trump served 4 years and Biden is on year 4 so what they say means very little, they both have a track record that we can look back on and see what they actually accomplished and where they stand on issues.

Trump’s time as president consisted of a big tax cut for the wealthy, appointed SC Justices that led to the overturning of Roe, deregulation, backed out of various international agreements, attempted to take healthcare away from millions of people, tons of xenophobia (Muslim travel ban, “CHYNA!/kung flu/China virus”, “good people on both sides”, “they’re bringing drugs/crime/rapists”, “shithole countries”, trans military ban, etc), and as stated above downplayed the worst pandemic in a century.

As for Biden, like I stated in previous posts, under him we have gotten improvements in infrastructure, manufacturing, gun safety, healthcare, veteran care, mental health, women/LGBT/minority protections, scientific research, labor unions, drug reform, student debt relief, tax enforcement, elections reform and currently in negotiations over child poverty & border security.

I don’t need to see/hear their party platforms, I know where they stand and what they support. This is also not even considering all of Trumps legal issues such as tax evasion, bank fraud, defamation, sexual assault, hush money, stolen documents, election subversion and two previous impeachments.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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Overall with everything in politics I was wondering if anyone else here decides not to vote like myself.


hellobion2 said:

Overall with everything in politics I was wondering if anyone else here decides not to vote like myself.

It is a constitutional right to vote.
You have that decision to vote, and the decision for whom.

Personally, I would tell you to vote.
We must uphold the US Constitution, it is sacred, and demands our attention. For without it America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, will fall. It will fall just as the Roman Empire did, unless we uphold the Constitution.

I wish that this election won't separate people further apart from each other.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

hellobion2 said:

Overall with everything in politics I was wondering if anyone else here decides not to vote like myself.

I think both Biden and Trump suck, each scary in their own way. 

I'll vote 3rd party for the presidential (for the 4th time in a row now). Local elections will also be on ballots and those are arguably more important / have a more direct impact on me so while tempted not to vote, I still should.

Dante9 said:

The Biden administration has brought the country to the brink of civil war. If this doesn't sober you up, nothing will.

Yeah I'm a results guy.  Russia's invasion started once Biden got in.  Immigration was under control before.  I have about 1/40th the wealth I had when Biden took office and businesses all around agree, the economy sucks no matter what the numbers on the TV says.  Nobody has money.  The world is on the brink of WW3 and all the people that we were fearmongered would be aggressive with Trump have been moreso under Biden.  Also Biden did the slimiest thing ever by taking credit for jobs "created" by lifting shutdowns.  What a bunch of BS inflated numbers.

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Dante9 said:

The Biden administration has brought the country to the brink of civil war. If this doesn't sober you up, nothing will.

Yeah I'm a results guy.  Russia's invasion started once Biden got in.  Immigration was under control before.  I have about 1/40th the wealth I had when Biden took office and businesses all around agree, the economy sucks no matter what the numbers on the TV says.  Nobody has money.  The world is on the brink of WW3 and all the people that we were fearmongered would be aggressive with Trump have been moreso under Biden.  Also Biden did the slimiest thing ever by taking credit for jobs "created" by lifting shutdowns.  What a bunch of BS inflated numbers.

Think for yourself, what events happened in 2020 that disrupted all supply chains around the world causing massive inflation not just in the USA, but everywhere?  Biden didn't cause inflation in Europe, in China, in Japan, in the USA. Covid is why inflation happened, covid is why you don't have the buying power you once had (although if you stayed invested you are doing just fine)