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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Police clash with pro-Palestine protesters in Montreal

Tear gas is fired as police clash with protesters during a rally on Thursday in support of Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, in Montreal, Canada


Israeli protesters march towards Jerusalem, demand captives release

A group of Israeli protesters is marching towards Jerusalem as part of a three-day demonstration to pressure the Israeli government to sign a deal for the release of the remaining Israeli captives held in Gaza. They are expected to reach the city tomorrow.

Ceasefire negotiations resumed last week with US, Israeli, Qatari and Egyptian officials shuttling between Egypt and Qatar to find an agreement.

Yesterday, Hamas accused Israel of “stalling to buy time to foil the current round of negotiations”, while White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said there are “still miles to go before we close – if we are able to close” a deal.

Chances to seal a deal remain slim as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed that he would not sign any agreement that did not allow Israel to achieve its war’s goals, including the destruction of Hamas.

Israeli government seeks extension of military service to 36 months: Report

The Israeli government has approved the extension of the mandatory military service to 36 months for the next eight years, according to the Israeli media. The decision will be put to a vote at the next cabinet meeting on Sunday.

As the war grinds on after nine months, the Israeli army has been looking at how to strengthen its military, as well as recruiting additional forces. In June, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that ultra-Orthodox Jews will be drafted into the military reversing a decades-long exemption for the religious students.

Protesters take to the street in Amman in support of Palestinians

Dozens of demonstrators light lights in the streets of the Jordanian capital in a show of support for Palestinians in Gaza

Around the Network

Gaza talks explore alternative to Israeli troops on Gaza-Egypt border: Report

Israeli and Egyptian ceasefire negotiators are in talks about an electronic surveillance system along the border between Gaza and Egypt that could allow Israel to pull back its troops from the area if a ceasefire is agreed. That’s according to two Egyptian sources and a third source familiar with the matter quoted by the Reuters news agency.

The question of whether Israeli forces stay on the border is one of the issues blocking a potential ceasefire deal because both Hamas and Egypt are opposed to Israel keeping its forces there.

Israel is worried that if its troops leave the border zone, referred to by Israel as the Philadelphi Corridor, Hamas could smuggle in weapons and supplies from Egypt into Gaza via tunnels that would allow it to re-arm and again threaten Israel.

A surveillance system, if the parties to the negotiations agree on the details, could therefore smooth the path to agreeing to a ceasefire.

Netanyahu’s office dismisses report over Israeli troops pulling back from Egypt-Gaza border

Netanyahu’s office has called a report saying Israel has been discussing the possibility of pulling back from the border between Gaza and Egypt “fake news”.

Earlier in the day, Reuters quoted three sources as saying ceasefire negotiators were in talks over an electronic surveillance system along what Israel calls the Philadelphi Corridor to stop weapons smuggling from Egypt into Gaza.

“The prime minister insists that Israel will remain in the Philadelphia axis,” a statement from the prime minister’s office said, referring to the strip of land in Gaza bordering Egypt. It added that Netanyahu’s position had been made clear to mediators, US officials and the Israeli cabinet.

Hamas proposes ‘national, nonpartisan’ government to take over Gaza: Report

Husam Badran, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, says the group has “proposed that a government of national, nonpartisan competencies take over the administration of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank after the war”. That’s according to the Palestinian Information Center, a Hamas-affiliated news outlet.

The report quoted Badran as saying that “managing the Gaza Strip after the war is an internal Palestinian matter, and we will not discuss the day after the war in Gaza with any external parties”.

“We call on the international community to put pressure on the party obstructing the negotiations and force it to stop the aggression against Gaza,” he said, according to the report.

Biden hints at progress in Gaza ceasefire talks

US President Joe Biden has hinted at progress in ongoing diplomatic efforts to achieve a ceasefire deal in Gaza, saying both Israel and Hamas have agreed to a “framework” he laid out six weeks ago.

Biden, in late May, detailed a proposal of three phases aimed at achieving a ceasefire. This included the release of the captives held by Hamas in Gaza and of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza and the rebuilding of the coastal enclave.

While there is still work to do, “my team is making progress and I’m determined to get this done,” the US president added.

Disagreement between Netanyahu, Mossad complicating ceasefire talks: Israeli media

Israeli media outlets are reporting that disagreements between Netanyahu and intelligence chief David Barnea are complicating diplomatic efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all captives.

The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation quoted informed sources saying Netanyahu has been tightening his position while conducting negotiations almost single-handedly.

Israeli Channel 12 said Barnea did not voice support for the new negotiating conditions set by Netanyahu. Yedioth Ahronoth also confirmed that the prime minister and the Mossad chief did not see eye-to-eye on the Gaza ceasefire framework.

Netanyahu has hardened his demands for a ceasefire on several issues this week, including the possibility of maintaining operational control of the Palestinian side of Gaza’s Rafah Crossing at the Egyptian border.

Netanyahu reverses on key Israeli concession in ceasefire talks

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reneged on a key Israeli concession in ceasefire negotiations, demanding that armed men be barred from returning to northern Gaza during an eventual ceasefire, an Israeli source familiar with the talks told CNN.

Israel had previously agreed to allow Palestinians fully unrestricted access to northern Gaza during an eventual ceasefire, but the Israeli Prime Minister told his negotiating team this week to demand that armed men be barred from northern Gaza as part of any ceasefire and hostage deal, the source said.

The new demand could potentially upend progress in hostage negotiations and raises further questions about Netanyahu’s commitment to Israel’s own proposal for a deal that has become the basis for detailed negotiations.

A deal isn't going to happen as long as Netanyahu is in power and Biden refuses to put his foot down. Netanyahu will keep coming up with new demands every time a deal might seem close.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 12 July 2024

ICJ to issue advisory opinion on Israeli occupation on July 19

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will issue an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory on July 19, the court said in a news release.

The UN’s highest court held historic hearings into Israel’s occupation in February of this year. The court heard from 52 countries and three organisations on the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

Amnesty having double standards as well? No mention of the deaths, torture and abuse in Israeli prisons under administrative detention...

Amnesty International calls for ceasefire, release of captives

“A ceasefire by all parties is the most urgent step to alleviate mass suffering, prevent further loss of life, and ensure the protection of all civilians,” Amnesty International says in a statement.

The group also called on Hamas and other armed groups to “immediately release civilians held hostage in Gaza” as families of captives demonstrated in Israel.

“Hostage-taking is a war crime. Those still alive have spent over nine months now held hostage, away from their loved ones. There can be no justification for inflicting such trauma and anguish on them and their families,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s senior director for research, advocacy, policy and campaigns.

The did back in November

“We also call on the Israeli authorities to release all Palestinians detained unlawfully, including those held without charge or trial in administrative detention.  Those expected to be released include many children – the youngest aged 14 – many whom are detained but have not yet been convicted. Israel must abide by its obligation to release arbitrarily detained Palestinian prisoners at all times.

“In recent weeks Amnesty’s research has highlighted an alarming deterioration in conditions for Palestinian detainees including punitive torture and humiliation of detainees, a spike in the use of administrative detention and the imposition of abusive ‘emergency’ measures in prisons facilitating cruel and inhumane treatment of detainees. Arbitrary detention and torture and other ill-treatment are war crimes when committed against protected persons in an occupied territory.

With the conditions in Israeli prisons continuously getting worse, more people getting 'abducted' from the West Bank and Gaza daily, more and more evidence coming out of torture, abuse, overcrowding, deliberate starvation, disappearance, Amnesty picks one side...

They are fully correct a ceasefire needs to happen now and the hostages need to be returned home. But why suddenly the one sided view versus what the said in November. Why aren't they advocating against the horrible abuses is Israeli military detention centers.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 12 July 2024

Katz slams Erdogan’s comments on NATO cooperation with Israel

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has hit out at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for rejecting NATO cooperation with Israel.

“First of all, Erdogan, you decide nothing,” Katz said on X, adding that a country that supports Hamas and “the Iranian axis of evil” should not be a member of the Western alliance.

Erdogan earlier told a news conference at the NATO summit in Washington that “until comprehensive, sustainable peace is established in Palestine, attempts at cooperation with Israel within NATO will not be approved by Turkey.”

Decisions at NATO must be approved unanimously by all members, so Turkey can block a push by NATO to cooperate with Israel.

US Muslim groups launch fund to back students who advocate for Palestine

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and A Continuous Charity (ACC) have launched a new fund that will support “students targeted for their pro-Palestine advocacy on college campuses”.

Protests on college campuses against Israel’s war in Gaza swept across the US earlier this year, and many students have faced arrest or academic sanctions over their activism.

In May, UN special rapporteur on the right to education, Farida Shaheed, said that “pro-Palestinian protesters are disproportionately affected by the harsh response”, which has included suspensions, expulsions, evictions from university housing and cancellation of food support programmes.

CAIR and ACC said 70 percent of all donations for the new fund will go towards providing interest-free educational loans to students, while 30 percent will go towards “grants for students who have lost scholarships, housing, or other support because of their advocacy”.

Next watch a push from Aipac to declare CAIR a terrorist group for funding anti semitism...

‘We must not forget Gaza’: Bernie Sanders

As US and international attention turns to the American election and Biden’s political struggle, Senator Bernie Sanders has stressed the need to keep focus on the suffering in Gaza.

“While much of the media is focused on the drama of the US presidential election, we must not lose sight of what is happening in Gaza, where an unprecedented humanitarian crisis continues to get even worse,” the progressive US senator said in a statement.

He highlighted the growing death toll and hunger and hygiene crises in the besieged territory.

“Yet, in the midst of this horror and violations of international law, the United States continues to send billions of dollars and thousands of bombs and other weapons to support this war. We, as Americans, are complicit,” Sanders said.

Ex-Israeli PM warns Israel has ‘no defence’ for crimes in West Bank

Ehud Olmert, who led the Israeli government in the mid-2000s, has issued a warning for Israeli leaders over the escalating settler violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

He suggested that the country will not be able to defend itself if charged with crimes over its conduct there.

“I am warning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: The day is drawing near when arrest warrants will be issued against you for the crimes being carried out every day in Judea and Samaria by Israel, with the support of its government, while you intentionally turn a blind eye to it,” he wrote in an op-ed for Haaretz, using a biblical name for the West Bank.

“The events in Gaza can be defended, because it’s possible to claim they are not a result of policy, order or intention by Israel, not even by you. In the worst case, as we all know, you are not really managing, leading or directing. After all, you’re not responsible for anything.”

How deluded are Israeli politicians, reading the last paragraph. The effect of decades of impunity.

Poll finds majority of Israelis want Netanyahu to resign

A poll by Israeli news outlet Channel 12 has found that 72 percent of the Israeli public want Netanyahu to resign over the October 7 Hamas attack.

According to the poll, 44 percent of respondents believe Netanyahu needs to quit now, while 28 percent say he should resign after the war in Gaza ends.

The poll also found that 64 percent of respondents favour a ceasefire deal that would free Israeli captives in Gaza.

Families of captives say Netanyahu’s behaviour in negotiations ‘reckless’

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum has denounced Netanyahu’s hardening position during negotiations on a ceasefire in Gaza that could free the captives held in the besieged territory.

“Netanyahu’s behaviour is reckless. This is an opportunity that we may never get again,” the organisation was quoted as saying by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. “It’s now or never. By the time everyone comes to their senses and works together, there might not be anyone to bring back. The families address the prime minister – we stand behind the Netanyahu deal, now it is your turn to stand behind the deal you put on the table.”

The comments come after media reports that Netanyahu was hardening his position amid disagreements with his own team, including intelligence chief, David Barnea.

Netanyahu ‘running the clock’ on Biden

As Biden faces growing calls for him to step aside as a presidential candidate amid concerns over his age, he is likely to have little “political capital” left to take a hard line with Israel, Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara says.

“Biden has been weakened over the past several weeks, and already over the past several months, he refused to put enough pressure on Netanyahu to change course,” Bishara said.

“There’s no doubt that Netanyahu is running the clock on Biden, that he is waiting for the next administration,” he said.

Meanwhile, Bishara added that many US voters in places like Michigan, where Biden is currently holding a campaign event, “are really stuck in this choice between tyrant Trump and genocide Joe”.

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More about the NATO summit

UNRWA’s Lazzarini says funding guaranteed until September

Speaking to the press after a pledging conference, UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini says funding for the UN Palestinian refugee agency had been guaranteed through September.

He added that the pledged amount was not yet known but would be disclosed in the coming days.

Out of the 16 countries that suspended funding after Israeli allegations against UNRWA, 14 have now resumed funding. The US and the UK did not resume funding, but Lazzarini said he was confident Britain – which elected a new government last week – would soon resume its financial support.

Israel claims charity worker killed in strike was Hamas fighter

The Israeli military has alleged, without providing any evidence, that one of the four aid workers with a UK-based charity that it killed was a member of Hamas’s internal security forces.

Hossam Mansour was among four Al-Khair Foundation staffers killed when the Israeli military bombed a warehouse in al-Mawasi, west of Khan Younis in southern Gaza, on Friday.

The Israeli military claimed that Mansour “took a significant and continuous part in the preservation and presence of Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip, while undermining Israel’s efforts in the region”.

Israel has previously accused the Al-Khair charity, which provides food assistance to people in Gaza, of transferring funds to Palestinian armed groups “under the guise of humanitarian activity”.

In April, Israeli forces killed seven aid workers from US-based NGO World Central Kitchen in an air strike, and has killed 195 staff with the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) since October.

The Al-Khair foundation donated to UNWRA which Israel wants to designate as a terrorist organization that undermines Israel's ethnic cleansing ideology, so I guess in their eyes it's the 'truth'.

Gaza’s ‘vicious cycle’ of malnutrition, disease as number of displaced people grows

The 1.9 million people displaced by Israel’s war on Gaza face “harrowing conditions”, the UN reports in its latest situation update, including at one shelter in central Gaza’s Deir el-Balah where 14,000 people have access to only 25 toilets.

Worsening malnutrition is also making people vulnerable to disease in a “vicious cycle” of inadequate food, lack of clean water, little sanitation and lack of access to basic health services, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says in its latest Gaza report.

And the mass killing continues, with 182 people reported killed and 458 injured between Monday and Thursday this week alone.

Hamas wants guarantees Israel won’t resume war after Gaza captives freed

Ahmed Abdul-Hadi, the head of Hamas’s political office in Lebanon, has told The Associated Press (AP) news agency that the Palestinian organisation wants written guarantees from mediators that Israel will not return to war after the first group of Israeli captives held in Gaza is released.

Both sides have agreed on a general framework for a ceasefire deal, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that any agreement “must allow Israel to return to fighting until all the objectives of the war are achieved”, which includes the destruction of Hamas.

Hamas insists that “negotiations should continue for a permanent ceasefire until a permanent ceasefire is reached”, as opposed to the wording in the current ceasefire proposal, under which the ceasefire should continue as long as negotiations continue.

“Netanyahu can stop the negotiations and thus resume the aggression” at any time, Abdul-Hadi told the AP. “We want something in writing to ensure that negotiations continue … in order to reach a permanent ceasefire,” he said.


Palestinian fighters in better position ‘than in early days of war’, says Hamas official

More from the AP interview with Ahmed Abdul-Hadi, the head of Hamas’s political office in Lebanon:

Abdul-Hadi said the “military situation is very solid for the resistance and is better than the early days of the war”, while denying reports that Hamas leaders inside the war-torn territory had exerted pressure on leaders outside to accept the current ceasefire proposal due to the pressure of Israeli military attacks on the Palestinian enclave.

He also said that Hamas does not expect to resume its role as the governing party in Gaza after the war.

The form of future governance in Gaza, Abdul-Hadi said, will be “a Palestinian matter that is agreed upon by the Palestinian people” and is not part of the current ceasefire talks.

“We do not want to rule Gaza alone again in the next phase,” he said. “We want to have a partnership and national consensus.”

A meeting between Hamas and its main rival, Fatah, is expected to take place in China later this month after being postponed last month, he said.

Argentina designates Hamas a terrorist organisation

Argentina has designated Hamas a “terrorist organisation” and ordered a freeze on all of the group’s financial assets, in a largely symbolic move by the country’s far-right President Javier Milei, as he seeks to align more closely to the US and Israel.

Announcing the decision, Milei’s office cited the Hamas-led October 7 attacks on southern Israel, in which some 1,200 people were killed and 250 people taken captive.

“Argentina must once again align itself with Western civilization,” Milei’s office said.

On his first state visit as president in February, Milei flew to Jerusalem in a show of support for the Israeli government and promised to move his nation’s embassy to the contested capital – drawing praise from Netanyahu and criticism from Palestinians.

Although raised a Roman Catholic, Milei says he has a deep spiritual connection with Judaism. He is a staunch supporter of Israel, and compared the October 7 attacks to the Holocaust, describing them as “21st-century Nazism”.

I was still living in the Netherlands when the now King of the Netherlands married Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti, daughter of a war criminal in Argentina.

Argentina has long taken pride in its European heritage. The mass migration of 7 million Europeans, mostly Spanish and Italian, between 1850 and 1950, created a racial profile many Argentinians feel distinguishes their country from the rest of Latin America even today.

It fits, outlier to the 'Global South', wants to be like Europe.

Life inside the UN school shelters targeted for attack by Israel

An estimated 1.9 million people are displaced in Gaza due to Israel’s unrelenting war on the Palestinian territory.

Palestinian families who fled their homes due to Israeli attacks have sought refuge where they can, many in school converted to shelters for the displaced across the Gaza Strip.

Last week, Israel carried out air strikes against four shelters in four days, killing dozens of Palestinians and leaving many injured. Here’s a look inside one school shelter in Dier el-Balah in central Gaza:

Tent camps on the grounds of the UNRWA-run school shelter in Deir el-Balah on Thursday

Washed clothes hang from balconies at a school operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza’s Deir el-Balah on July 11

Classroom converted to sleeping dormitories at the school shelter

Israeli forces pull back to Gaza coastal road after attack on Tal al-Hawa area

Israeli forces have reportedly redeployed along the coastal road in northern Gaza and south of Gaza City after withdrawing from the battered city’s Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood at dawn on Friday, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) report.

Palestinian fighters continued to blast Israeli forces with rocket-propelled grenades and improvised explosive devices west of Tal al-Hawa on Friday, according to the ISW/CTP report, as Israel’s ground offensive against Gaza City enters a second week amid reports of a “massacre” of civilians in the neighbourhood.

South of Gaza City, Israeli troops deployed on the Netzarim Corridor came under fire from mortars and rockets, while Palestinian fighters continued to battle in Rafah city in the south where they fired mortar shells and rockets at Israeli troops.

Rockets and mortars were also fired towards military targets in Israel on Friday, in at least three attacks launched from Gaza, the US-based defence think tanks said.

Israeli military announces operations across the Gaza Strip

The Israeli military has announced that it has carried out several operations across the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, including:

  • The Israeli military’s 162nd Division continues to fight in the Rafah area in southern Gaza, where it has destroyed several tunnel openings and eliminated a “number of terrorists”.
  • The 99th Division continues to fight in Gaza City in northern Gaza, where it has killed a “number of terrorists” in face-to-face clashes.
  • The Nahal Brigade detected a “terrorist cell” consisting of three Palestinian fighters who fired rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) shells at Israeli forces. Israeli fighter jets bombed and killed them near a tunnel opening.
  • Israeli fighter jets bombed a parachute warehouse used by Hamas in the Rafah area.

Palestinians, some using donkey carts, make their way over rubble and past destroyed buildings after the Israeli military withdrew following a two-week offensive in the Shujayea neighbourhood, east of Gaza City, on July 11