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Israeli forces release director of al-Shifa Hospital

Israeli forces have released Muhammad Abu Salmiya, director of the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, an Al Jazeera correspondent has confirmed.

Abu Salmiya was arrested on November 23 during the first Israeli military operation in the medical complex.

Prisoners held by Israel are going through ‘tragic conditions’: al-Shifa Hospital director

Israel released al-Shifa Hospital director because prisons are full: Report

The director of al-Shifa Hospital, Muhammad Abu Salmiya, has been released along with dozens of other Palestinians because the Israeli prisons are full, according to the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation.

Since the beginning of the war, Israeli forces have arrested hundreds of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, while the exact number of detainees in Israeli prisons is not known.

Ben-Gvir calls release of al-Shifa Hospital director ‘security negligence’

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has called for the dismissal of the head of the Shin Bet internal security service over the release of al-Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya.

That’s according to Israel’s Army Radio quoting Ben-Gvir from the Israeli government’s WhatsApp group. Ben-Gvir also made the remarks on X saying Abu Salmiya’s release was “security negligence”.

“The time has come for the Prime Minister to stop [Defense Minister Yoav] Gallant and the head of the Shin Bet from conducting an independent policy contrary to the position of the Cabinet and the Government,” he said.

Around the Network

Relatives of detainees flock to Al-Aqsa Hospital after Israel releases more than 50 Palestinians

This morning, dozens of Palestinians have flocked to Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, where some detainees arrived after their release from Israel, according to Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency Sanad.

Some people inquired about the fate of their missing relatives still in Israeli prisons. Former detainees reassured them that they were safe despite the difficult conditions they endure, such as torture and starvation.

Thousands of Palestinians ‘going through hell on earth’ in Israeli prisons

Mansour Shouman, a Palestinian journalist and humanitarian who witnessed Israel’s war in Rafah and Khan Younis, has told Al Jazeera that “there are thousands more like Dr Muhammad Abu Salmiya who had been detained by Israel in the wrongful way over the past few months”.

“They are in terrible conditions both mentally and physically. They have no access to proper food or water, they are being tortured. They are going through hell on earth right now,” he said.

“Similar to how the international governments and organisations put pressure on the Israeli government to free Muhammad Abu Salmiya, we call upon them to also work towards freeing the thousands of other Palestinian detainees who are in those detention centres right now,” Shouman added.

Palestinian detainees must be part of truce talks until their release: Al-Shifa Hospital director

Abu Salmiya is one of 55 Palestinian detainees Israeli authorities released earlier today. This is what he told reporters from Nasser Hospital in Gaza’s Khan Younis:

“All the Palestinian detainees are suffering. I left them in a very dire condition. My message is that their issue must be part of any negotiations until all the Palestinian detainees are released,” he said.

“Al-Shifa Hospital will be rebuilt and it will be once again a beacon of healthcare for all the Palestinians, not only Gazans. I will resume my duties as soon as it is feasible.”

Each Palestinian prisoner lost about 30kg: al-Shifa chief

Abu Salmiya has shared more information at a news conference about his experience in an Israeli prison. Here are his main points:

  • Many prisoners were killed in the interrogation cells, and we left behind thousands of detainees held by Israeli forces.
  • The Israeli occupation forces have no regard for red lines. They are dealing with the detainees as if they are solid objects. They are torturing Palestinian detainees day and night.
  • Even the Israeli medical staff, instead of providing healthcare to the Palestinian detainees, are beating, battering and torturing.
  • Israeli doctors and nurses beat and torture Palestinian prisoners and treat the bodies of detainees as if they were inanimate objects.
  • Every prisoner held by Israeli forces lost about 30kg (66 pounds) of weight, with food being denied.
  • The occupation did not bring any charges against me despite holding a trial three times, which means that they arrested me for political reasons.
  • We were subjected to severe torture, and Israeli forces stormed the prisoners’ cells and assaulted them on an almost daily basis.
  • We did not meet lawyers, nor did any international institution visit us.
  • For two months, none of the prisoners ate more than one loaf of bread a day.

Palestinian men who had been detained by Israeli forces speak to reporters as they arrive for a checkup at Al-Aqsa Hospital in central Gaza

Gantz condemns release of al-Shifa’s Abu Salmiya from Israeli detention

Benny Gantz, former member of Israel’s war cabinet, has condemned the release of al-Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya from detention, calling for the dismissal of “whoever made the decision”.

He also called on Netanyahu to “close some government offices to free up space and budget for prisoners”, referring to the reports that 55 prisoners, including Salmiya, were freed because Israel’s prisons were full.

Netanyahu orders inquiry into al-Shifa Hospital chief’s release

The Israeli PM has ordered an immediate inquiry into the release of Palestinian prisoners from Gaza, including the director of al-Shifa Hospital Muhammad Abu Salmiya, according to his office.

The release, which prompted condemnation from various Israeli political figures, came in the wake of discussions conducted by the Supreme Court on a petition submitted against their detention in the Sade Teman camp of the Negev, Netanyahu’s office said.

It was not clear who filed the petition.

The office said, “The identity of the released prisoners is determined independently by security officials based on their professional considerations.”

Lack of space not behind al-Shifa Hospital chief’s release: Israel Prison Service

Contradicting earlier Israeli media reports, the state agency responsible for overseeing prisons in Israel says the lack of space in Israeli prisons isn’t the reason behind the release of Dr Muhammad Abu Salmiya.

The Israeli army and Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, made the decision to free him along with dozens of other Palestinian detainees, Israel Prison Service was quoted as saying by Israel’s Army Radio.

Yair Lapid slams government ‘chaos’ over release of Dr Abu Salmiya

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid criticised the government over the release of the director of Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital.

“This morning’s news and the chaos in the government over the release of the director of al-Shifa Hospital is a direct continuation of the lawlessness and dysfunction of the Israeli government that damages the security of Israel’s citizens,” Lapid said on X.

“The defence minister [says he] did not know, the national security minister [says he] was not involved – [an] exchange of accusations. Everything is leaked. This is what moral and functional disintegration looks like.”

The Israeli media reported earlier Dr Muhammad Abu Salmiya was released along with dozens of other Palestinians because Israeli prisons were full.

Dr Mohammad Abu Salmiya, third right, speaks to the media on Monday

Three freed Palestinians reach Deir el-Balah hospital

We reported earlier that dozens of Palestinians were released from Israel’s prisons this morning.

A video released by Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) shows three former detainees walking along a road after being left by the Israelis at Abu Holi Junction, south of Deir el-Balah, central Gaza.

The PRCS crews gave them water, checked their vital signs, and transported them to a hospital.

Freed Palestinians confirm Israel’s ‘criminal behaviour’: Hamas

Hamas says the condition of the prisoners released today and their testimony “confirm the criminal behaviour of the [Israeli] occupation”.

The international community and the United Nations must protect detainees, it said in a statement.

Hamas also called on the International Committee of the Red Cross to reveal the fate of thousands of Palestinian detainees taken by Israeli forces from Gaza, which it alleged are being hidden in “inhumane conditions”.

Dr Muhammad Abu Salmiya with his family after his release on Monday


Released doctor’s life in danger after Israeli incitement: Monitor

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor expressed fear for the life of Dr Muhammad Abu Salmiya “after a storm of violent reactions in the Israeli government regarding his release”.

The rights group said in a statement that the doctor’s life could be in “serious danger” and warned of “the possibility of re-arresting him or targeting him and killing him directly and deliberately”.

“The release of the director of the medical complex and his colleagues without charges is evidence that the pretexts for storming and destroying the hospital are flimsy arguments,” it said.

“We hold Israel fully responsible for the doctor’s life after launching a wide political and media campaign against him.”

Dr Mohammed Abu Salmiya of Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital with his family

I'm glad he's finally back with his family. Hopefully he survives and gets to rebuild his hospital.

Another PR disaster for Israel which only cares about why he was released, not even one word about the conditions in its prisons. The only thing was 5 days ago to (further) reduce the amount of food for prisoners.

Last edited by SvennoJ - 2 days ago

Smotrich slams release of al-Shifa Hospital head as a ‘scandal’

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich says the release of the director of al-Shifa Hospital “is a scandal and a major failure”.

“I appealed to the prime minister, demanding an immediate investigation into this failure and to demand answers from all those responsible without exception in order to ensure that nothing of this kind will happen again,” he was quoted as saying by Israeli media.

Dr Muhammad Abu Salmiya was released with dozens of other Palestinians early on Monday after being held without charge for months.

Ex-prisoner describes ‘severe interrogation and torture’

Farj al-Samouny, a Palestinian prisoner released earlier today, says he was detained on November 16 at an Israeli checkpoint in central Gaza after being ordered to evacuate.

He told Al Jazeera from Deir el-Balah, in central Gaza, that he was arrested in his neighbourhood near the so-called Netzarim axis where his father, brothers and some cousins were killed in Israeli military attacks.

“We were put under severe interrogation and torture. When you enter the interrogation room, the officer starts firing gunshots from his firearm, creating panic,” he said.

Al-Samouny said prisoners were repeatedly asked where Israeli captives were. “I [said] had no idea. I am a farmer. After that, he started firing again even close to my ears, causing them to bleed.”

Detainees were stripped down to their underwear. “Every Palestinian prisoner was put to the same conditions from morning until evening. Our hands and legs were cuffed and we were blindfolded,” al-Samouny said.

Prisoners who needed to go to the toilet were subjected to even harsher treatment, he noted.


Hepatitis, scabies, and chickenpox outbreaks in central Gaza

In a displacement camp in Gaza’s Deir el-Balah, pharmacist Sami Hamid said skin infections are on the rise, particularly among children “because of the hot weather and lack of clean water”.

“The number of skin infections has increased, especially scabies and chickenpox”, as have hepatitis cases probably linked to untreated sewage flowing right beside tents, said Hamid.

Wafaa Elwan, displaced from Gaza City, said “no clean water” or basic hygiene products are available at the tent city.

“We no longer wash our children as before” and “treatment is not widely available”, Elwan said. “My son … can’t stop scratching.”

Around the Network

Israeli settlers injure three Palestinians near Nablus

Three Palestinians have been injured in an attack by Israeli settlers in the village of Asira al-Qibliya in the south of Nablus, according to Palestine’s official news agency Wafa.

Sources in the Palestinian Red Crescent told the agency that one of the injured was severely beaten, while the other two were injured by stones being thrown at them.

Israeli settlers pollute stream to deprive Palestinian residents of potable water: NGO

Israeli settlers have dumped waste into the al-Auja Spring, north of the Wast Bank city of Jericho, to deprive Palestinians of potable water, the al-Baidar organisation for defending the rights of the Bedouins told the Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Hassan Mlihat, the organisations’ general supervisor, said the surrounding Bedouin communities used to fill their tanks at the stream for personal consumption and to feed their cattle.

He added that the dumping of toxic waste posed a threat to the health of residents in the short and long term, as well as an imminent environmental danger, in violation of international law.

Islamic Jihad member says resistance growing in West Bank

Ali Abu Shaheen, a member of the political bureau of the Islamic Jihad, has told Al Jazeera Arabic that resistance in the West Bank is growing more organised.

While Israel used maximum force on the West Bank, including deploying fighter jets, Abu Shaheen claimed the army had been forced to reduce ground raids given that it was confronted with more effective resistance methods.

The representative also accused the US of running the war in Gaza and criticised it for attempting to downplay the crimes committed by Israel.

Israeli military orders ‘immediate’ evacuation of eastern Khan Younis

The Israeli army has ordered Palestinians living in eastern areas of Khan Younis, Gaza’s second-largest city, to urgently leave. “For your safety, you must evacuate immediately to the humanitarian zone,” the military’s Arabic-language spokesman Avichay Adraee said in a post on X.

It’s unclear which “humanitarian zone” Adraee alluded to. Recent orders told Palestinians to go to the al-Mawasi area, however, that camp city has repeatedly been attacked. Such evacuation orders generally signal imminent ground assaults by Israeli troops and tanks, such as the operation launched last week in northern Gaza City’s Shujayea district.

Rocket barrage in response to ‘crimes of the Zionist enemy’

The Israeli military evacuation order for eastern Khan Younis comes after the armed group Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) fired a barrage of rockets into Israel. Fighters launched about 20 rockets towards several Israeli communities near the fence with Gaza in response to “the crimes of the Zionist enemy against our Palestinian people”, PIJ said.

The volley caused no casualties, the Israeli military said. But the attack shows Palestinian fighters still possess rocket capabilities almost nine months into Israel’s invasion. The evacuation orders suggest Israeli forces will return to the area, which they left several weeks ago.

Israel almost done eliminating Hamas military capabilities: Netanyahu

Israel is almost finished with eliminating Hamas’s military capabilities in Gaza, according to Netanyahu.

“We are advancing to the end of the phase of eliminating the terrorist army of Hamas, and there will be a continuation to strike its remnants,” Netanyahu said, according to a statement from his office.

Israeli army strikes Gaza City, killing Palestinians

Al Jazeera’s correspondent in the Gaza Strip and local Palestinian sources are reporting that, a short while ago, the Israeli army shelled a gathering of people near Abdel Aal junction on al-Jalaa Street, in the west of Gaza City.

Our correspondent says that this attack caused the deaths of at least two people and the injury of at least 10 others.

Video shows residents evacuating eastern Khan Younis

A video posted by local residents and verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking Sanad unit shows Palestinians in the eastern part of Khan Younis preparing to leave the area after an Israeli evacuation order.

Some of the injured were wheeled away on their beds, while others cried as they boarded carts jammed with their belongings.

The UN has said that virtually every Palestinian in Gaza has been displaced multiple times since the beginning of the war on October 7.

Israel has ordered residents to urgently leave to an unspecified “humanitarian zone”

Palestinians flee the eastern part of Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip

Hezbollah says it targeted Israeli soldiers in northern Israel

The Lebanese group says it attacked a building used by troops in the Ramot Naftali Jewish settlement with “appropriate weapons” claiming “a direct hit”.

Israeli army claims more strikes in southern Lebanon

The Israeli army says it struck two buildings where Hezbollah operatives had gathered in southern Lebanon’s Aitaroun and Ayta Ash Shab.

The military did not specify whether there had been any casualties. It claimed striking several Hezbollah facilities today, including in the village of Blida, Kfar Kila and al-Bayyaada in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah claims strike on the Israeli-occupied Kfar Shuba

Lebanon’s Hezbollah has claimed a strike on Israeli positions in Kfar Shuba, the town nearest the occupied Shebaa Farms, a contested territory occupied by Israel in the Six Day War of 1967.

The group said it targeted the al-Samaqa site with artillery shelling and “achieved a direct hit.” No casualties have so far been reported.

Hezbollah claims strike on Israeli kibbutz used by military

Lebanon’s Hezbollah group has claimed to have hit Israeli army positions in Kfar Giladi, a settlement in northern Israel.

The kibbutz was being used by the Israeli military as the ongoing exchanges of fire across the border forced residents to evacuate.

Hezbollah appears to be intensifying its cross-border attacks as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week that Israel would soon redirect its focus towards Lebanon.

Lufthansa suspends night flights to and from Lebanon

Germany’s Lufthansa Group halted night flights to and from Beirut until July 31 because of the escalating security situation.

The spokesperson said the change began on June 29 and daytime flights would operate as before.

Swiss International Air Lines, a Lufthansa Group subsidiary, also said it would move its Beirut night flights to the daytime until the end of July “due to the political developments at the border between Lebanon and Israel”.

The exchange of cross-border attacks between Hezbollah fighters and Israeli forces have taken on a sharper edge in recent days with both sides threatening full-scale war.

Anti-war protest outside Wimbledon against Barclays

Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside Wimbledon with a giant tennis ball and strawberries “tainted with Palestinian blood” to demonstrate against sponsorship of the tennis event by Barclays.

The protest, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, saw about 100 demonstrators stand outside the main entrance to the southwest London tennis club on the first day of the Grand Slam competition.

Protesters set up a giant tennis ball with the words “Barclays sponsors Wimbledon and genocide” written on it, along with plates of strawberries covered in red sauce.

Queuing fans looked on as protesters chanted “stop bombing schools, and stop bombing hospitals”.

Lewis Backon, 28, a spokesman for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said Barclays finances companies supplying weapons to Israel in “its genocidal assault on Palestinians in Gaza”.

US lawmaker announces anti-Gaza encampment bill

US Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, believed to be on a shortlist of Donald Trump’s potential choices for vice president, says in a statement that she introduced the “No Tax Dollars for College Encampments Act”, which would tie federal accreditation of US universities to the existence of policies aimed at stopping “encampments, campus building takeovers, and other civil disturbances on campuses”.

Her statement says this bill follows “anti-Israel encampments rising up on university grounds across the country”, referring to the worldwide spread of campus protests against the war in Gaza and against universities having financial ties to Israel that kicked off this spring.

“This legislation would prevent the disgraceful mob riots we saw overtake campuses across the country including Columbia University and make sure school leaders are enforcing policies against hostile campus takeovers,” Stefanik’s statement quotes her as saying.

Palestinians resist unprecedented silencing in the US

In the past nine months, national and local authorities in the United States have tried to suppress and criminalise Palestinian activism and expressions of identity.

Security forces have quelled peaceful protests, officials have made sweeping accusations of anti-Semitism against protesters, and various public figures have ridiculously labelled wearing the Palestinian chequered keffiyeh scarf and using the word intifada (Arabic for “uprising”) code for “wiping out Israel”.

But just as British imperial support for Zionism faced resistance in the last century, so does US support today experience unprecedented pushback by Palestinians and their American and global allies.

Thousands gather in Tel Aviv for peace conference

Israeli media and social media users are reporting that thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have gathered for the conference, titled “The Time Has Come”.

They are demanding an end to the war, the return of Israeli captives held in the Gaza Strip and a deal to secure future peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.

Translation: Wow Wow wow! There is a camp for peace and resistance to war and occupation in Israel! Thousands upon thousands of Jews and Palestinians now at the Great Peace Conference since the war began. We are here not only to oppose war and occupation, but also to demand a reality of freedom, equality, security and independence for everyone in this country.

Staff at European Hospital say evacuating patients ‘extraordinarily difficult’

Evacuating patients from the European Hospital in Khan Younis following an Israeli order is “extraordinarily difficult”, Jeremy Hickey, an anaesthesiologist with the nonprofit organisation Fajr Scientific, has told Al Jazeera.

Hickey had been working at the medical facility in southern Gaza for two weeks when his colleagues learned through social media of an evacuation order for the eastern part of the city.

The hospital later received a formal request to promptly evacuate. The anaesthesiologist relocated to Deir el-Balah, in central Gaza, but said that many patients remained at the medical facility, which was among the few functioning ones in Gaza.

“There are around 500-600 patients at the hospital, all had some family with them,” he said. A few critical patients were transported to Nasser Hospital but relocating the rest will be a hard task because of fuel prices and the nature of their injuries, he added.


Families displaced from Khan Younis sleep on the ground

We’ve been reporting on the evacuation orders issued by the Israeli army ordering residents of the eastern part of Khan Younis, in south Gaza, to leave their homes and places of shelter.

Video posted by local Palestinian sources shows exhausted families who fled lying on the ground after finding no place to take shelter this evening.

After evacuation orders, attack on Khan Younis leaves dead, injured

Local sources report that at least one Palestinian has died and at least six others have been injured after the Israeli army shelled a house in the eastern area of Khan Younis.

Footage obtained by Al Jazeera shows the arrival of those killed and injured in the attack at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, where citizens were forced to transport the victims through civilian cars due to the inability of ambulances to reach the place.


Red Crescent says Al-Amal Hospital overcrowded amid inflow of patients from European Hospital

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) says the Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis is overflowing with patients as more are transferred from the European Hospital after the Israeli army issued an order to evacuate the eastern part of the city.

Some had first been moved to Nasser Hospital but the medical facility also became overcrowded, requiring a new transfer to Al-Amal Hospital.

The Al-Fukhari area, where the European Hospital is located, is among several areas that received the evacuation order, which generally signals an imminent ground assault by Israeli troops and tanks.

A timeline of Israeli evacuation orders and displacement in Khan Younis

Here’s a look at some of the key moments in Israel’s months-long assault on Khan Younis:

December 5, 2023
Israel expects its “military operation” in Khan Younis to last up to four weeks, a senior Israeli defence official tells US news outlet Axios.

Israeli forces surround Khan Younis, with many of the thousands of Palestinians who are forced to flee the city seeking refuge in neighbouring Rafah.

February 14, 2024
Israel orders the evacuation of Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis while Israeli snipers fire on anyone moving on the grounds of the facility and nearby.

April 8, 2024
Israeli troops withdraw from Khan Younis in preparation for a ground invasion of neighbouring Rafah, with Palestinian residents returning to find the city in ruins.

May 6, 2024
Tent camps for the displaced in Khan Younis swell after Israel orders 1.4 million Palestinians seeking shelter in neighbouring Rafah to evacuate.

June 23, 2024
Israeli tanks approach the al-Mawasi “safe zone” between Rafah and Khan Younis days after an Israeli strike killed 25 people there, forcing thousands more Palestinians to flee to Khan Younis.

July 1, 2024
Israel issues an evacuation order for eastern Khan Younis, telling residents to flee to an unspecified “humanitarian zone”, which appears to not exist in the Gaza Strip as no area is considered safe from attack by the Israeli military.

Palestinians displaced by the Israeli air and ground offensive flee from parts of Khan Younis following an Israeli army evacuation order

Last edited by SvennoJ - 1 day ago