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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Thousands rally in Morocco and Yemen in solidarity with Gaza

In Morocco, the demonstrations took place in several cities including Fez, Meknes, Tangier, Kenitra, Agadir, Berkane, Oujda, and Jerada.

The protesters called for action to support the Palestinian cause and the delivery of aid, considering the immense suffering and humanitarian crisis in the blockaded enclave.

In Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, crowds gathered and raised banners with messages such as: “There is no dignity for nations without victory for Gaza.”

Similar demonstrations took place in other provinces, including Hodeidah, Hajjah, Saada, Taiz, and Ad Dali.

Protesters in Sanaa, Yemen take part in a demonstration in solidarity with Palestinians

Another one, Viva Espana

Spain to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel

The International Court of Justice says Spain has requested to join the case filed by South Africa at the World Court, which accuses Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention in its war on the Gaza Strip.

South Africa brought its case against Israel in late December, accusing it of committing genocide against Palestinians in the besieged territory.

Spain announced it was joining the case earlier this month, shortly after Turkey announced it would also join.

Trump repeats use of ‘Palestinian’ as a slur

Donald Trump has called US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer a “Palestinian”, a day after using the same word to insult US President Joe Biden.

“He’s become a Palestinian. He was very loyal to Israel and to Jewish people. But he’s become a Palestinian because they have a couple more votes or something,” Trump said about Schumer, who is Jewish, at a campaign rally in Virginia on Friday.

During the first presidential debate with Biden in Atlanta, Georgia on Thursday, former President Trump had said Biden was “a very bad Palestinian” who does not want to help Israel “finish the job” against Hamas in its war on Gaza.

Ayah Ziyadeh, director of American Muslims for Palestine, told Al Jazeera that Trump’s use of the term “bad Palestinian” was “very blatantly racist”.

“Using Palestinian as a slur shows the depths of racism that exists here,” Ziyadeh said.

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US proposes new language in effort to reach Gaza ceasefire deal: Report

Washington has proposed revised language for the Biden-backed captives-for-ceasefire deal in an effort to bridge the gap between Israel and Hamas, three anonymous sources have told US news outlet Axios.

The three sources said the US revisions are being proposed with Qatari and Egyptian mediators and are focused on Article 8. Article 8 relates to the negotiations that will be held between Israel and Hamas during the first stage of the temporary ceasefire, in order to secure the second stage.

“The US is working very hard to find a formula that will allow reaching a deal,” one of the sources told Axios. Another source said if Hamas agrees to the new language “it will allow [all parties] to close the deal”.

Talks on the current deal, which the US claims was tabled by Israel, have been stalled for weeks. Senior Israeli officials have provided conflicting messages about their commitment to a permanent ceasefire, while Hamas has demanded guarantees of an end to the fighting in Gaza.

Israel has not provided conflicting messages at all, Netanyahu has been crystal clear he only wants phase one. Only a temporary pause to exchange some of the hostages. He has said that many times as well as the rest of the war cabinet. (With some calling for resettlement of Gaza) Changing the language isn't going to bridge the gap between permanent/lasting/enduring ceasefire and temporary pause for hostage exchange.

US is smart enough to know Hamas can't be tricked with language foolery. Hamas has been dealing with Israel's weasel ways since their creation. So I guess this is just more propaganda to keep directing all the blame on Hamas.

Israel’s Ben-Gvir says Canada ‘anti-Semitic’ following sanctions on ‘extremist’ settlers

Poll shows two-thirds of Israelis want Netanyahu to leave politics

A poll conducted by Israel’s Channel 12 shows that about two-thirds of Israelis believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should not seek reelection and leave politics.

Only 27 percent of respondents in the poll wanted him to compete in Israel’s next elections, while 66 percent thought he should step down. Even among voters for parties in Netanyahu’s right-wing religious bloc, only 53 percent thought he should run again.

Some 85 percent of respondents also wanted a commission of inquiry to be held to investigate the failures surrounding the October 7 infiltration of Israel by Hamas.

Netanyahu is enduring intense criticism from members of Israel’s opposition, far-right members of his own coalition, and the Israeli public over his handling of Israel’s war on Gaza and captive-for-ceasefire negotiations.

Belgium, Jordan, EU in new call at UN for protection of Palestinian children

The “Call to Action for Palestinian Children in the West Bank and Gaza” was launched by the Belgian, Jordanian and European Union missions at the United Nations on Friday, and calls on all member states to join the initiative.

The call for action involves five points, Belgium and Jordan’s mission to the UN said in posts on social media:

  • Calling on all parties to reach an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
  • Respect for international human rights and humanitarian law in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.
  • Ending “grave violations” against Palestinian children, including the release of those held in detention and in captivity – in the West Bank and Gaza.
  • “Safe and unrestricted humanitarian access” in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.
  • The sponsors of the call also pledge to support scaled-up UN responses for the needs of Palestinian children in Gaza and the West Bank.

EU slams Israeli plans to legalise settlement outposts

The European Union has condemned the announcement by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to legalise five outposts in the occupied West Bank as “another deliberate attempt at undermining peace efforts”.

In a statement, an EU spokesperson noted that bloc’s leaders at a meeting this week had condemned the Israeli government’s decisions to further expand illegal settlements and urged it to reverse them.

“In line with its longstanding common position and UN Security Council Resolutions, the EU will not recognise changes to the 1967 borders unless agreed by the parties,” it said.

The EU said that steps taken by Israel to weaken the Palestinian Authority (PA) must stop and urged it to release withheld tax and customs revenues owed to the PA “and to take the necessary measures to ensure that correspondent banking services between Israeli and Palestinian banks remain in place”.

When are you actually going to do something though. Enough with the slamming, denouncing, condemning and so on, sanctions are long past overdue. Stop the weapon shipments. Nothing but cheap talk from the European Union.

Palestinian fighters launch 24 attacks on Israeli forces in Shujayea: Monitors

Palestinian fighters have carried out at least 24 attacks on Israeli forces, who began advancing into Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood on Thursday, US-based defence think tanks the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) report.

The rate of attacks by Palestinian fighters in Shujayea compares with the Israeli ground invasion of Jabalia in May, which saw 33 attacks launched against Israeli forces in the first 24 hours in what became some of the toughest combat Israeli forces had faced since their ground invasion of Gaza.

In their latest daily update on fighting in Gaza, the joint ISW/CTP report also notes that Palestinian fighters on Friday carried out an attack with rocket-propelled grenades on Israeli troops and a combat outpost located to the south of Gaza City.

In southern Gaza, Palestinian fighters continued to put up a defence in Rafah on Friday with Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade conducting rocket and mortar attacks on Israeli troops in the city, and a Hamas sniper killing a soldier in the city’s east.

Battles rage in North Gaza as Palestinian fighters ambush Israeli troops

Palestinian fighters engaged Israeli forces in fierce battles in northern Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood a day after tanks and troops rolled in and sent tens of thousands of terrified civilians fleeing.

The Israeli military has flattened the entire residential area, leaving Shujayea a ghost city with barely any traces of human life.

Bodies in the streets after Israeli offensive in Shujayea

Palestinian fighters engaged Israeli forces in fierce battles in northern Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood, a day after tanks and troops rolled in and sent tens of thousands of terrified civilians fleeing.

Shujayea used to be a densely populated neighbourhood, bustling with life. But the Israeli military has flattened the entire area during two ground offensives, leaving it a ghost city with barely any traces of human life, reports Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent Ismail al-Ghoul.

“The entire area has been totally destroyed, levelled by the Israeli occupation forces. Troops carried out two ground offensives into Shujaiya. Now, there is no sign of human life,” al-Ghoul said. “It’s now a ghost city.”

As al-Ghoul and an Al Jazeera crew was filming, they found a body lying in the middle of what once was a temporary shelter. No one was able to approach the body to bury it for fear of being targeted by Israeli forces.

The man’s body was one of several corpses found lying on the ground, in addition to many injured victims stranded without any assistance.

Four family members killed while gathering water

In the past hour, the Israeli forces targeted a group of Palestinians (in Gaza City) trying to fill up water containers in one of the water distribution points. Four Palestinians from the same family, the al-Ghazi family, were killed in this shelling. Among them was a child.

We saw a video online showing the child in the arms of his father, covered with blood, lying on the ground before the paramedics were able to go and transfer them to the hospital.

Appeals made online for Palestinians trapped in Shujayea neighbourhood

The al-Ghazi family was trying to fill up gallons of water in Gaza City when artillery shelling targeted them.

There were a lot of appeals online, calls for Palestinians trapped in the Shujayea neighbourhood, not being able to leave their houses. Most of them have been injured by Israeli artillery.

They’re trapped in the house not being able to leave, because the Israeli forces are targeting anyone who tries to leave or move with quadcaptors and drones.

Gaza’s death toll rises

At least 37,834 people have been killed and 86,858 wounded in Israeli military attacks on Gaza since October 7, the enclave’s Health Ministry says. Of those, 40 Palestinians were killed and 224 wounded in the past 24-hour reporting period, the ministry added.

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Israeli bombing kills 4 in Sabra, Gaza City

Israeli bombing kills two in Rafah

At least two people have been killed in an Israeli bombing near al-Istiqama mosque in the al-Jeneina neighbourhood, east of Rafah, an Al Jazeera correspondent reports.

A number of others were injured when Israeli forces opened fire in the vicinity of al-Alam roundabout, west of Rafah.

Aftermath of Israeli raid on al-Mawasi area, northwest of Rafah

Palestinians inspect a destroyed car following an Israeli raid in a displacement camp area

Palestinians collect salvageable items following an Israeli raid

‘We ran for our lives’ as Israeli warplanes ‘carpet bombed’ al-Mawasi

An overnight Israeli military operation in al-Mawasi resulted in a number of casualties and displacement of at least 5,000 people.

“We were sitting peacefully in our tent and all of a sudden the area was carpet bombed by the Israeli warplanes. The air strikes closed in on our neighbourhood,” a survivor recalled to Al Jazeera.

“I heard neighbours crying. Israeli tanks were also shelling the area. We all ran for our lives, leaving everything behind. All of a sudden the Israeli tanks invaded the area, coupled with helicopter and drone attacks. I saw bodies in pieces and flesh all over the place.

“I carried my children and ran for our lives. We do not know where to go, just walking with the crowds. Many were killed and injured. This was supposed to be a safe zone, but nowhere is safe at all.”

Medical sources say 31 Palestinians killed since dawn

Medical sources have told Al Jazeera that 31 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli bombing of various areas in the Gaza Strip since dawn.

An Al Jazeera correspondent reported that the bodies of 13 people had been recovered in the city of Rafah since this morning.

Palestinians inspect their tents in displacement camps after the withdrawal of Israeli army vehicles, west of the city of Rafah, Saturday

Four killed in air strike on Bureij refugee camp: Report

At least four civilians have been killed in an Israeli air strike targeting the Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, Wafa reported. According to a Wafa correspondent, Israeli warplanes bombed a residential house in the camp, killing four people and injuring several others.

Those wounded were transported to Al-Aqsa and al-Awda hospitals for urgent medical treatment.

Palestinians flee Israeli drone attacks in western Rafah

Three people reported killed in Israeli strike on Rafah

Palestinians in northern Gaza eating extract of leaves

Palestinian activist Mansour Shouman says the situation in Gaza is getting worse.

“In the north there is famine right now. I had a friend text me saying, ‘We are eating the extract of the leaves of the trees just in order to provide us with nutrients,’” Shouman, who was in Gaza until March, told Al Jazeera.

“All they have up north is flour that is coming in through the very little residual aid that has been left off the American pier that is coming through land crossing points in the north.”

Shouman called for the land crossings to open as quickly as possible to allow the thousands of trucks full of aid from people who donated to organisations worldwide to enter.

US temporary aid pier ‘just a distraction’

Mansour Shouman says that even after the $230m US temporary aid pier was working, there were only about 29 trucks allowed into the Israeli military-controlled zone, so much of the aid is still on the beach.

“100 percent of the focus should have been on the land borders opening,” he told Al Jazeera, adding that the pier and efforts to airdrop aid were “just a distraction”.

“We need real change, we need an immediate ceasefire, we need permanent opening of the different land borders to the aid, and we need security for the people of Gaza as soon as possible.”

Israeli forces’ attacks have disabled 10,000 people: NGO

The Palestinian NGO Network Rehabilitation Sector says an estimated 10,000 people have developed various disabilities due to Israeli attacks on Gaza, Wafa news agency reported.

Tens of thousands of disabled individuals have fled since the start of the war. The Israeli destruction of infrastructure, roads, and rehabilitation centres has restricted movement and access to services for disabled people, diminishing their ability to evacuate safely, the statement said.

The group said that failure to accommodate disabled-friendly shelters, along with overcrowding, poses another challenge in accessing already scarce services. Disabled people are especially vulnerable to malnutrition and chronic illnesses, significantly increasing their risk of mortality, it said.

‘Situation is getting worse’

The situation is escalating in multiple areas in the Gaza Strip as the level of bombardment has gone up.

Starting from the central area, at least four Palestinians have been killed after a residence was targeted in the Bureij refugee camp. Bureij has been a centre for evacuees who fled Rafah – now they are taking shelter in central Gaza that has been widely targeted in the past 24 hours.

Israel is also upscaling its military operations in the southern part of Gaza, in Rafah, in an area called al-Mawasi, close to the Shakoush neighbourhood, where Palestinians have generally been taking refuge. Fifteen Palestinians have been killed since dawn today in Rafah and within the past couple of hours, three killed have been brought to hospital after being hit with a drone missile.

Here in the central areas of the Gaza Strip, intelligence operations are ongoing through surveillance drones, while in the north, the situation is absolutely grim. The operation in the Shujaeya neighbourhood continues. More victims have fallen, alongside other Palestinians killed in the al-Manara neighbourhood in Gaza City, where people had been fleeing from Shujaeya heading to the western part of the city.

The situation is getting worse, with at least 40 Palestinians killed in the past 24 hours and more than 220 others wounded.

House destroyed by Israeli air raid in Zibqin, southern Lebanon

A video has been shared on X showing the destruction of a house on the outskirts of Zibqin in southern Lebanon after an Israeli air strike targeted the town.

The Lebanese news agency said that Israeli forces launched three air raids, targeting the towns of Khiam, Kfar Kila and the outskirts of Zibqin. The video was verified by Sanad, Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency.

Israeli forces bomb Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon

An Israeli army spokesperson says the Israeli forces have completed a series of attacks on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon.

“In the past few hours, warplanes attacked several Hezbollah targets, including a military site for the organisation in the Zabqin area, two operational infrastructure sites in the Khiam area, and a Hezbollah building in the al-Adissa area,” according to the Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant earlier said that Israel does not want to fight a war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, but that the Israeli army is ready for a war.

Israeli army says antitank projectiles from Lebanon fell in Misgav Am

The Israeli military says it identified two antitank projectiles crossing from Lebanon that fell in the area of Misgav Am.

The army said no injuries were reported and that it struck back. In its update, the army also said troops “identified terrorists entering a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Houla [Hula] in southern Lebanon”.

The air force struck the structure and an “additional Hezbollah military structure”, it added.

Too late, won't reach the majority that need to see it.

Trump's Nonstop Debate Lies FINALLY Fact-Checked By CNN

The forgotten Palestinian citizens in Israel

Palestinian-Israeli Knesset Member describes Israel’s targeting of Palestinian citizens of Israel

Israel’s goal is make us to leave, says mayor of Taybeh

In Taybeh, a town in the occupied West Bank, Palestinians are concerned about an Israeli decision to strip the Palestinian Authority of its civilian powers related to construction and zoning.

The town is also one of many that will be affected by the Israeli government’s decisions to officially recognise five illegal settler outposts.

The Israeli cabinet said the construction ruling was done to combat what it terms “illegal” Palestinian construction.

“The goal is for us to leave. But where will people go? We’re rooted in this land. This town existed before Christ and will continue to exist, God willing,” Sulaiman Khouriyeh, the mayor of Taybeh, told Al Jazeera.

Three illegal Israeli settlements and several outposts have already seized 14,000sq km (5,400sq miles) of Taybeh, reducing the town to a third of its size.

Qatar condemns Israel’s decision to expand settlements in occupied West Bank

Qatar has denounced the Israeli decision to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank, calling the step “the latest in a series of continuous violations of international legitimacy resolutions”.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Israel’s policy to expand settlements, and forcibly displace Palestinians, as well as its continuing brutal war on the Gaza Strip, “are obstacles to efforts to prevent the expansion of the cycle of violence in the region and achieve a comprehensive and just peace”.

Qatar stressed the need for the international community to unite in pushing Israel to stop its unilateral steps and comply with international resolutions.

“The ministry renews the firm and permanent position of Qatar in supporting the Palestinian cause and the steadfastness of its people, based on the resolutions of international legitimacy and the two-state solution, in order to ensure the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Arab League slams Israeli decision to expand settlements

Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit has condemned the Israeli decision in a statement, describing it as a “complete and final reversal of the Oslo Accords, a return to square one, and an entrenchment of the blatant occupation logic”.

The Oslo Accords signed in 1993 were an agreement between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel, involving arrangements for Palestinian self-government in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Aboul Gheit called on “the international community to see the Israeli government for what it truly is: A racist, right-wing government uninterested in peace, seeking to dismantle any semblance of Palestinian authority, including in ‘Area B’, which under the Oslo Accords, is under Palestinian civilian control”.

The statement came following the Israeli security cabinet’s approval of a plan to legalise five settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank, issue tenders to build thousands of housing units in the settlements, and impose sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.

It was a step taken by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to counter recognition of Palestinian statehood and actions against Israel in international courts.