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‘World cannot afford Lebanon becoming another Gaza’: UN chief

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed increasing concern over the escalating war of words and deadly border clashes between Israel’s military and Lebanon’s Hezbollah fighters.

UN peacekeepers are working to calm the situation and prevent “miscalculation” after both sides heightened their rhetoric and raised the possibility of full-scale conflict, the secretary-general said on Friday.

“One rash move – one miscalculation – could trigger a catastrophe that goes far beyond the border and, frankly, beyond imagination,” Guterres told reporters. “Let’s be clear: The people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza.”

Far-right Israeli minister given more powers over Palestinians

Officials under Israel’s far-right settler minister, Bezalel Smotrich, have just been given more powers over the occupied West Bank and its Palestinian population.

Far-right Israeli minister sets out plan to prevent West Bank from becoming part of a Palestinian state

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has spoken about preventing the occupied West Bank from becoming a part of an independent Palestinian state, according to leaked audio of a speech he gave earlier this month.

Smotrich, a leading far right member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet, said the way to prevent a Palestinian state that would endanger the state of Israel was to develop Jewish settlements. “The goal is to change the DNA of the system for many, many years,” he told the gathering.


In the audio, Smotrich said that a separate civilian system had been created for the occupied West Bank, even as the Defense Ministry remained in control of the area.

“We created a separate civilian system, there is an office within the Ministry of Defense. There is a minister there. There is an administration there, it’s like an office, there is a CEO for the administration, he is accepted as the CEO of a government office, there is a whole system within the administration,” Smotrich said.

As more countries call for an independent Palestinian state, Smotrich spoke about the extensive planning powers of the minister and administration and the prospect of developing mass transit and road systems in the West Bank over the next few years to encourage settlement there.

“This is a revolution: this is how you bring a million people to Judea and Samaria,” Smotrich said, using the term by which many Israelis describe the occupied territory.

In his half-hour speech, Smotrich said he was able “to convince the Prime Minister”, Benjamin Netanyahu, about creating a civilian administration in the West Bank.

What’s behind the historic pro-Israel spending in US House primary election?

Representative Jamaal Bowman, one of the newest members of the progressive “squad” in the US Congress, is facing a fight for his political life.

On Tuesday, he defends his seat in the House of Representatives by competing in the Democratic primary for New York’s 16th congressional district. But while incumbents are rarely challenged, Bowman is facing one of the most costly contests in the history of House primaries.

Progressive groups and politicos say the battle is a direct result of Bowman’s vocal criticism of Israel’s war in Gaza, as groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) are spending big to unseat him.

Bowman is part of a small but growing number of voices in Congress questioning the US’s commitment to Israel, its “ironclad” ally. That, experts say, puts a bulls-eye on his back.

“I’m not so sure that there would be a primary if it wasn’t for the war in Gaza and the oversized influence AIPAC and outside forces have had in this race, trying to press this issue and trying to get rid of Congressman Bowman,” Doug Gordon, a Democratic consultant and co-CEO of UpShift Strategies, told Al Jazeera.

Jamaal Bowman

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Wow, just how much of a bigoted racist can you be

Netanyahu calls ‘Gays for Gaza’ protesters ‘an absurdity’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticised pro-Palestine protesters in the US over their support for Hamas, labelling LGBTQ supporters in particular as “an absurdity”.

“Who are they supporting? These murderers, these rapists of women, the beheaders of babies, the burning of innocent civilians, the taking of hostages, including Holocaust survivors,” Netanyahu said in an interview with US outlet Punchbowl News.

“You have Gays for Gaza. That’s an absurdity if I’ve ever heard one. If you are gay in Gaza, you’ll be shot in the back of the head. Women for Gaza. What are women in Gaza – they’re chattel and other such absurdities,” he added.

Netanyahu’s comments come as he is set to address a joint session of Congress on July 24, in a controversial speech being boycotted by several high-profile Democrats, including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

Every accusation is an admission. Anyway no one gets shot for being gay in Gaza.

While LGBTQ+ rights hang in the balance as the move to right wing extremism continues

Israeli military claims ‘no indication’ its troops attacked al-Mawasi tent camp

The Israeli military has claimed there is no evidence that it is responsible for Friday’s deadly attack on a tented camp in the al-Mawasi area of southern Gaza, which has killed 25 people and injured 50 more, the AFP news agency reports.

“An initial inquiry conducted suggests that there is no indication that a strike was carried out by the [Israeli military] in the humanitarian area in al-Mawasi. The incident is under review,” a military spokesman told AFP.

A statement published by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) described “high-calibre projectiles” landing “within metres” of its office in the encampment, which it said was surrounded by displaced Palestinians living in tents.

The ICRC did not specify who it believed had fired on the camp.

One survivor of the attack told Al Jazeera fire was “consuming” them “from every direction”.

“We had just eaten and were about to sleep and take some rest, and the next we knew was the sound of resounding explosions destroying our places. We find ourselves alone not knowing what to do. We still can’t process what happened,” the survivor said.

Witness to al-Mawasi attack says Israeli tanks ‘climbed hilltop’ to fire on camp: Report

Reuters news agency spoke to a resident of the camp that was attacked who said that “two tanks climbed a hilltop overseeing Mawasi, and they sent balls of fire that hit the tents of the poor people displaced in the area”.

The interview, conducted over a chat app, supports interviews conducted by Al Jazeera correspondents in Gaza regarding the al-Mawasi attack, which killed at least 25 people and injured 50.

Reuters reports that the Israeli military said the camp attack was under review.

Earlier, Israel’s military said its forces were conducting “precise, intelligence-based” actions in the Rafah area.

Cause it worked out so well in the USA, more guns on the street, guns for everybody, with a racist twist of course. Guns for Jews.

In shadow of Gaza war, loosening gun laws allow Israeli women to buy more weapons

The number of Israeli women applying for gun permits has soared in particular, with Ministry of National Security data saying there have been 42,000 gun permit applications by women since October 7.

With 18,000 approved, the number of women-held licenses has more than tripled since the war began. The surge has been enabled by the loosening of gun laws under Israel’s right-wing government and its far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

More than 15,000 women civilians own a firearm in Israel and the occupied West Bank, with 10,000 enrolled in mandatory training, according to the ministry.

While the immediate trigger for the surge in gun buying was the October 7 attack, Ben-Gvir was already pledging to reform firearms legislation when he became security minister in late 2022. He promised to raise the number of civilians holding weapons and “increase self-defence capacity”.

Eligibility criteria for gun ownership in Israel now include being a citizen or permanent resident over the age of 18 and having basic command of Hebrew and medical clearance.

The full list of requirements makes it nearly impossible for non-Jews to obtain a permit.

In March, Ben-Gvir, who is himself a settler in the occupied West Bank, hailed civilian weapon ownership passing the 100,000 mark, while showing off his own gun at a rally.

US Air Force members seeking conscientious objector status over Gaza war: Report

Two US Air Force members are requesting to become conscientious objectors over the US’s support of Israel’s war in Gaza, according to a report by NBC News.

For Larry Hebert Jr., the death of 6-year-old Hind Rajab in February after she was trapped under Israeli fire was a turning point.

“She looks almost just like my daughter, and that was something that was extremely hard to grasp, is that all these children that have aspirations and dreams and lives that many of us are living and want, and it’s wholly unjustified to support what’s happening,” Hebert told NBC News, adding that he worked on a US operation to provide weapons sales to Israel.

US Airman Juan Bettancourt also said he could not support the US’s role after watching news from Gaza. “I see the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians all while the world watches through their smartphones,”  Bettancourt told the US news outlet.

By objecting publicly, the pair hope to influence the US’ position on support to Israel.

Around the Network

Four children have died from hunger within a week: Kamal Adwan Hospital director

The number of children who have died in the hospital due to malnutrition has risen to four within one week, Hussam Abu Safia, the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital has announced.

“We lost a child in the nursery department of the hospital during the past few hours. He is the fourth child to die in the hospital in the last week due to malnutrition,” he said in a news conference held in the northern Gaza Strip.

Children starving to death as hunger spreads in Gaza

UN agencies are warning that over one million Palestinians in Gaza could face severe starvation by mid-July.

‘Our future is gone. Our education is gone’

Up to 39,000 senior high school students in the Gaza Strip should be sitting very important exams at the moment, called tawjihi, which would enable them to enrol in higher education.

But due to the ongoing Israeli military assault, students such as Doaa al-Zaanin can only hope for the war to end so that they can go back to school.

“Before the war started, I was studying. I worked really hard,” al-Zaanin, from Beit Hanoon, told Al Jazeera. “I had my lessons and then would go home, revise, do extra lessons and exams with special teachers.”

Since the war started in October, the majority of Gaza’s schools and universities have been destroyed, including al-Zaanin’s. “Our future is gone. Our education is gone. But I won’t give up. I’m continuing with my studies. I study in my shelter which is a school.”

There are no facilities in Gaza capable of hosting students for the exams.

“We’ve [UNRWA] got about 300 schools in Gaza. Almost two-thirds of them have been damaged or destroyed,” he said, adding that the schools that haven’t been destroyed are being used to shelter displaced people.

“Unfortunately, these places, as we know, are not always safe. Five hundred people to date have been killed inside UNRWA schools.”

Israeli attack on al-Mawasi camp involved two strikes – the second was lethal: Report

The Israeli attack near the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) base in the al-Mawasi tent camp that killed at least 25 people on Friday began with a munition explosion that only made a loud bang and bright flash, The Associated Press (AP) news agency reports.

Mona Ashour, whose husband was killed in the attack, said he and other people went out to investigate what was happening after the sound of the first explosion.

That’s when the second strike hit.

“We were in our tent, and they hit with a ‘sound bomb’ near the Red Cross tents, and then my husband came out at the first sound,” Ashour told the AP, outside Nasser Hospital in nearby Khan Younis. “Then they hit with the second one, which was a little closer to the entrance of the Red Cross,” she said.

Hasan al-Najjar said his two sons were killed helping people who panicked after the first explosion. “My two sons went after they heard the women and children screaming,” he said at the hospital. “They went to save the women, and they struck with the second projectile, and my sons were martyred. They struck the place twice,” he said.

Israeli military helicopter comes under surface-to-air missile attack in Rafah: Monitors

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) fighters participating in the battle for Rafah city fired a surface-to-air (SAM) missile at an Israeli helicopter on Friday, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) say in their latest joint battlefield report.

The US-based defence think tanks said the helicopter was evacuating Israeli casualties from Rafah when it was targeted by PIJ fighters armed with a Russian model SA-18 Grouse portable missile launcher.

Elsewhere in the Gaza Strip on Friday, Palestinian fighters fired multiple mortars, rockets and rocket-propelled grenades at Israeli forces deployed along the Netzarim Corridor in central Gaza, in Rafah in the south, and at the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) border crossing with Israel.

Three rockets were also launched from the Nuseirat area of central Gaza towards Israeli territory on Friday, the ISW/CTP said, adding that all three fell in open areas.

Israeli troops infiltrating western Rafah district

In the last 24 hours, there has been an increase in Israeli attacks in one of the areas designated as a safe zone.

Witnesses said Israeli tanks carried out a sudden and unexpected incursion in al-Mawasi, launching a number of artillery shells towards the evacuation centres and makeshift tents.

The entire area of al-Mawasi is an evacuation centre. It’s a very tiny strip of land where more than 100,000 Palestinians have been taking refuge. It’s the place where field hospitals have been established and it’s a centre for humanitarian organisations.

There is a partial infiltration for the Israeli troops to the western portion of Rafah district, despite all the US warnings on expanding the military operation in Rafah. They have full operational control of the Philadelphi Corridor.

Gaza sees highest daily death toll since Nuseirat massacre

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, Israeli attacks killed 101 Palestinians and wounded 169 in the latest 24-hour reporting period. “A number of victims are still under the rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defence crews cannot reach them,” the Health Ministry said.

This is the highest daily death toll recorded in the enclave by the ministry since June 8, when Israeli forces killed at least 274 Palestinians to free four Israeli captives in the Nuseirat refugee camp.

Israeli forces bomb Shati refugee camp

Local media is reporting casualties following the bombing of houses in Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City.

At least 42 killed in Israel’s attacks in Gaza

At least 42 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in Gaza, the head of Gaza’s Government Media Office told Al Jazeera:

  • 24 killed in seven homes in Shati
  • 18 killed in Tuffah

‘Vast majority of killed are women and children’

It’s tragedy after tragedy. It also seems to be increasing exponentially with each passing day, especially as talks are ongoing about whether the Israeli military is downsizing its operations in Rafah.

What we’re certain about is the increase in attacks across the Gaza Strip, concentrated in the northern part of Gaza City. It’s densely populated, not only with local residents, but also with people who have been pushed from one place to another due to intense bombing campaigns from different parts of the Strip.

We’re looking at multiple air strikes targeting a residential block – these are the homes and flats of displaced Palestinians. Close to 22 people have been killed; the vast majority of them women and children.

There’s a reason for this large number of casualties: People, for the past eight months, have been pushed from one place to another because of internal enforced displacement.

On a separate attack, we’re looking at Tuffah neighbourhood, that’s in the eastern part of Gaza City, [where] 19 people were killed. It’s the same pattern: entire families being obliterated – wiped off the registry. We are expecting the numbers to increase.

A Palestinian carries the bodies of dead children after an Israeli strike on al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City

Wounded from Shati attack brought to al-Ahli Arab Hospital

Palestinian children receive medical treatment at al-Ahli Arab Hospital after getting injured in an Israeli attack on Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, Saturday

Palestinians retrieve bodies of relatives killed in the attack

‘Very difficult’ to reach victims in Shati refugee camp

Gaza’s civil defence spokesperson Mahmoud Basal told Al Jazeera that it was “very difficult” to reach victims of the Israeli shelling in Shati refugee camp.

He also said:

  • The ability of the civil defence is limited compared with the scale of destruction.
  • Rescue teams are still searching for missing people under the rubble.
  • The number of people under the rubble is unknown.
  • The residential square has turned to dust, showing the intensity of the shelling.
  • Israeli jets targeted several residential buildings in the camp.

Palestinians search for casualties at the site of Israeli strikes on houses in the Shati refugee camp in Gaza City

Rescuers with the help of civilians are trying to sift through the rubble to find survivors. At least 24 Palestinians killed after seven homes were targeted.

Palestinians retrieve bodies of relatives after Israeli attack on Tuffah

Israeli military says air force attacked four areas in southern Lebanon

The air strikes took place throughout the day on Friday, and the targets were located in the Lebanese town of Khiam, the Meiss el-Jabal area and in the vicinity of the villages of Taybeh and Tallouseh, Israel’s military said.

Hezbollah “military structures”, “terrorist infrastructure” and a “military position” were targeted in the attacks, the military said in a post on social media, accompanied by grainy, aerial footage of locations being hit with huge explosions.

Lebanese man killed in Israeli raid

The Civil Defence in eastern Lebanon says a Lebanese man has been killed in an Israeli raid that targeted his car in the Western Bekaa district.

Israeli military carries out several attacks on southern Lebanon

The Israeli military has said that it targeted Hezbollah members and sites belonging to the group. It struck in Aita al-Shaab, targeting what it said was a Hezbollah operative who had been spotted at one of the group’s observation posts.

The military said that a fighter jet also struck a building in Yaroun where a Hezbollah operative was detected. Fighter jets struck another building used by Hezbollah in Ramyah, the military added.

Houthis say they attacked 2 vessels in Red Sea, Arabian Sea

The Yemeni group says it attacked the US Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Eisenhower, in the Red Sea and a ship known as the Transworld Navigator in the Arabian Sea. The group did not say when it launched the attacks.

The Transworld Navigator was directly hit by a missile, the Houthis said in a statement. The operation against the Eisenhower had achieved its objectives successfully, the group also said, without adding more detail.

The Houthis say they have been launching attacks on Israel-linked ships, and military vessels belonging to an international coalition formed to defend them, in the waters near Yemen in a show of solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

US orders aircraft carrier leading mission against Houthis to return home

US officials are said to have ordered the USS Dwight D Eisenhower to return home, the US Naval Institute’s news service reports, citing an unnamed official.

An aircraft carrier operating in the Pacific is set to replace the Eisenhower, which has been deployed in the area for more than eight months, in a combat situation that the US Navy says is its most intense since World War II.

The aircraft carrier had been leading the US’s response to attacks by the Houthis on shipping vessels in the Red Sea. The Yemen-based group began its campaign in November, saying it was targeting the vital shipping lane to protest against Israel’s war on Gaza.