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Israeli forces targeted with ‘vehicle-borne’ IEDs in West Bank: Monitors

The Israeli military intentionally detonated a “vehicle-borne improvised explosive device” (VBIED) it encountered in the occupied West Bank’s Tubas city on Monday, in what was the second discovery of a vehicle-borne IED in the area since the war in Gaza began in October, monitors report.

In their daily update on the war in Gaza and the conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters in the occupied territory, two US-based defence think tanks said the use of vehicle-borne bombs by Palestinian resistance groups comes at a time when they are “using larger and higher quality explosives to target Israeli forces”.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) said in their joint, daily report that it was unknown just how sophisticated the VBIED was that the Israeli forces detonated in Tubas.

Gallant expands law that allows evicted Israeli settlers to return

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports that Defense Minister Gallant has announced he will expand the law to allow Israeli settlers, who were evicted during a 2005 disengagement plan, to return to settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Haaretz reported that the expanded law includes areas where the settlements of Sa-Nur, Ganim and Kadim were located.

Settlers are Israeli citizens who live illegally on private Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. The vast majority of the settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian land.

Israel behaves like a 3 year old with temper tantrums.

Smotrich calls for ‘punitive measures’ on PA

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich says he will no longer transfer tax funds to the Palestinian Authority (PA) after Norway, Spain and Ireland said they will recognise a Palestinian state.

In a post on X, the far-right minister added that he would cancel the set-up in which Norway collects the PA’s tax funds. “Norway was the first to unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state today, and it cannot be a partner in anything related to Judea and Samaria,” he said.

Israel collects taxes on behalf of the Palestinians and makes monthly transfers to the PA under the Oslo Accords, but in November, it froze funds meant for Palestinians in Gaza.

In February, Palestinian and Israeli officials agreed that Norway would serve as an intermediary for holding revenues that Israel had withheld.

Smotrich also demanded “punitive measures” from Netanyahu, including establishing a settlement on the occupied West Bank “for every country that unilaterally recognizes a Palestinian state” and promoting the construction of tens of thousands of housing units in settlements, which are illegal under international law.

Ben-Gvir visits Al-Aqsa Mosque compound

Israel’s far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem, declaring that the holy site belongs “only to the state of Israel”.

Ben-Gvir said the visit was a response to three European countries unilaterally recognizing an independent Palestinian state. “We will not even allow a statement about a Palestinian state,” he said.

For Muslims, the Noble Sanctuary is home to Islam’s third holiest site, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Dome of the Rock, a seventh-century structure believed to be where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.

Jews refer to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound as the Temple Mount, and some believe it is where the first and second ancient Jewish temples stood.

Jordan says Palestine recognition ‘important step towards two-state solution’

Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi has hailed the coordinated move by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognise Palestine as a state as an “important and essential step towards Palestinian statehood”.

“We value this decision and consider it an important and essential step towards a two-state solution that embodies an independent, sovereign Palestinian state along the July 1967 borders,” he told a news conference.

France says it’s not right moment to recognise Palestinian state: Report

France says recognising Palestine as a state is not “taboo” for the country, but Paris considers that now is not the right moment for it to do so, the AFP news agency reports.

“Our position is clear: The recognition of a Palestinian state is not a taboo for France,” Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne wrote in a statement to AFP. “France does not consider that the conditions have been present to date for this decision to have a real impact in this process.”

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Palestinians in Gaza surviving on just 3 litres of water per day, says the UN

Clean drinking water has become one of the rarest and most valuable commodities in Gaza. Most Palestinians in Gaza are getting only a fifth of the water they need to survive, about three litres each day for all of their needs, according to the United Nations.

Much of that is polluted and salty, leading to a public health crisis due to the spread of diseases.

What’s happening at the Kamal Adwan Hospital?

Israeli forces are again attacking hospitals in Gaza, including Kamal Adwan in the northern town of Beit Lahiya.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • The latest assault on Kamal Adwan Hospital began on Monday, according to the Wafa news agency, with artillery attacks on the building and missiles striking the emergency department.
  • The attack forced dozens of medical staff and patients to flee, with videos of the evacuation showing one man cradling a newborn baby wrapped in blue cloth and an elderly man being bumped on a wheeled stretcher along the shattered streets.
  • The Palestinian Health Ministry said there were approximately 150 medical staff and dozens of patients at Kamal Adwan when it came under attack, including ICU patients and newborns in incubators. It said the evacuation took place under Israeli fire.
  • The WHO said Kamal Adwan is the largest partially functional hospital in northern Gaza and the only one providing haemodialysis. It said the evacuation of health workers and patients would make it nonfunctional, further depleting health services.
  • Israeli forces had earlier laid siege to the facility and raided it in December last year, causing extensive damage and arresting many health workers. That attack resulted in the death of at least eight patients.

Palestinians evacuate Kamal Adwan Hospital following an Israeli attack in Beit Lahiya, on May 21

Casualties mount as Israeli jets, artillery, quadcopter drones attack Gaza overnight

The Gaza Strip was hit by another night of Israeli air strikes, artillery fire and drone attacks that resulted in casualties from Jabalia in the north to Rafah city in the south, according to the Palestinian state news agency Wafa.

We reported earlier on the overnight attack that killed 10 people, including a pregnant woman and her unborn child, in the al-Zawayda area near to the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.

Wafa reports that six people were also killed in a missile strike on the home of the Abu Zaida family in the Faluga area of Jabalia, in northern Gaza, while Israeli shelling injured several people in the Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood of Gaza city.

Israeli warplanes also attacked the Zeitoun neighbourhood in Gaza City, killing at least two people and leaving an unknown number injured.

In southern Rafah city, several people were injured in an Israel artillery strike on the home of the Farhat family in the Tal as-Sultan neighbourhood, while jet fighters and quadcopter drones attacked the centre of the city.

Israeli military says it has killed ‘significant’ Hamas operative

The Israeli military says it “struck and eliminated” a Hamas antitank missile operative in southern Gaza’s Khan Younis city.

It identified the fighter as Ahmed Yasser Alkara, describing him as a “significant” Hamas member who participated in the October 7 attacks on southern Israel and carried out attacks on Israeli soldiers in Gaza. Also killed in the strike targeting Alkara were Hamas fighter Saib Raed Abu Riba and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Ans Muhammad Abu Ragila, according to the Israeli military.

The military also said it carried out an air strike killing five Hamas fighters sheltering in a school in Gaza City.

Attacks continue across Gaza as Israel presses offensive

Over the past 24 hours, the Israeli military has been pressing on with its military offensive across multiple areas, including az-Zawayda, just 3km from our location in Deir el-Balah.

It is a town in the middle of Gaza where Palestinians have been told to seek refuge. In the latest attack on a gathering of residents, at least 10 Palestinians have been reported killed, including a pregnant woman.

Attacks have continued in other parts of the Gaza Strip, including the north of the territory in the Jabalia refugee camp where six Palestinians have been reported killed. At least 300 houses have been destroyed in the ongoing military bombardment of that densely populated area.

Palestinians in central Gaza sift through rubble, mourn after Israeli bombardment

Palestinians inspect the damage after the latest Israeli attacks

People gather outside a damaged house in az-Zawayda

Hospitals in northern Gaza under attack

More than 1,400 Israeli academics sign petition calling for end to Gaza war

Academics and administrators from higher education institutions across Israel have signed a petition calling on the Israeli government to end its war on Gaza and secure the return of captives held in the Palestinian enclave.

The petition, titled “A Call on the Israeli Government to End the War and Ensure the Return of the Hostages”, states that the end of the war and the return of captives are “moral imperatives that align with Israel’s interests”.

The signatories add that while it supports Israel’s right to self-defence, “this initial purpose has been exhausted” and the government does not have the right to “wage a war without a realistic end or one aimed at the political survival of the leadership”.

Only 30-35% of Hamas fighters killed since October 7: Report

US government intelligence indicates that only 30-35 percent of Hamas fighters have been killed in Israel’s assault on Gaza since October 7, while 65 percent of the group’s tunnels remain intact, news outlet Politico reports.

Citing a person familiar with US intelligence, the outlet says Biden officials have also expressed concern that Hamas has been able to recruit thousands of new fighters over the last several months.

Last week, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said Joe Biden’s administration does not believe that Israel’s stated strategy of pursuing “total victory” over Hamas in Gaza is feasible.

Road to Palestinian statehood

  • On November 15, 1988, the Palestine National Council declared its independence at a meeting in Algeria.
  • The same day, Algeria became the first country to recognise Palestine as an independent state.
  • Weeks later, dozens of countries, including much of the Arab world, most of Africa, Asia and several Eastern European countries followed suit.
  • The next wave of recognitions came in late 2010 and early 2011 when a host of South American states, including Argentina, Brazil and Chile, recognised Palestine.

Move to recognise Palestine is ‘significant’

Al Jazeera’s Diplomatic Editor James Bays says the move by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognise the state of Palestine is significant for two reasons: “momentum and timing”.

He said the move could lead to other European countries joining in, pointing to Slovenia and Malta, who both sit on the UN Security Council.

“We know their position very clearly, and that those two look like they are probably going to be among the next countries to recognise Palestine,” he said.

Bays added that the timing of the announcements by Ireland, Norway and Spain is significant due to what is happening at the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

“Just look at the week that Prime Minister Netanyahu has had,” he said, referring to ICC prosecutor’s announcement that he was seeking an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and the ICJ hearings on South Africa’s request for a ruling to stop the Rafah offensive.

“I suspect everything that’s going on at the ICC with regard to these state recognitions is a political context for those judges as they make their deliberation. So, there could be further bad news for Israel down the line and certainly this is the day Israel looks more isolated than it has for some time.”

However the move by Norway, Ireland and Spain will have little practical effect on the everyday life of Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory and Gaza, but it holds important political and symbolic weight.

  • It signals the recognition of the Palestinian right to sovereignty over the occupied West Bank and Gaza.
  • Palestinians and international human rights organisations argue that it is crucial to secure more avenues in which to hold the Israeli authorities accountable.
  • Diplomats can use recognition to revive the “two-state solution”. Today, the Norwegian prime minister said he hoped recognition would give the two-state solution “renewed momentum”.

Jordan welcomes recognition of Palestinian state

Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi posted on X that the country “values the decision” by Norway, Spain and Ireland as a “key step towards peace”.

Israel reacts to countries recognising Palestine state, says it ‘rewards terrorism’

The charge for the reaction is being led by Israel Katz, the foreign minister. He actually issued a statement – a very clear, very unambiguous statement – saying that this endangered Israel’s security, that it was an attack against Israel’s sovereignty. He also went on to say that this rewarded terrorism.

And that’s really a key statement that we’re getting to hear from lots of different people, that the recognition of a Palestinian state rewards Hamas for their actions on October the 7th – that attack in Israel.

The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation has said that Israel intends to impose diplomatic isolation on countries that recognise a Palestinian state and boycott them. It won’t allow them to come to briefings. It won’t provide them with any kind of information that is usually given to ambassadors.

Benjamin Netanyahu is likely that he will speak in the coming hours and his statement is going to echo, I think, what the Israeli Foreign Ministry has said, which this simply rewards terrorism.

Recognizing Israel rewarded industrial scale terrorism...

Spanish PM ‘driving force’ behind state recognition move

Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish prime minister, seems to be the driving force behind the decision to recognise Palestine. As early as December, he was very publicly criticising the Israeli government and its actions in Gaza, which he at the time called a humanitarian catastrophe.

In March, he met some of his European counterparts at a Europe-wide meeting and sought out conversations both with the Irish – the Norwegians were removed, because they’re not part of the EU – but also the Slovenians, the Maltese that may well follow this.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store was talking about this as a very significant moment because he thought it would mean, through recognition, there was the possibility of peace in the Middle East.

He said that 31 years after the Oslo Accords were signed, paving the way for what was meant to be a two-state solution, the Palestinians have taken important steps towards that solution and that Palestine, in his words, has a fundamental right to an independent state.

It’s worth noting that Sweden and several other Central and Eastern European nations have previously recognised Palestinian statehood, but this is still a very significant day in Europe.

Katz: Spain, Ireland, Norway ambassadors to watch video of October 7 attack

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz says he has issued “a severe demarche for the ambassadors of Spain, Ireland, and Norway in Israel”.

“During the Demarche, the ambassadors will watch a video of the brutal and cruel kidnapping of our daughters by Hamas terrorists, to emphasize the distorted decision their governments have made,” he said on X.

I suggest they show Katz what Israel has done in the last 76 years, including the ongoing destruction of Gaza. Plus they're not recognizing Hamas, they're recognizing the right for Palestinians to have a state. Had that been done long ago Oct 7 would not have happened. Katz is just reminding them that they should have recognized Palestine along with Israel from the beginning.

Legal group submits war crimes complaint to Scotland Yard

The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), a London-based legal group, has submitted a complaint to Scotland Yard’s War Crimes Team accusing Israel of using “‘starvation as a weapon of war” and “willfully causing great suffering to Palestinians during its war on Gaza”.

The complaint builds on an initial complaint submitted in January that is still being considered by Scotland Yard, which named four British government ministers for “alleged complicity and criminal responsibility in Israeli war crimes”.

The latest submission now includes a fifth senior government minister as an alleged perpetrator, ICJP said in a statement.

“The alleged criminal acts are prosecutable in the United Kingdom and will now be considered by Scotland Yard’s War Crimes Investigation Team before a decision is made by them whether to open a formal criminal investigation, which could see alleged perpetrators questioned, arrested and prosecuted,” it said.

It added that the 60-page complaint is comprehensive, with 800 pages of evidence “collected from first hand eyewitnesses, expert reports and expert evidence from nineteen medical professionals who have worked in Gaza since October”.

Germany reiterates support for two-state solution

A Foreign Ministry spokesperson has emphasised Germany’s support for a two-state solution in response to a reporter’s question on the three European countries’ announcement earlier today that they had decided to recognise Palestine as a state.

“An independent Palestinian state remains a firm goal of German foreign policy,” the spokesperson told a regular news conference in Berlin, adding that a dialogue process is needed to achieve that goal.

Palestinian state recognition based on 1967 borders: Irish foreign minister

Micheal Martin says the country plans to formally recognise the Palestinian state on May 28 based on its 1967 borders. This refers to the borders that existed before the war that year in which Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

“When we recognise a state, we don’t recognise the government of the day; we recognise the state in terms of a permanent population of people in terms of defined borders, and in this case, it’s the 1967 borders,” the Irish foreign minister told RTE radio.

That is “a defined territory involving Gaza, the West Bank and … a capital of both an Israeli state and a Palestinian state in Jerusalem”, Martin said.

Around the Network

New routes planned for halted Gaza aid from US-built pier

The UN has planned new routes within the Gaza Strip to transport aid from a US-built floating pier after crowds of desperate Palestinians intercepted 11 trucks, causing a halt to deliveries that continued for a third day on Tuesday.

The temporary pier was anchored to a Gaza beach on Thursday as Israel comes under growing global pressure to allow aid supplies into the enclave, where famine looms.

Operations began on Friday, and 10 aid trucks were driven by UN contractors to a World Food Programme warehouse in Deir el-Balah in central Gaza.

But on Saturday, only five trucks made it to the warehouse after 11 others were intercepted.

Homes, fishing boats destroyed as Israeli forces attack Rafah

Palestinians inspect the damage after an Israeli air attack in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, where an AFP team reported more air and artillery attacks early in the morning on May 22

Palestinians inspect the damage around charred fishing boats hit by an Israeli air raid on the Mediterranean coast of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on May 22

War of starvation.

Gov’t Media Office: No more health services in two Gaza governorates

The cessation of health services in the North Gaza and Gaza governorates may lead to a “humanitarian catastrophe” threatening 700,000 people, the office warns. “We demand the establishment of field hospitals and the entry of medical delegations immediately and urgently,” it said in a statement on its official Telegram channel.

“The aforementioned governorates can no longer provide any medical services, especially after Kamal Adwan Hospital has gone out of service, and al-Awda Hospital is under Israeli military siege for the fourth consecutive day.”

“This has led to a cessation of all services, including those relating to primary health, maternity health and children’s vaccinations.”

Israeli forces gradually expanding incursion into Rafah

As we have been hearing from eyewitnesses in Rafah, the military is gradually expanding its incursion of Rafah district.

There is a notable advancement for the Israeli military tanks manoeuvring in the central areas of Rafah, including the Shaboura and Brazil neighbourhoods – key central neighbourhoods in Rafah.

Under intense firepower on the ground, more Palestinians have been fleeing from Rafah district, and they’ve been moving to the western part, believing it might be a safe area.

But the Israeli prime minister and defence minister have been stating that they are determined to expand the military operation in Rafah in order to militarily dismantle the remaining battalions of the military wing of Hamas.

Israeli forces target residential homes in Jabalia

A local activist has shared a video on Instagram showing thick smoke rising after Israeli air strikes targeted a residential area in Jabalia in northern Gaza.

If the international community doesn't hurry up, the West Bank will turn into Gaza as well. People have had enough.

Hamas calls on Palestinians in West Bank ‘to confront occupation forces’

The ongoing crimes in the West Bank, especially in the city and refugee camp of Jenin, “forewarn of an imminent popular storm against these Israeli invasions that have targeted all aspects of Palestinian life”, Haroun Nasser al-Din, member of Hamas’s political bureau, has said.

In a statement, Nasser al-Din said that the group is calling on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to “engage in an intifada in response to these ugly crimes, and to confront occupation forces”.

Yesterday we reported that Israeli gunfire in Jenin killed eight people, including a doctor, a teacher and a student. At least 12 people were wounded in the deadly Israeli raid.

Young Palestinian man shot by Israeli forces in ongoing Jenin raid

Wafa news agency reports that a young man was shot several times in the occupied West Bank city, citing the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS). The PRCS said that its crews received the young man with multiple bullet wounds and transported him to the hospital for treatment.

Wafa also reported that several people were detained by Israeli forces, including a woman, after raids on their homes.

Israel has been conducting a violent raid on Jenin since yesterday morning, in which so far at least eight people have been killed, including two children, a doctor and a teacher.

Israeli forces detain 12 Palestinians overnight

According to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society and the Commission for Detainees’ Affairs, this includes two women, one of whom is a former detainee who had been released in November 2023 in a Hamas-Israel exchange deal.

Israel’s forces, the prisoners’ rights groups said, carried out raids and detentions in Bethlehem, Hebron and Nablus, while its military operation in Jenin and its camp is ongoing.

This brings the number of arrests since October 7 to more than 8,825, including 295 women.

PRCS evacuates families from Jenin refugee camp

We’ve been reporting on the latest Israeli military raid on the Jenin refugee camp, in which eight people were confirmed killed and at least 21 injured in the occupied West Bank, according to Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS).

The PRCS shared a video on X showing ambulance crews evacuating Palestinian families in the camp after their “homes were taken over and turned into military outposts” by Israeli forces during their ongoing incursion.

Israeli settlers attack village south of Nablus: Report

Israeli settlers have attacked the village of Asira al-Qibliya, south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, the Wafa news agency reports.

Witnesses living there said the settlers attacked the outskirts of the village under the protection of Israeli forces and directed live fire at residents.

The sources said a number of the settlers tried to set fire to houses located on the outskirts of the village and it led to a widespread fire in the area.

Recognising Palestinian state ‘right thing to do’: Norway foreign minister

Espen Barth Eide has told Al Jazeera that Norway has decided to move towards formally recognising a Palestinian state because “it’s the right thing to do.”

“The Palestinian people have a right to statehood, and it has been our view for many, many years,” the Norwegian foreign minister said.

Barth Eide added that Norway believed its bilateral recognition would come after a negotiated settlement but “now realized that there are no such negotiations going on”.

We’re “realising that the drama we’ve seen with the terror attacks in Israel, with the extreme violence in Gaza, with the settler violence in the West Bank, the whole situation is now getting out of hand and in the hands of extremists”, he said.

“And we want to raise the voice of those who still believe in a peaceful, nonviolent solution, who still believe that there can be an Israeli and a Palestinian state living side by side.”

Barth Eide says recognising Palestine state only ‘one piece of the puzzle’

Norway’s foreign minister told Al Jazeera that he does not believe that his country’s move to recognise the Palestine state will solve the conflict with Israel.

“There’s actually no action that on its own will solve the crisis of the Middle East,” said Espen Barth Eide. “It’s a puzzle with many pieces. One piece is to establish a Palestinian state, another one is normalisation with the Arab states. A third one is peace guarantees for Israel, demobilisation of the Hamas, strengthening the Palestine Authority.”

“But this is one piece of the puzzle and it’s one piece that we hold and we are ready to play that card or lay that piece now as a contribution to a role to settlement,” he said.


Palestinian state should be realised through negotiations, White House says

Biden believes a Palestinian state should be achieved through negotiations, not unilateral recognition, the White House says.

“The president is a strong supporter of a two-state solution and has been throughout his career,” a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council said. “He believes a Palestinian state should be realised through direct negotiations between the parties, not through unilateral recognition.”

The comments come after the leaders of Norway, Ireland and Spain said their countries will formally recognise Palestine as a state next week.

You've been negotiating for over half a century, it's clear one side is hell bent on preventing a Palestinian state from ever happening. Your negotiations aren't going anywhere as long as you keep backing Netanyahu with your ironclad genocide support.

‘Israeli society is living in total denial’

Gideon Levy, a columnist at Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, has said he hopes that “Israelis will start to look upon themselves and not to blame the whole world for what’s going on”.

“The notion right now in Israel, as usual, is that the whole world is against us, the whole world is anti-Semitic and let’s get together, we the victims of the world. I don’t know how long it will last because there must be cracks,” he told Al Jazeera.

“Israelis should start to ask themselves, ‘Where is my responsibility’? Is it really only the world’s blame? Or maybe there were crimes of war in Gaza. Maybe our leaders should be brought to justice.”

These conversations are not yet being had, Levy said. Israeli society, he added, is living in total denial. “And the Israeli media, which is the biggest collaborator with the occupation, is the main reason why the discourse in Israel is still a blame game against the world,” he said.

Qatar, Egypt hail European countries’ decision to recognise Palestinian state

Egypt, which has engaged in mediation efforts between Israel and Hamas alongside Qatar and the US, has hailed the move by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognise a Palestinian state as a “welcome step”.

The announcement supports “international efforts to create a political horizon that can lead to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state”, Egypt’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

Mediator Qatar similarly welcomed the announcement as an “important step in support of a two-state solution”, also expressing hope that other countries would do the same.

I guess in answer to the CNN 'report' that blamed Egypt for sabotaging the mediation efforts

Qatar: Disregard media reports casting doubt on Gaza mediation efforts

Majed al-Ansari, the official spokesperson for Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has said that some media reports have been casting doubt and leveling accusations “against the ongoing mediation efforts to halt the aggression in Gaza”.

The official said Qatar’s joint mediation efforts with Egypt and the US are continuing, and he affirmed “that the three countries are working in full coordination to achieve an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, and the exchange of prisoners and hostages”.

Watchdogs press World Court to order unimpeded media access to Gaza