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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS5 ships 75M by 31.12.2024. LT sales expectations?


Lifetime sales expectations?

Under 100M 4 4.12%
100-115M 37 38.14%
115-130M 45 46.39%
130M+ 11 11.34%
killer7 said:
Kyuu said:

Explain why 2028 would be suicide and how the next Xbox launching in 2026 poses a threat. This brings back memories.

Quite easy. MS would get a headstart of 2 years (Xbox 360 anyone?) Nintendo will have 3 years. Remember what happened with PS3? This is a risc Sony will not want! Also if  Switch really runs as good as many people predicting it could be a record breaking launch! Add in the fact that the MS/ Activision contract includes all Activision games for Nintendo systems for 10 years but only COD for Playstation, does bring some riscs. Nintendo is basically guaranteed to get all Activision games for 10 years. It could be that Sony gets more but the contract only saves COD for them. If the Switch 2 becomes THE mobile device for 3rd parties AND the Nintendo games (MK, Smash, Zelda, Pokémon, Metroid, Kirby...)+ former Xboy exclusives like Halo, Forza, Gears... AND has physical games (PS6 will likley be digital only) that won't be nothing and it must be taken into account by Sony. Just saying "Nintendo is no competition" like some vgchartz users shout is no solution! The industry sees them in competition. Also consider the fact that Sony ports their games to PC and Nintendo does not. Xbox is a lot smaller than it used to be but its far from a nobody! Sony cannot just do what they like and get an easy win! We saw this in gen 7, we somehow see it in Gen 9 (vs Switch) and YES i am comparing Switch directly with PS5 and Xbox! See what i mean?


A full next gen system (PS or Xbox) will be a good chunk more powerfull than last gen. If Sony/ MS decides to make a next gen only experience, this gens graphics will be a childs birthday. You cannot rely on that everything gets cross gen releases.

The past, without studying the circumstances, is literally irrelevant. X360 was a powerful console that launched cheap in a time where generations meant something. It was the better designed system than the overpriced PS3 with its complicated architecture and trash GPU, and had a more or less equally strong library of exclusives including 1st party titles. PS2 was still selling extremely well, and Sony's playerbase was divided between 3 consoles (PS2, PS3 and PSP). Kinect also gave X360 a temprary boost in late years. Did the headstart contribute to its success? Absolutely, but it was one of multiple factors that helped it gain popularity and momentum. Dreamcast had a 16 month headstart and look how that went. Every console has their unique circumstances, and current Xbox doesn't really have much going for it. Truth be told, even Sony may struggle to convince PS5 gamers to upgrade quickly to PS6. Generations are inerhently weaker now.

In the past, consoles got mutiple pricerops going as low as 40%~ of the original price, whereas nowadays prices are going up. In the past, Microsoft was open to losing hundreds of dollars per console sold, now they're making it known that they have no intention to do the same going forward. A 2026 Xbox with no exclusives will generate no excitement whatsoever, it is evident that Microsoft is primarily a 3rd party publisher now.

In the unlikely scenario where Microsoft out of nowhere decides to challenge Playstation by removing ABK support (which is why Sony tried everything they could to sabotage the ABK acquisition), nothing Sony does will make a difference, a 2026 or 2027 PS6 launch solves nothing. Playstation and ABK would both be damaged.

Switch 2 won't be of much more relevance to Sony than the Switch 1 was outside Japan.

PS6 won't be digital only. But yes, they obviously can't do whatever they want. If they conclude that PC support hurts their hardware sales, they can choose to pull the plug. Hardware is their bread and butter, and their own 1st party software only serves to help sustain the popularity of the platform.

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Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm thinking LT sales will definitely be more than 80 million.

Kyuu said:
killer7 said:

Quite easy. MS would get a headstart of 2 years (Xbox 360 anyone?) Nintendo will have 3 years. Remember what happened with PS3? This is a risc Sony will not want! Also if  Switch really runs as good as many people predicting it could be a record breaking launch! Add in the fact that the MS/ Activision contract includes all Activision games for Nintendo systems for 10 years but only COD for Playstation, does bring some riscs. Nintendo is basically guaranteed to get all Activision games for 10 years. It could be that Sony gets more but the contract only saves COD for them. If the Switch 2 becomes THE mobile device for 3rd parties AND the Nintendo games (MK, Smash, Zelda, Pokémon, Metroid, Kirby...)+ former Xboy exclusives like Halo, Forza, Gears... AND has physical games (PS6 will likley be digital only) that won't be nothing and it must be taken into account by Sony. Just saying "Nintendo is no competition" like some vgchartz users shout is no solution! The industry sees them in competition. Also consider the fact that Sony ports their games to PC and Nintendo does not. Xbox is a lot smaller than it used to be but its far from a nobody! Sony cannot just do what they like and get an easy win! We saw this in gen 7, we somehow see it in Gen 9 (vs Switch) and YES i am comparing Switch directly with PS5 and Xbox! See what i mean?


A full next gen system (PS or Xbox) will be a good chunk more powerfull than last gen. If Sony/ MS decides to make a next gen only experience, this gens graphics will be a childs birthday. You cannot rely on that everything gets cross gen releases.

The past, without studying the circumstances, is literally irrelevant. X360 was a powerful console that launched cheap in a time where generations meant something. It was the better designed system than the overpriced PS3 with its complicated architecture and trash GPU, and had a more or less equally strong library of exclusives including 1st party titles. PS2 was still selling extremely well, and Sony's playerbase was divided between 3 consoles (PS2, PS3 and PSP). Kinect also gave X360 a temprary boost in late years. Did the headstart contribute to its success? Absolutely, but it was one of multiple factors that helped it gain popularity and momentum. Dreamcast had a 16 month headstart and look how that went. Every console has their unique circumstances, and current Xbox doesn't really have much going for it. Truth be told, even Sony may struggle to convince PS5 gamers to upgrade quickly to PS6. Generations are inerhently weaker now.

In the past, consoles got mutiple pricerops going as low as 40%~ of the original price, whereas nowadays prices are going up. In the past, Microsoft was open to losing hundreds of dollars per console sold, now they're making it known that they have no intention to do the same going forward. A 2026 Xbox with no exclusives will generate no excitement whatsoever, it is evident that Microsoft is primarily a 3rd party publisher now.

In the unlikely scenario where Microsoft out of nowhere decides to challenge Playstation by removing ABK support (which is why Sony tried everything they could to sabotage the ABK acquisition), nothing Sony does will make a difference, a 2026 or 2027 PS6 launch solves nothing. Playstation and ABK would both be damaged.

Switch 2 won't be of much more relevance to Sony than the Switch 1 was outside Japan.

PS6 won't be digital only. But yes, they obviously can't do whatever they want. If they conclude that PC support hurts their hardware sales, they can choose to pull the plug. Hardware is their bread and butter, and their own 1st party software only serves to help sustain the popularity of the platform.

I did not say 2026 but 2027. PS2 was also not damaged by an early start because according to this theory the PS2 should have been a desaster wich it certenly wasn't. 

I highly doubt Sony "does not care" about 150 million+ Switch users simply calling them a "different audience". 

From all the happenings more facts contradict a physical PS6:

1.) BD production discontinued this month by Sony

2.) 70%+ games are sold digital- you can check their earnings report here (i know this includes digital only but still they are not availible physical).

3.) Sony only produces PS5 without DD. PS5Pro never even had a bundle.

4.) PS5 BD Drive is produced only in limited quantities- see scalper prices. Nobody can tell me that Sony has difficulties producing them. (If so i officially apply to a Job at this factory and i promise under my command you'll get millions of DDs if necessary!!) Its made out of purpus because Sony want to move us to digital only. If physical was so important for them they would at least produce more DDs, maybe even sell the Pro with a DD. There would be more DDs around.

In our stores you see the same picture overall: No Xbox SX- you need to order them and it takes over a week to get them. There are only XSS sold. PS5 is only availible in digital form. You want a DD? The same: Order it! It takes a week or even longer to get it. As someone working in a store selling games i can confirm this. The only availible system wich plays physical games is the Switch family of systems. PS4 and Xbox (Series/one) are lumoed together in the Playstation area, the PS4 section is about te same, maybe even smaller. The PS5 represents about 75% of this ara. The only really big area we got is Nintendo. The Switch games take a bit less space that Xbox and Playstation together. 6 Store shelves have been dwarfed to 4. And let me tell you: 2 of them are Nintendo only.

Last edited by killer7 - on 16 February 2025

Kyuu said:
killer7 said:

Quite easy. MS would get a headstart of 2 years (Xbox 360 anyone?) Nintendo will have 3 years. Remember what happened with PS3? This is a risc Sony will not want! Also if  Switch really runs as good as many people predicting it could be a record breaking launch! Add in the fact that the MS/ Activision contract includes all Activision games for Nintendo systems for 10 years but only COD for Playstation, does bring some riscs. Nintendo is basically guaranteed to get all Activision games for 10 years. It could be that Sony gets more but the contract only saves COD for them. If the Switch 2 becomes THE mobile device for 3rd parties AND the Nintendo games (MK, Smash, Zelda, Pokémon, Metroid, Kirby...)+ former Xboy exclusives like Halo, Forza, Gears... AND has physical games (PS6 will likley be digital only) that won't be nothing and it must be taken into account by Sony. Just saying "Nintendo is no competition" like some vgchartz users shout is no solution! The industry sees them in competition. Also consider the fact that Sony ports their games to PC and Nintendo does not. Xbox is a lot smaller than it used to be but its far from a nobody! Sony cannot just do what they like and get an easy win! We saw this in gen 7, we somehow see it in Gen 9 (vs Switch) and YES i am comparing Switch directly with PS5 and Xbox! See what i mean?


A full next gen system (PS or Xbox) will be a good chunk more powerfull than last gen. If Sony/ MS decides to make a next gen only experience, this gens graphics will be a childs birthday. You cannot rely on that everything gets cross gen releases.

The past, without studying the circumstances, is literally irrelevant. X360 was a powerful console that launched cheap in a time where generations meant something. It was the better designed system than the overpriced PS3 with its complicated architecture and trash GPU, and had a more or less equally strong library of exclusives including 1st party titles. PS2 was still selling extremely well, and Sony's playerbase was divided between 3 consoles (PS2, PS3 and PSP). Kinect also gave X360 a temprary boost in late years. Did the headstart contribute to its success? Absolutely, but it was one of multiple factors that helped it gain popularity and momentum. Dreamcast had a 16 month headstart and look how that went. Every console has their unique circumstances, and current Xbox doesn't really have much going for it. Truth be told, even Sony may struggle to convince PS5 gamers to upgrade quickly to PS6. Generations are inerhently weaker now.

In the past, consoles got mutiple pricerops going as low as 40%~ of the original price, whereas nowadays prices are going up. In the past, Microsoft was open to losing hundreds of dollars per console sold, now they're making it known that they have no intention to do the same going forward. A 2026 Xbox with no exclusives will generate no excitement whatsoever, it is evident that Microsoft is primarily a 3rd party publisher now.

In the unlikely scenario where Microsoft out of nowhere decides to challenge Playstation by removing ABK support (which is why Sony tried everything they could to sabotage the ABK acquisition), nothing Sony does will make a difference, a 2026 or 2027 PS6 launch solves nothing. Playstation and ABK would both be damaged.

Switch 2 won't be of much more relevance to Sony than the Switch 1 was outside Japan.

PS6 won't be digital only. But yes, they obviously can't do whatever they want. If they conclude that PC support hurts their hardware sales, they can choose to pull the plug. Hardware is their bread and butter, and their own 1st party software only serves to help sustain the popularity of the platform.

Why wouldn't the Switch 2 be relevant for PS in US and Europe? Popular Nintendo consoles sell tens of millions of units in the US and Europe, they are very much relevant in other countries other than Japan.

Sephiran said:
Kyuu said:

The past, without studying the circumstances, is literally irrelevant. X360 was a powerful console that launched cheap in a time where generations meant something. It was the better designed system than the overpriced PS3 with its complicated architecture and trash GPU, and had a more or less equally strong library of exclusives including 1st party titles. PS2 was still selling extremely well, and Sony's playerbase was divided between 3 consoles (PS2, PS3 and PSP). Kinect also gave X360 a temprary boost in late years. Did the headstart contribute to its success? Absolutely, but it was one of multiple factors that helped it gain popularity and momentum. Dreamcast had a 16 month headstart and look how that went. Every console has their unique circumstances, and current Xbox doesn't really have much going for it. Truth be told, even Sony may struggle to convince PS5 gamers to upgrade quickly to PS6. Generations are inerhently weaker now.

In the past, consoles got mutiple pricerops going as low as 40%~ of the original price, whereas nowadays prices are going up. In the past, Microsoft was open to losing hundreds of dollars per console sold, now they're making it known that they have no intention to do the same going forward. A 2026 Xbox with no exclusives will generate no excitement whatsoever, it is evident that Microsoft is primarily a 3rd party publisher now.

In the unlikely scenario where Microsoft out of nowhere decides to challenge Playstation by removing ABK support (which is why Sony tried everything they could to sabotage the ABK acquisition), nothing Sony does will make a difference, a 2026 or 2027 PS6 launch solves nothing. Playstation and ABK would both be damaged.

Switch 2 won't be of much more relevance to Sony than the Switch 1 was outside Japan.

PS6 won't be digital only. But yes, they obviously can't do whatever they want. If they conclude that PC support hurts their hardware sales, they can choose to pull the plug. Hardware is their bread and butter, and their own 1st party software only serves to help sustain the popularity of the platform.

Why wouldn't the Switch 2 be relevant for PS in US and Europe? Popular Nintendo consoles sell tens of millions of units in the US and Europe, they are very much relevant in other countries other than Japan.

I didn't say it's irrelevant. I said it won't be much more relevant than the Switch 1 (which was relevant but not enough to "threaten" the Playstation business). Playstation is doing better than ever 8 years after Switch's launch, and this isn't gonna change considerably with Switch 2's arrival.

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The way I see it is that no matter when Microsoft launches its next console, it won't have any exclusives and it will sell less than Series X/S.

If a new Xbox is coming in 2026 then Sony waiting and releasing a more powerful PS6 in 2028 for the same price as the Xbox is not a bad move.

The problem with the PS3 was that it was a poorly designed console with the worst versions of the third party games of that generation while costing more than the 360. I don't think this will be the case with the PS6.

Unless the Switch 2 gets every third party game released like the PS systems Sony also don't have to worry about it imo.


I really think we should be carefull with charging early: Remember when PS3 was supposed to be Nr.1 in 2005? Wii beat it, the 360 tied it! Remember the "walkman of the 21. century"? Laydon even had to print a fantasy number on his personal PSP to make it seem that production units where a million higher than GBAs shipments(😂) What about january 2011 when Nintendo Got Powned (NGP)? 18 million (and thats a redicolously high balled number from me here) units where faaar too less to do something like "pown" 75,94 million 3DS systems. The PS5 will never catch the Switch's LTD that should be clear. And now people are seriously crowning the PS6 before even seeing it? Come on!

Last edited by killer7 - on 16 February 2025

killer7 said:

I really think we should be carefull with charging early: Remember when PS3 was supposed to be Nr.1 in 2005? Wii beat it, the 360 tied it! Remember the "walkman of the 21. century"? Laydon even had to print a fantasy number on his personal PSP to make it seem that production units where a million higher than GBAs shippments(😂) What about january 2011 when Nintendo Got Powned (NGP)? 18 million (and thats a redicolously high balled number from me here) units where faaar too less to do something like "pown" 75,94 million 3DS systems. The PS5 will never catch the Switch's LTD that should be clear. And now people are seriously crowning the PS6 before even seeing it? Come on!

Oh yes, Layden who was no longer working for Sony just woke up and randomly remembered he was butthurt about GBA's shipments a decade after PSP's production ended, and decided to lie through his teeth to ease the eternal pain.

Perhaps instead of remembering and exaggerating things some fanboys said a century ago, you should worry about your own current behaviour. Funny how you keep singling out Playstation fanboys as if the other fanboys are innocent and never once made laughable claims, silly predictions, and hateful comments when they still do it today on a daily basis even here on VGChartz.

Yes, the PS5 isn't catching up to Switch's numbers. Who the fuck claimed otherwise? Such a random thing to say. You seem to have a weird grudge.

Kyuu said:
killer7 said:

I really think we should be carefull with charging early: Remember when PS3 was supposed to be Nr.1 in 2005? Wii beat it, the 360 tied it! Remember the "walkman of the 21. century"? Laydon even had to print a fantasy number on his personal PSP to make it seem that production units where a million higher than GBAs shippments(😂) What about january 2011 when Nintendo Got Powned (NGP)? 18 million (and thats a redicolously high balled number from me here) units where faaar too less to do something like "pown" 75,94 million 3DS systems. The PS5 will never catch the Switch's LTD that should be clear. And now people are seriously crowning the PS6 before even seeing it? Come on!

Oh yes, Layden who was no longer working for Sony just woke up and randomly remembered he was butthurt about GBA's shipments a decade after PSP's production ended, and decided to lie through his teeth to ease the eternal pain.

Perhaps instead of remembering and exaggerating things some fanboys said a century ago, you should worry about your own current behaviour. Funny how you keep singling out Playstation fanboys as if the other fanboys are innocent and never once made laughable claims, silly predictions, and hateful comments when they still do it today on a daily basis even here on VGChartz.

Yes, the PS5 isn't catching up to Switch's numbers. Who the fuck claimed otherwise? Such a random thing to say. You seem to have a weird grudge.

^ this.

No one is claiming the PS5 will come near the Switch sales or beat it.
At most PS5 ends up like 130-135m, this gen.
Switch will cruise past 160m.
Xbox might go past 40m.

Kyuu said:
killer7 said:

I really think we should be carefull with charging early: Remember when PS3 was supposed to be Nr.1 in 2005? Wii beat it, the 360 tied it! Remember the "walkman of the 21. century"? Laydon even had to print a fantasy number on his personal PSP to make it seem that production units where a million higher than GBAs shippments(😂) What about january 2011 when Nintendo Got Powned (NGP)? 18 million (and thats a redicolously high balled number from me here) units where faaar too less to do something like "pown" 75,94 million 3DS systems. The PS5 will never catch the Switch's LTD that should be clear. And now people are seriously crowning the PS6 before even seeing it? Come on!

Oh yes, Layden who was no longer working for Sony just woke up and randomly remembered he was butthurt about GBA's shipments a decade after PSP's production ended, and decided to lie through his teeth to ease the eternal pain.

Perhaps instead of remembering and exaggerating things some fanboys said a century ago, you should worry about your own current behaviour. Funny how you keep singling out Playstation fanboys as if the other fanboys are innocent and never once made laughable claims, silly predictions, and hateful comments when they still do it today on a daily basis even here on VGChartz.

Yes, the PS5 isn't catching up to Switch's numbers. Who the fuck claimed otherwise? Such a random thing to say. You seem to have a weird grudge.

I never said other fanboys are without guilt! Damn whoever is without sin throw the first stone!! Of course there where also things from Nintendo or Xbox Fans for example back in 2007 there where people claiming that when Halo 3 comes out Wii will stop catching the 360 and it will remain superior in sales. Also some redicolous WiiU predictions made me smile. It was so clear the damn things gonna flop, i remember everyday some days before launch more bad news poped up. Ok it was more powerfull than the PS3 and the Xbox 360 but the fact its processor was weaker caused such an enormous outrage. It seemed like Nintendo wanted to provoke their fans with that thing. They did exactly the opposite what they wanted: Weak, bad games, bad marketing... You needed to be a huge Nintendofanboy to like that thing or a collector like me. You see, i charge every system. If the Switch 2 was only just an Xbox one in handheld mode, no fucking way i would excuse that. I won't excuse the next Xbox because it will be 100% digital only and if the PS6 follows it will be the same for Sony, even with 100TF!! Of course the same goes for a potential Switch 3 as well! This is one reason i don't play PC and would never game on a smartphone.


"Cruise past 160 million i would not say. I upped my LTD prediction from 155 million+ to 157 million+ miminum for march 2027 but if that FY is remotey close to average i might change it to 160 million+.

Last edited by killer7 - on 16 February 2025