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LurkerJ said:

Some of the internal policies on the table are not pro-big donor-type of policy we got used to which makes me hopeful the trend will extend to foreign policies. Also, tbh, I expected nothing from Biden but he surprised on internal policies, so maybe? 

I am probably hoping for a better strategy on Ukraine and a better stance on Gaza because... I frankly have no idea how else to influence anyone in power about these 2 issues. Donating and propping up independent media to apply pressure is about the only thing I can do, people care less and less with time. Israel has managed to normalise the unthinkable, nothings shocks anyone or warrants outrage anymore. Arab states are looking after themselves and Palestinians have no allies anywhere in the world. 

Here's hoping Kamela can stand up better to Netanyahu. No doubt Netanyahu will rub her the wrong way, no bear hugs expected there.

There are countries that support the Palestinians. Maleysia and Indonesia have offered and are preparing to send peacekeeping forces to Gaza. However they will only do that under UN mandate and Palestinian approval. The former will likely be blocked by US veto.

Turkey has crippled the construction industry in Israel with trade sanctions, Columbia just halted all coal exports to Israel. And the BDS movement is having a significant effect on Israel's economy. Divestment works.

Brain drain is happening as well. Over half a million people have reportedly left Israel since Oct 7, most have dual citizenship so it's easier to pack up and leave. And more want to leave

This leads to the extremists becoming a higher percentage in the country while the economy keeps devolving. Israel is on a self destruct course. It's not just in Palestinian interest to get a permanent ceasefire and solution, Israel is not going to survive either if things don't change.

I'm hoping the student protest movement will continue. Divestment is as good as sanctions. Problem is the USA will keep footing the bill :/ Already over $100 per tax paying American invested in blowing up children.

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SvennoJ said:
LurkerJ said:

Apparently Trump is pressuring Netanyahu to reject any peace deals as these will be perceived as a pre-election win for the democrats, just like he pressured republicans to not accept the bipartisan border bill. Biden continues to have Netanyahu's back, baffling, it's not just immoral but politically dumb, you need every vote you can get. 

Knives don't have your back, Biden, Netanyahu and AIPAC will never be pleased. This is going to last at least until November and far long if Trump wins. I continue to give Kamala the benefit of the doubt, she's doing everything correctly so far so it's not unimaginable to break away from the current administration stance.

Netanyahu is really smart or our politicians are really dumb, 10 months and not a single concession has been given by him and he still gets everything he asks for. 

Instead Biden keeps giving concessions to Netanyahu. This new bridging proposal for Biden's ceasefire is all concessions to get Netanyahu to say yes, then try to blame Hamas again for not accepting the extra conditions.

It's all theater to delay Iran's counter attack for the assassinations, yet Biden/Blinken won't be able to hold off Iran and Hezbollah until November unless they grow some balls and stop sending more bombs. Netanyahu has already openly said he wants to maximize hostage release in phase 1, I wonder why... He's not interested in permanent ceasefire and one of his conditions is the right to return to fighting on after a humanitarian pause.

Biden will remain genocide Joe and Harris is getting more and more hear from the #NeverBiden campaign, which has correctly stated, Harris was the VP, she is just as much responsible for the ongoing genocide. So far Harris is following Biden's path, calling for a ceasefire, yet steadfast ironclad support for Israel. Nothing much will change.

And I guess with Trump crumbling, Harris will also have less incentive to appease the minority voters. They still won't vote for Trump, and as long as Harris can lose those votes, I doubt she'll do anything. Plus with the record amount of billionaire money she raised for her campaign, I wonder with how many strings attached that all came...

It's not looking good for Gaza and the Palestinian cause as long as the USA keeps supporting Netanyahu. It doesn't really matter if Trump somehow wins, it can't get much worse and the USA kinda deserves that prick. Biden couldn't even get sanctions against the worst Settler scum to stick. At least with Trump the world will turn against the USA faster... The root cause of the current issues in the ME. (well after the UK)

Trump will just sanction the International Criminal Court...again and it will go away.  Speaking of which if Trump is telling Israel not to do a ceasefire until after the election, that seems like something the ICC would want to look into before they get sanctioned.

Here's how you fix the foreign policy strategy of Israel and Ukraine. You swap the foreign policy enforced on them both.

I.E. Right now, Ukraine is the one with dozens of stupid restrictions on them, while Israel is the one with zero and does whatever the fuck it wants, they need to be swapped round given Ukraine has consistently proven itself to us as a reliable, a sensible ally which follows international law while Israel has consistently shown itself to us to be an ally which doesn't give a fuck about our opinions, laws and has no respect for us.

Harris is still VP though. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt because she doesn't set foreign policy and she's not going to make a major change to foreign policy while Biden is still president and go completely against him and sadly, it would be political suicide for Harris to go too hard on Israel before she's even president. They have too much power, influence and there's still a large pro-Israel voting base which Republicans would dive right on, it's harder for them to dive onto the Pro-Palestine crowd because they'd look like massive hypocrites and because Trump has already gone around saying he'd be a big supporter of Israel and deport any "pro-Hamas" aka Palestinians, protesters.

I think we need to wait until Harris actually wins to start flinging shit at her if she makes no changes, Imo.

It's on Biden to make sure this shit doesn't blow up before November though and sort this shit out. He needs to be tougher on Israel.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 August 2024


Exclusive: Harris' Election Effort Raises Around $500 Million in a Month, Sources Say | Reuters

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 August 2024

Don’t like Western values and wish to return to a “traditional” way of life? Putin and Morher Russia have you covered! 

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SanAndreasX said:

Don’t like Western values and wish to return to a “traditional” way of life? Putin and Morher Russia have you covered! 

Welcome to Russia, here's your boots and gun hop on that bus on your way to being cannon fodder, err fighting Ukraine.

I'd pay Alex Jones to fuck off to Russia.

rapsuperstar31 said:

Trump will just sanction the International Criminal Court...again and it will go away.  Speaking of which if Trump is telling Israel not to do a ceasefire until after the election, that seems like something the ICC would want to look into before they get sanctioned.

Biden did so as well, only in a more sneaky way, pressuring the UK to block the ICC arrest warrants. While the UK might back off now, it gave the Israel lobby the time to get more western countries to hop on the bandwagon to challenge the ICC.

Not that it matters much, ICC warrants will just be ignored like the ICJ rulings on the West Bank Occupation as long as the US holds veto power at the UNSC.

Hence it doesn't matter much for Gaza whether Trump or Biden is in office. Trump might actually be better as he's not a smooth liar like Biden. Biden is somehow still managing to make the Western press believe he's working hard on a ceasefire. He's only working hard to hold off Iran for now.


rapsuperstar31 said:

Welcome to Russia, here's your boots and gun hop on that bus on your way to being cannon fodder, err fighting Ukraine.

Amazing how much Russia and Israel have in common... Or rather Putin and Netanyahu. Welcome to Israel, oh as part of your citizen ship you only have to serve (now) 36 months in the military raiding the West Bank or bomb Gaza. The difference is, you get better 'toys' and are 'fighting' mostly civilians.

@Ryuu96 Yes that would be a good call, yet Israel will continue to ignore any restrictions. Don't go into Rafah remember. Biden's red line...

I'm hopeful Harris will be better, lift restrictions on Ukraine and put actual conditions on continued 'ironclad' support. But I have my doubts. It's great the Harris campaign raised so much money in such a short time, or maybe it isn't. It always comes with strings attached. Who are the donors, what do they want in return. Politics is all for sale in the US :/

The DNC delegate state roll call was a whole frikkin party. That just doesn't happen.

Then they did a live event from an arena inside a live event at an arena. That just doesn't happen.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Ryuu96 said:

I'd pay Alex Jones to fuck off to Russia.

Maybe they'll do better than this chucklefuck who uprooted his family from Canada to Russia.