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This sums it up:

Inactive. Bye!

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derpysquirtle64 said:

The good things: MGS3 remake (which won't come out probably until late 2024 the earliest), Phantom Blade. Dragon's Dogma 2 is a big deal as well it seems, but I have no interest in it.

Terrible show overall, probably the worst Sony had in years. Xbox will need to TRY SO DAMN HARD to do worse than this.

WAtch Xbox succeed in fucking this up and it's worse than this... Like I wonder how they could possibly fumble it this bad. 

Still hoping P6 isn't exclusive. I still fear the hats. 

No Stellar Blade was sad as well.">"><img src="

I wonder if Bungie's New IP is still in development, the one which NetEase invested $100m into.

Marathon being multiplatform makes me think a potential Destiny 3 will be multiplatform but also their New IP.

Which makes me happy because even though I wasn't too hot on Destiny 1 and never played Destiny 2, Bungie still holds a place in my heart.

But seeing what they've done to Marathon...I really hope their New IP can make me feel that Bungie magic again.

Spade said:
derpysquirtle64 said:

The good things: MGS3 remake (which won't come out probably until late 2024 the earliest), Phantom Blade. Dragon's Dogma 2 is a big deal as well it seems, but I have no interest in it.

Terrible show overall, probably the worst Sony had in years. Xbox will need to TRY SO DAMN HARD to do worse than this.

WAtch Xbox succeed in fucking this up and it's worse than this... Like I wonder how they could possibly fumble it this bad. 

Still hoping P6 isn't exclusive. I still fear the hats. 

No Stellar Blade was sad as well. 

MS about to pull half the content from their show last minute thinking they brought too much

I'm actually not sure what kind of games/trailers really get me excited anymore... I think I liked the Dragon's Dogma one the most.

Mmm, maybe I just need a Fable trailer during the Xbox Showcase, might spark feelings of nostalgia.

Inactive. Bye!

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Dragon's Dogma 2 looks brilliant.

I'm just so confused.. been 2 years and even all the leakers were hyping it up (when they usually say temper expectations) and this is what we got? That new SE game looks dreadful, marathon don't look like marathon, MGS cgi only. Only good thing was spiderman at the end

3/10, definitely reminded me of some of the worst xbox shows

Bet that Square game is multiplatform too, LOL.

Ryuu96 said:

Bet that Square game is multiplatform too, LOL.

Please no. I'd prefer if Sony spent good money on that, like Forspoken.

Question for yall: How does MS top this in terms of a worse showcase. I'm running through scenerios in my head and I don't see how MS can actually do worse than that lmao.

If they show Starfield, Avowed, Hellblade 2, and Forza (and that's it for first party) plus some Japanese surprises like persona and yakuza, get a nice gamepass deal as well for a fall/winter release and I feel that's the minimum in terms of what they can show that would be better than what was shown.">"><img src="