On the one hand, Brad is right that UK is shit post-Brexit for investment. But I'm not sure the aggressive (PUBLIC) attacks will help, I think it will cause the CMA to double down, Lol. Brits don't ever accept they're wrong, we double down, this country is crazy nationalistic, CMA won't like Microsoft's threats to UK and the UK Gov is hands off with the CMA so they aren't going to do anything.
CMA has never lost. CAT may send it back but the bar for that is extremely high, only a 33% chance that Microsoft wins that and even if they do, CMA will just fix any mistake made and come to the same conclusion. Irrationality is a high bar which requires that CMA makes a decision which "no rational person would make" or they need to find legal mistakes, interpretation of data is not a legal mistake and predictions of a future market isn't illegal either even if those predictions are dumb as shit. CMA will block it again except this time with a "Microsoft is fucking annoying us" energy.
And it may cause Europe to look at Microsoft differently too, Europe already doesn't tend to like American attitudes, both in government and business. Them seeing Microsoft acting this aggressively when not getting their way may cause them to question Microsoft's intentions. Europe has already sued Microsoft once before, Lol. Hmm. They should really wait for EC's approval before acting this way. Europe still coordinates with UK.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 April 2023