“We will reassess our growth plans for the UK” is about as aggressive as you can be in a response like this. https://t.co/RhvOzQLUdE
— Richard Hoeg (@HoegLaw) April 26, 2023
“We will reassess our growth plans for the UK” is about as aggressive as you can be in a response like this. https://t.co/RhvOzQLUdE
— Richard Hoeg (@HoegLaw) April 26, 2023
Ryuu96 said:
Insane to block a deal based on crystal ball predictions of a future market, by that logic, you can block pretty much every acquisition in a nascent market, Lol. Far too much power, CAT HAS to side against CMA on this. The maths simply doesn't support them either. Kind of wish Microsoft dropped it but at the same time I 100% understand why they're fighting it, the conclusion is completely irrational and it sets a very bad precedent which could also hurt Microsoft in other acquisitions. Not to mention, it's worth it financially, Lol. Not just for Microsoft though, blocking an acquisition based on speculation for future markets which might not even exist is a very dangerous precedent to set for the tech industry and M&A's and in fact damaging to certain nascent markets which grow via acquisitions. Look at the points for blocking it. |
Did the CMA actually explain what would be considered sufficient in #1 and #2, seems to me those wordings are blanket statements that reach a dogmatic pre-made conclusion without regard to the amount of evidence to the contrary.
I can't help but think CMA acted out of grudge that their incompetence where exposed when it was revealed by MS that math was not their strong point XD.
Ryuu96 said:
Patcher Double Kiss of Death. Wouldn't it be hilarious if CMA actually allowed this, which ironically would hugely hurt way more Gamers than xCloud will ever reach in its lifetime 😂 |
I do not believe MS need to drop GP from the UK, they can just remove Xcloud add on for the UK. That basically kills the whole Cloud SLC, case closed.
I'm actually slightly more confident that CAT throws this back to CMA. A lot of these arguments fall under the "irrational" criteria I would say.
Microsoft's next move should be focusing 100% on EC and doing everything to get their approval. If EC rejects the deal then there is no coming back.
If they get EC approval though based on Cloud remedies and EC accepts the responsibility to monitor the remedies worldwide then it should do two things.
But ultimately CMA doesn't have to change their mind so...I can't believe we have another maybe year of this shit, Lol.
Activision-Blizzard stock is taking a pounding 🥴
I wonder who Bobby will sell to after they pocket that $3bn like a bandit.
Awful for the employees, saw again only a week ago about company policies at the top causing a lot of departures to the WoW team.
Xbox Design Lab has added five limited-edition Redfall controller designs inspired by the game - check them out inside: https://t.co/RRJaS7Bmry
— Xbox Wire (@XboxWire) April 26, 2023
Ryuu96 said: Activision-Blizzard stock is taking a pounding 🥴 I wonder who Bobby will sell to after they pocket that $3bn like a bandit. Awful for the employees, saw again only a week ago about company policies at the top causing a lot of departures to the WoW team. |
Actually, 77$ is not bad at all for Activision Stock :) I was planning to probably sell it to make some money with the really big uncertainty of the deal now.
But I may hold to it; analysts put it at 80$ target without the deal going through and it is still way higher than before the acquisition proposal came out.
Controllers... ooof. This is comedy at this point.
https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png%5B/IMG%5D">https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/SliferCynDelta"><img src="https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png
^ Actually that's really cool, I almost want one.
Instead of doing hundreds of "win this controller on Twitter" competitions, put them on Design Labs instead!!!
Beside. We're getting a game next week, nothing has changed, Xbox didn't own ABK and they still don't own ABK