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Kinda strange that the PS5 version of Hi-Fi Rush got a better sales price than the Xbox version.....anyways I bought it (on PS5 lol) and gonna be playing it soon.

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BasilZero said:

Kinda strange that the PS5 version of Hi-Fi Rush got a better sales price than the Xbox version.....anyways I bought it (on PS5 lol) and gonna be playing it soon.

Brilliant game and a really good DMC clone. I just love I can say good DMC clone twice in the last couple of years. Soulstice was another but as much as I love the Berserk-inspired Soulstice. Hi-Fi Rush rhythm mechanics add a fresh spin to it all. Get back to me if/when you notice a Xenogears reference. Most miss it.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I know that the week was too calm and cool for Xbox

NightF0x73 said:

I know that the week was too calm and cool for Xbox

Everything is going multiplatform, that's becoming pretty obvious, they need to rip the band-aid off and announce it, let people decide what they want to do, get all the anger out so that we can go back to focusing on the actual games rather than what platforms they are or aren't exclusive to, it's going to make discussion insufferable for the next few years if they slowly trickle it out, I want them to get it over and done with.

I liked this post from Idas.

- Estimated Console Gaming Market by 2030 (data from December 2023): USD 34.09 Billion
- Estimated Global Mobile Gaming Market by 2030 (data from early 2024): USD $195 Billion
- Estimated PC Games Market by 2030 (data from November 2023): USD 359 Billion

By 2030, MS expects that gaming revenue should be at $36 Billion (according to the FTC leak).

If the long term plan is "Make as much money as possible", console is not an option. PC, mobile, cloud, console and other channels are the real options going beyond.

In that scenario, I think that a long term play (2030) could be:

- Go 100% multiplatform (no more legal issues about exclusivity in the future).

- "Xbox PCs" built by MS and others manufacturers (no more legal issues about closed ecosystems in the future).

- Allow every potential store on those "Xbox PCs" (less legal issues about walled gardens in the future).

- M&A to acquire new blockbusters and high impact games/IPs (less legal issues about exclusivity because you want everything multiplatform in the future).

- M&A to acquire a successful PC gaming store (Steam, Epic, GOG, etc) to get a cut from third party sales (depending on the target I see more trouble here, but if everything else has been achieved by then, it could be done because MS would just be another player, although a very big one).

In that scenario third party support is kind of irrelevant.

Even the fees from third party sales are less important in that case, because in the short term you would make a ton of money from multiplatform games and in the mid-long term you will add to that the fees from your mobile, PC and console (if there is still one) stores.

I would like to see Xbox Games Studios as exclusive and let Betheda / ABK mulitplat.

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New KI Trailer Just Dropped

Ryuu96 said:

New KI Trailer Just Dropped

Free update?

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
Ryuu96 said:

New KI Trailer Just Dropped

Free update?

Free if you already owned the Definitive Edition.

Not free if you're using base F2P game.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 25 May 2024

Still have worries about UE5, it felt like it came out too early and Epic been playing catchup, a few UE5 titles released have performance issues, unless they're smaller titles or extremely focused like Hellblade, maybe it's just cause I only see the bad performing ones though.