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Goddamn. She is spitting facts, it's a developer btw, Lol.

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crissindahouse said:
konnichiwa said:

It would have been a significant number, a number that possible made some other devs not skip xbox, that again lead to more software sales and more console purchases and so on...

which third party games exactly do we talk about which missed Xbox and are so relevant to have millions of customers buying a PS instead of an Xbox. I mean, even if they would be on Xbox, most who bought them would own a PS instead of an Xbox but still curious which games we talk about which are the reason for so many buying a PS even though they would prefer an Xbox. 

Don't get me wrong, I would also like to see more games in the Xbox ecosystem but to me it's pretty clear that almost all who play these games would own a PS even if they would be on Xbox as well. 

MS knows that their console sales could be better. They lose many simply because all their games release on PC day one so that someone like me doesn't need an Xbox anymore. I'm sure that costs many more sales as some Japanese games missing Xbox. And yet MS is happy with it and doesn't take their games away from Steam. 

And Sony will also start to release all their games on PC day one. Maybe not now but in 5 years or maybe in 10 but the time will come and Sony will also lose some console sales and still be more successful with it. 

It is hard to discuss because it basically turns into a 'what if' scenario and I dislike those kind of discussions.

It is like 'what if Halo CE' did not release on the original xbox.

You would have a group A saying ' Well game sold 5 millionish so MS would have lost 200 million max in revenue.

You would also have a Group B (my group) saying 'It would have turned into a slipperly slope, xbox would not have been called shooterbox; potentially less devs would have released their shooter games on xbox (American Army, Doom 3, Riddick, Unreal games, Turok, Half life 2, Counter Strike etc), less consoles would have been sold, Halo 2 would not have been a thing, Xbox live subs would have been way lower... Atleast 1 billion in revenue lost and a lot of profit.

And also a Group C saying ' Their would have been no X360 without Halo CE'

Saying 'FF7R' day one also on Xbox would have not made much of a difference feels so wrong but because it is hard to disscuss an 'what if' scenario I let it slip...

Sony releasing day one on pc is not beneficial to Xbox,  Xbox had one advantage for devs,  the ability to release day one on pc and xbox while with Sony you had to be time exclusive for some time potentially hurting your sales..

And for all the "Japan is fine" it's not really accurate, multiple Japanese companies have posted poor fiscal reports lately, multiple have spoken about changing their business approaches, multiple have had layoffs and cancellations, albeit, largely to their western divisions but that's largely because Japanese labour law makes layoffs really difficult and time consuming so it's just a lot easier to lay off people in the West. Japanese workers are also in general paid less than Western equivalents and they're worked to the bone. They aren't exactly a shining example of what the perfect video game industry looks like.

Really, the only one who is fine, for now, is Nintendo.

Ryuu96 said:

Seems to me like we have two main issues that need addressing. Console makes like Sony and Xbox releasing their games increasingly multiplatform is only a stopgap measure, the core issues are the ever increasing budgets and their issues marketing core gaming experiences to those now grown up gen z-ers who grew up on mobile/tablet and still mostly play mobile games instead of core games.

They need to jumpstart growth again and get those budgets in check (like the movie industry has largely done).

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The Lord of Cereal over on ResetEra found this out so none of this comes from me.

Ahmed Best on Instagram

He posted that he's in mocap and tagged Activision.

On his Instagram story he posted about PuffyBlade at Activision with Ahmed.

PuffyBlade is a Producer on South of Midnight.

So Ahmed Best might be in South of Midnight but also equally as cool, Compulsion might have access to Activision's mocap studio now. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Ryuu96 said:

Goddamn. She is spitting facts, it's a developer btw, Lol.

Damn, dorito pope got owned

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Seems to me like we have two main issues that need addressing. Console makes like Sony and Xbox releasing their games increasingly multiplatform is only a stopgap measure, the core issues are the ever increasing budgets and their issues marketing core gaming experiences to those now grown up gen z-ers who grew up on mobile/tablet and still mostly play mobile games instead of core games.

They need to jumpstart growth again and get those budgets in check (like the movie industry has largely done).

Three I'd say.

1. Stagnate Console Market.
2. Exploding Budgets.
3. Audience Changes.

The console market isn't ever growing at this stage, it hit its ceiling 20 years ago, so even if budgets were in check, the stagnate console market would still be an issue for investors who demand constant growth, it's never good enough for these fucks, they need constant and notable growth which the console market only isn't providing so companies will still need to expand elsewhere.

Budgets can be improved but Xbox/PS gamers are conditioned into expecting massive blockbusters now, have to have the biggest games, the best graphics, we're seen how gamers lose their shit at asset reuse, at graphics being worse than other games, Sony has put themselves in that position more than Microsoft who has seemingly tried to keep a modest budget for most their AAAs.

I'd expect budgets for games to still increase across the board, it just needs to be smaller increases, smaller games, smaller development schedules.

I honestly don't think you're getting those mobile/tablet gamers to care about consoles at large, so many people today only play a few titles, as an example, my nieces prefer to play Roblox on their mobile phone than their Xbox and they're better at it on their mobiles than on their Xbox's, Lol. What we consider core games is different to what they consider core games, Roblox is a core game to them.

They'll be more what we consider core games coming to mobile though, from major franchises. Wonder how well COD Mobile will do.

I think people today largely just want to play wherever they want, on whatever device they want, the console model is outdated and restrictive, especially in light of things like subscription services being on every device. People can access their content wherever they want to, aside from consoles.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 February 2024

Ryuu96 said:

The Lord of Cereal over on ResetEra found this out so none of this comes from me.

Ahmed Best on Instagram

He posted that he's in mocap and tagged Activision.

On his Instagram story he posted about PuffyBlade at Activision with Ahmed.

PuffyBlade is a Producer on South of Midnight.

So Ahmed Best might be in South of Midnight but also equally as cool, Compulsion might have access to Activision's mocap studio now.

Hmmm, I saw in an article yesterday that Ahmed Best also posted Star Wars tags, including Kelleren Beq and Jar Jar Binks, in addition to tagging Activision. He also posted "Just when I think I'm out, they drag me back in". Seems to me like either he is doing mo-cap and VA for premium CoD skins for Jar Jar and Kelleren Beq, or Activision is making a Star Wars game that they pitched to Disney sometime after Disney terminated EA's 10 year exclusivity deal early in 2020.

However, I suppose he could also be doing mocap work for South of Midnight while there in the mocap studio, since he is there with a Compulsion dev.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 28 February 2024