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Has anyone here ever played a game too young? Like you played a game and couldn't really appreciate the story because of your level of maturity? I'm thinking of replaying GTA 4 and 5, and I hated 4 when I played it when I was 16.

Disclaimer: GTA 4 was my first rated M game I played. The first game I actually used a gun, I remember being an edge teenager shooting up people and laughin my ass off. I definitely did not appreciate the story. Only memorable mission I remember was like the 3 or 4 leaf clover one where you rob a bank.

Thinking of giving this one another chance. Heard the Series X enhancements are well done as well.">"><img src="

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Voted yes in the poll. Used private servers in an alliance server
Was cool meeting non try hard tuck dents and getting cheevos in record time as opposed to wasting hours years later.
#StayMadIce">"><img src="

Spade said:

Has anyone here ever played a game too young? Like you played a game and couldn't really appreciate the story because of your level of maturity? I'm thinking of replaying GTA 4 and 5, and I hated 4 when I played it when I was 16.

Disclaimer: GTA 4 was my first rated M game I played. The first game I actually used a gun, I remember being an edge teenager shooting up people and laughin my ass off. I definitely did not appreciate the story. Only memorable mission I remember was like the 3 or 4 leaf clover one where you rob a bank.

Thinking of giving this one another chance. Heard the Series X enhancements are well done as well.

I was way too young to play a lot of games by the time I turned 12, I had played the likes of Quake 2&3, Unreal Tournament, Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, Halo CE, Goldeneye, Half-Life (probably the game I underappreciated the most at the time) and Morrowind. I'm sure there's some others that I'm forgetting too lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I voted previously played but still won't return. It'd be cool to play but I have enough games to keep me busy. Only live service game I'll continue playing periodically is Halo Infinite with a rotating RTS game, which is currently StarCraft 2.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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ice said:

is it just me or is bing rewards getting worse like every week? I just noticed they stop giving out points for edge searches.

No, it's not just you, we were just talking about the recent Rewards changes recently. 

  • The 20 Edge points per day from Bing Rewards are gone.
  • Bing Rewards now seems to have a 20 or 30 second timer per search, meaning that you can no longer easily get your points by spam clicking through the trending news searches each day, as I and many others have done for years.
  • The Microsoft Rewards for Xbox app is being ended in like a week, after they have spent the last year or so gutting the app by removing more and more point opportunities
  • Xbox Rewards (which has been in beta and can be accessed from either the mobile Xbox app or an obscure tab on your Xbox profile on console) is the replacement for the above app which is ending support in a week. Meanwhile, Xbox Rewards recently had it's 50 points per day for earning an achievement in a Gamepass game shrunk by 90% down to 5 points per day. Xbox has yet to reveal if new point opportunities will be added to Xbox Rewards to make up for the missing points from the soon to be removed Microsoft Rewards for Xbox app.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 30 November 2023

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Spade said:

Has anyone here ever played a game too young? Like you played a game and couldn't really appreciate the story because of your level of maturity? I'm thinking of replaying GTA 4 and 5, and I hated 4 when I played it when I was 16.

Disclaimer: GTA 4 was my first rated M game I played. The first game I actually used a gun, I remember being an edge teenager shooting up people and laughin my ass off. I definitely did not appreciate the story. Only memorable mission I remember was like the 3 or 4 leaf clover one where you rob a bank.

Thinking of giving this one another chance. Heard the Series X enhancements are well done as well.

Oblivion I'd say. I was 17 when it released and I just wasn't ready to appreciate it yet at that point, I didn't really get into the game's story at all, and then I accidentally save locked myself by saving while being attacked by an enemy, and faced with the prospect of needing to replay the game's opening sewer/dungeon again, I decided to quit the game. It wasn't until 4 years later after appreciating Bethesda's Fallout 3 and preparing for Skyrim that I decided to give Oblivion another chance and enjoyed it much more.

I'd also say the Ecco the Dolphin games for Sega Genesis and Sega CD. Playing those as a kid I found them to be annoying, difficult, and rather pointless. It wasn't until replaying them many years later that I realized what absolute bangers Ed Annunziata had released.

shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, seems like there is alot more positivity for WoW now than there was at the recent reveal event. The reveal trailer for the new expansion for main WoW got about 1 dislike for every 6 likes, while the reveal trailer for WoW Classic's Cataclysm expansion got about 1 dislike for every 4 likes. This new video for WoW Classic is sitting at 32 likes for every dislike, hugely more positive. Seems like people were largely worried that Cataclysm would be forced on them in WoW Classic, and since many old WoW fans felt like Cataclysm was the expansion that started WoW's decline, they were understandably worried that Cata would destroy WoW Classic just as it destroyed WoW. Now that we know vanilla WoW Classic will be maintained separately from Cata WoW Classic, I guess people are much less worried. Also helps that they are making some needed changes to Cata for Classic which will make it a better experience than it was originally in main WoW.

Xbox really needs to get WoW and WoW Classic onto Xbox somehow, would love to get back into it again after more than a decade, but my PC doesn't even meet the minimum requirement anymore.

In Chris Metzen we trust! I'm not too worried about the new trilogy of expansions. The worst received expansions for WoW like Mists of Pandaria, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands, Chris didn't have any involvement in, so I trust he'll be able to turn the franchise around now that he's Creative Director over the Warcraft universe. 

Cataclysm definitely started out strong at release, but as more content was added is when players started to turn sour. Still the sickest box art in the games history imo lol. I personally wasn't a fan of how much Blizzard changed the landscape of the game with Cataclysm and the Dungeon Finder. The game started to feel like an automated experience with that feature. It would be great if we're eventually able to get to the point to where Blizzard has servers available for every expansion, but that's a fever dream lol.

As long as the traditional vanilla WoW experience remains untouched with Hardcore and Seasonal servers for vanilla WoW remaining separate experiences, the playerbase will be happy. It's funny how many love that original experience. 

Bruh, is your PC a potato????

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

The original Doom games are going to outlive us all!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind