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I’m really looking forward to Stormgate! Pretty much where all Blizzard RTS devs went to was Frost Giant lol. It’ll be FTP too, so Blizzard may wanna keep an eye out on this game to see how to handle a modern StarCraft!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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Ryuu96 said:
EpicRandy said:

Do you think MS have kept 1-2 surprises announcement for TGA.
So far there's 5 game announced for 2024 Hellblade 2, Avowed, Towerborn, Ara History Untold and Flight Sim 2024.

For me only 2 of them (Hellblade 2 and Avowed) definitely fit the blockbuster/highly anticipated (3 with CoD) Titles that can fulfill Spencer vision of 1 such title/quarter.

Ara and Towerborne looks nice but a tad too niche to have blockbuster aspiration and Flight Sim, while a great experience, is debatably not really a game (it might still be considered as such by MS, especially if they don't have other such titles ready, but it's a stretch)

Given Xbox confidence I think MS may have kept 1-2 surprise, release in 2024, announcements for TGA. Also, as i'm sure Xbox is fully aware, now more then ever they need presence whenever possible and not let go of any opportunity to be talked about.

I'm thinking a gears of War related announcement might be likely.

I'm not sure if they'll reveal anything new as they already have a lot announced but I do think TGAs is better to reveal games years away than their own showcases. I still think there's a decent chance that Contraband is 2024 so that could get a trailer, also Indiana Jones but they may save that for June showcase unless Bethesda wants it at TGAs.

By blockbuster I think Xbox just means AAA cause they've used "big" to describe the one game per quarter before, so they probably count Hellblade 2, Avowed and Flight Simulator 2024, alongside Call of Duty 2024 that would be 4 but I'm confident they'll be more than 4 in 2024. As I said, I think Contraband could be 2024 and Indiana Jones. Maybe the Oblivion Remaster too. 

I do agree that Towerborne wouldn't fit the description of "blockbuster/big/AAA" and while I hear Ara is quite a big game, maybe even considered AAA, I don't think a PC only release should count, they need to be considering both the console fanbase and PC fanbase when making statements like this, but it may count to Xbox from a pure business standpoint.

I have my doubts Q1 will have an AAA, I think the only possibility is Hellblade 2 and I'm feeling very unsure on that. What I think is more likely right now is Hellblade in Q2, Flight Simulator 2024 and Avowed in Q3 and maybe Indiana Jones in Q4 or a different AAA title. I don't see what else could hit Q1 other than Hellblade on such a short marketing cycle.

My personal preference, without any valid reason, would be to exclude CoD from the goals (until it's on a 2 year cycle) or use it to raise the goal to 5/years with 2 in the last quarter. CoD certainly fits the bill of Highly anticipated and blockbuster but, idk, it just fill like using cheat code to achieve your end game XD as it's too predictable.

Do you think MS may also have some trailer for their upcoming series/movies or would it be too out of place at TGA?

EpicRandy said:
Ryuu96 said:

I'm not sure if they'll reveal anything new as they already have a lot announced but I do think TGAs is better to reveal games years away than their own showcases. I still think there's a decent chance that Contraband is 2024 so that could get a trailer, also Indiana Jones but they may save that for June showcase unless Bethesda wants it at TGAs.

By blockbuster I think Xbox just means AAA cause they've used "big" to describe the one game per quarter before, so they probably count Hellblade 2, Avowed and Flight Simulator 2024, alongside Call of Duty 2024 that would be 4 but I'm confident they'll be more than 4 in 2024. As I said, I think Contraband could be 2024 and Indiana Jones. Maybe the Oblivion Remaster too. 

I do agree that Towerborne wouldn't fit the description of "blockbuster/big/AAA" and while I hear Ara is quite a big game, maybe even considered AAA, I don't think a PC only release should count, they need to be considering both the console fanbase and PC fanbase when making statements like this, but it may count to Xbox from a pure business standpoint.

I have my doubts Q1 will have an AAA, I think the only possibility is Hellblade 2 and I'm feeling very unsure on that. What I think is more likely right now is Hellblade in Q2, Flight Simulator 2024 and Avowed in Q3 and maybe Indiana Jones in Q4 or a different AAA title. I don't see what else could hit Q1 other than Hellblade on such a short marketing cycle.

My personal preference, without any valid reason, would be to exclude CoD from the goals (until it's on a 2 year cycle) or use it to raise the goal to 5/years with 2 in the last quarter. CoD certainly fits the bill of Highly anticipated and blockbuster but, idk, it just fill like using cheat code to achieve your end game XD as it's too predictable.

Do you think MS may also have some trailer for their upcoming series/movies or would it be too out of place at TGA?

Don't think COD is being counted Tbh...Just a hunch but I feel like the goal of 4 AAAs a year was made without COD in mind and the talk of them finally achieving it happened before they owned COD.

Probably Fallout TV Show will be shown at TGAs, Grounded and the Gears TV Show/Film haven't entered production yet.

I had a thought for some time and I think Xbox is now in a position where it would be possible for them to do something alike.

Let's say you make 2 game an RTS and a FPS in the same universe like Halo wars and infinite, but those game are game in their own right but what if they can be combined for ESports. Like your team will consist of a mastermind setting objectives issuing orders and producing assets playing in the RTS settings and a teams which will resolve orders by fighting FPS matches against the other teams. 

The map available in the RTS view would be a collection of smaller maps in which instance of FPS matches can be fought independently of each others.

The FPS matches would likely be unbalanced due to diverging objectives between both team mastermind so player skills could shine. Like a masterminds may sends a single spartan in a sections with a scorpion and the objective to hold the section and simply preventing the other team from capturing it while sending the brunt of their teams capture other section in hopes to create a way to reach enemies base. The assets production would give players different starting equipment, vehicles, varying amount of re-spawn, varying amount of supporting AIs etc... 

This will give a kind of dedicated E-sport way of playing and a more player oriented new look of a meta-verse settings. and this idea may be expanded upon to include even more diverse sets of interconnected games which can all be games in their own right while also be played in a MMO style with other games. Like a space colony game which have players producing goods for profits while a space exploration games need to buy those outputs for exploration trips and uncovering diverse settings ripe to create a space colony which could then be auction to player of the first game. 

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Even after one of the genre's best years (especially w/ late console ports), TGA's continual disregard for a Best Puzzle Game category never ceases to amaze. Unless you can sneak it in as a hybrid for a 'Best Platformer,' good luck being credited on your GAME DESIGN. Fuck them, the horse they rode in on, and the cavalry behind them.

343 made absolute BANK!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

coolbeans said:

Even after one of the genre's best years (especially w/ late console ports), TGA's continual disregard for a Best Puzzle Game category never ceases to amaze. Unless you can sneak it in as a hybrid for a 'Best Platformer,' good luck being credited on your GAME DESIGN. Fuck them, the horse they rode in on, and the cavalry behind them.

And of course, Geoff just sees one thing lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:

Frost Giant wasn't happy with this tweet although it would be like bringing back old colleagues similar to Obsidian and inXile. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.