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shikamaru317 said:

Ugh. Looks like Genshin Impact is going to win the Players Choice award after passing Sonic's early huge lead overnight. I don't even know why Geoff made it an option in this category, it is already in Best Ongoing game. Players Choice is supposed to exist to allow fans to vote on the best game of the year, with no critic bias affecting the result like the actual GOTY award. But instead Geoff allowed a years old GaaS game into the running. Now a ton of Genshin fans are voting for it as they got free Gacha drops for winning last year, and they think Mihoyo will do the same this year. It's essentially bought votes. 

Sonic really deserved this award since it got snubbed in the actual awards by biased critics who have always hated 3D Sonic and continue to hate on it even when a good 3D Sonic releases.

I really don't like the way Geoff runs this whole show.

The vote is being rigged by both Sonic and Genshin fans though. Actually Sonic fans started to mass vote first and only after Sonic being way too far in the lead, Genshin fans joined in. I don’t think it’s all about gacha drops, just showing how Genshin fan base is a lot bigger than Sonic is.



You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Activision ticked down 0.5% amid a report that Microsoft's offer of a 10-year guarantee for same-day Call of Duty release on the PlayStation console is unlikely to accepted by Sony as the software giant works to secure regulatory approve for the videogame mega deal.

The Microsoft offer likely doesn't address all of Sony's concerns, according to a Dealreporter item, which cited a source familiar. Sony is said to be "nowhere near" concluding any agreement with Microsoft.

Activision Stock Ticks Lowers Amid Report Sony Unlikely to Accept Microsoft Offer | Seeking Alpha

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gtotheunit91 said:


noice avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

gtotheunit91 said:


Another mis-managed studio. Imagine being proud of not releasing games.">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

Activision ticked down 0.5% amid a report that Microsoft's offer of a 10-year guarantee for same-day Call of Duty release on the PlayStation console is unlikely to accepted by Sony as the software giant works to secure regulatory approve for the videogame mega deal.

The Microsoft offer likely doesn't address all of Sony's concerns, according to a Dealreporter item, which cited a source familiar. Sony is said to be "nowhere near" concluding any agreement with Microsoft.

Activision Stock Ticks Lowers Amid Report Sony Unlikely to Accept Microsoft Offer | Seeking Alpha

I have an alternative story they could run.

"Sony, like Gabe Newell (Valve), do not expect that they'll need a written agreement from MS in order to get continued access to Call of Duty. Jim Ryan trusts that Phil Spencer is a man of his word, and as such, doesn't feel it's worth his time to hash out a bunch of official paperwork. Meanwhile, in unrelated news, Mr. Ryan is believed to be pursuing a long-distance relationship with Lina M. Khan, head of the FTC. Sources say they're playing it off as negotiations, and objections over Microsoft's planned takeover of ABK, but the truth is they're merely trying to avoid a personal scandal, as Ms. Kahn is married, and currently with child. 

We've reached out, but the involved parties have declined to comment at this time."

Ryuu96 said:

Despite all my respect to Jez, but his takes on mobile side of things are super weird and go way too far in Microsoft shill territory. There is no such thing as Apple/Google duopoly, because there is no conspiracy or cartel between them. And it’s even more funny that he always views it from evil Apple/Google using this duopoly to hurt poor Microsoft. It was Microsoft’s decision to not invest in mobile OS when they had a chance and make it successful. It was their decision to pull the plug on it and if you remember they boasted about how going all the way to embrace iOS/Android and invest in making their apps more successful on these platforms is the super smart strategy compared to trying to invest more in Windows Phone. To me it was obvious that it will limit their mobile ambitions at some point, right when they announced this shift in strategy. Because depending on a third party is always worse than having your own. So, in the end, the blame is addressed in the wrong direction. Microsoft had their chance but it was them who chose the wrong strategy. Not Google or Apple