derpysquirtle64 said:
chakkra said:
My point is that FF not showing up on the show will not be disappointing because not many people outside of the PS fanbase actually care about Final Fantasy. Maybe the Final Fantasy fanbase already gathered around Playstation? Who knows, but the numbers are there for everyone to see, and the other entries are out there available for everyone to play, and the numbers show that not many people actually care. Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, yes, Halo and Gears are not what they used to be either (not sure why they needed to be dragged into a conversation about Final Fantasy, but anyways). |
For the first point, once again read my post where I explain why it will be disappointment. As for the second point - maybe yes. What else can you expect when mainline games in the franchise have been Playstation exclusives for almost a decade? When they go multiplat again, then the fanbase will expand to other platforms as well. That's how it works. And about numbers - FF XV has almost 200k players on TA. I don't think it's "not many people actually care". It's comparable to games like Doom Eternal for example. Can't imagine someone saying that Xbox fanbase doesn't care about Doom. And MK11 which you used as an example of the game that people care about unlike FF has even lower numbers, less than 170k. What's the point in bringing Steam numbers into Xbox conversation. Especially considering that all those FF games you showed there had a very difficult relationship with Steam platform in particular. Late releases, followed by EGS exclusivity bullshit. Of course they won't have big concurrent player numbers on Steam. And as for why Halo and Gears needed to be dragged - it's the franchises of comparable scope to FF these days and they are Xbox first party so it'll be a much more easier reference for Xbox community. |
I mean, those entries have been available on PC for years now and that fanbase hasn't seem to have expanded at all. In fact, it seems quite obvious that all of those games had a very "meh" reception on Steam. Besides, everything you just said can be applied to Monster Hunter Rise and Persona 5 as well, and as you can clearly see, those games have had a much better reception.

As per why am I using Steam numbers? Well, it just so happens that Steam is the only platform on earth where we can see 1:1, updated, daily numbers for a game's performance, without the inherent bias that comes from console ownership. Unless you somehow think that FF is gonna do much better on Xbox than it does on PC, I don't see what is the problem with it.
Now, don't get me wrong. It is always a good thing to have more games, and I'm sure some people will be thrilled whenever they announce those games on Xbox, but I just take issue with the phrase "anything less than Final Fantasy making an appearance there would be a disappointment", as if FF is the biggest franchise coming from Japan at the moment, when every number out there shows that that is not the case. Not even close.