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Astro Dynamics -

  • Player version gives 30% grav jump range + 50% less fuel used at Rank 4.
  • Sarah's Rank 4 version does not give any grav jump range, and only 30% less fuel. Scales multi with player version. Proof.

Leadership -

  • Player version rank 2 gives the bonus to your active companion AND all crew on your ship, essentially giving up to a 450KG increase (8x assigned crew cap, 1x active companion).
  • Rank 4 allows crew to go over the level 4 Rank limit in Physical/Combat skills. Rosie with Wellbeing Rank 3 gives her 120 HP instead of the normal 60. Proof.
  • Leadership on Sarah does NOT give carry weight or HP to the player/crew or herself. Assuming it simply gives affinity only. (Cant test as do not know the stat id for affinity).

Wellbeing -

  • Player version gives 20 max HP per rank and does not scale with character level. Seeing you gain 20 max HP per character level normally makes this pretty weak.
  • Wellbeing on a crew member does not apply to the player, only the crew member that has it. Functions the exact same as players version, giving 20 per rank. Proof.
  • Worth mentioning all companions start with 500 HP and do not gain HP per player level til lv12, at which point they start gaining 20 HP along with you. Their base HP also varies by 5 or 10 (Guessing this is clothing stats).

Shield Systems -

  • Vasco's Rank 2 gives 20% base increase to ship shields, unlike the player version which gives 20% per Rank.
  • Omari's Rank 3 also only gives 20%, but gives +1 energy to shields as well (Not cap, just a locked free point of energy).
  • Having both assigned does NOT stack, still only gives the 20%.
  • Vasco's still probably better as his extra fusion skill still gives the +1 to energy, and it can be assigned anywhere.
  • Increase gained from crew + player version appear to be additive, all scaling off ships base shields only.

Other -

  • Andreja's version of Theft gives the player 800 credit gifts every so often.

Someone else added.

Supervisor Lin (Outpost Management) and Heller (Outpost Engineering) both impact outpost production.

  • Lin increases raw material gain
  • Heller increases material production.


Funny though a lot of people think it's bugged, including Game8 the walkthrough site, Forbes claims you need at least one point in a skill to receive the benefit which I believe is wrong, others think it's bugged, others are saying it's not bugged, it's just passive bonuses which aren't the same as the skill the player receives.

Could have been avoided if it was just explained properly.