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Yeah, eat button was badly needed, it was completely silly for us to have to pick up food, open the inventory, and then try to find all of the food in an unsortable "Aid" menu that for me at least is usually over 40 items to scroll through. Maybe will be worth actually investing a few skill points into boosting food health recovery now.

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shikamaru317 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

First hotfix. DLSS officially added lol

Actually it says DLSS isn't part of the hotfix, the hotfix is just for some of the biggest bugs they have discovered post-launch (hopefully crashing and such will be mostly fixed now). Says that DLSS is on their list of planned additions in the coming patches, alongside:

- Brightness and Contrast controls

- HDR Calibration Menu

- FOV Slider 

- 32:9 Ultrawide Monitor Support (PC)

- Eat button for food!

Also a confirmation that mods are coming early 2024, before they just said 2024 which had some people worried mods would take longer than the 6 months for Fallout 4. 

Yeah I misread that initially and adjusted my comment lol. There was an Nvidia driver update yesterday that really improved performance in Starfield and looks like this hotfix will further improve performance! 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Wonder if Starfield will be supported longer than Skyrim and I mean with actual DLC, not simply porting the game 1,000 times with different graphical options, Lol. Skyrim had Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn, Starfield only has 1 confirmed expansion so far but with 1,000 planets to play with they could add a ton of post-launch DLC.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 September 2023

Ryuu96 said:

Wonder if Starfield will be supported longer than Skyrim and I mean with actual DLC, not simply porting the game 1,000 times with different graphical options, Lol. Skyrim had Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn, Starfield only has 1 confirmed expansion so far but with 1,000 planets to play with they could add a ton of post-launch DLC.

I personally hope they don't go too long on Starfield DLC, I'd be happy with like 2-3 story DLC's, and then just a few final bug fix patches and leaving the game in the hands of modders, which is basically what they did with Fallout 4, it's final DLC Nuka World was out in August 2016, less than a year after the game released in November 2015 (compared to Skyrim which got it's 3rd and final story DLC 15 months after launch). The sooner they finish Starfield DLC, the sooner the full Bethesda team is on TES 6, and I'd really like to see TES 6 out by 2028. Meanwhile I'm sure that modders will eventually have their own story DLC's and even whole games within a game out eventually, if mod support for it is anything like past Bethesda games. Looking forward to that whole Halo RPG mod in Starfield in 10 years xD

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 13 September 2023

Ryuu96 said:

Some good reviews in there, I probably won't get to it until January or so, but excited to play it.

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I'd like to see an expansion focusing on House Va'Ruun.

An expansion about the gangs of Neon could be cool too.

Also would like more main story expansion while I wait 12 years for the next Starfield.

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Wonder if Starfield will be supported longer than Skyrim and I mean with actual DLC, not simply porting the game 1,000 times with different graphical options, Lol. Skyrim had Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn, Starfield only has 1 confirmed expansion so far but with 1,000 planets to play with they could add a ton of post-launch DLC.

I personally hope they don't go too long on Starfield DLC, I'd be happy with like 2-3 story DLC's, and then just a few final bug fix patches and leaving the games in the hands of modders, which is basically what they did with Fallout 4, it's final DLC Nuka World was out in August 2016, less than a year after the game released in November 2015. The sooner they finish Starfield DLC, the sooner the full Bethesda team is on TES 6, and I'd really like to see TES 6 out by 2028. Meanwhile I'm sure that modders will eventually have their own story DLC's and even whole games within a game out eventually, if mod support for it is anything like past Bethesda games. Looking forward to that whole Halo RPG mod in Starfield in 10 years xD

Personally, since I don't care about Fallout and don't want to wait 12 years for the next Starfield since I'm already in love with this world, I would love for them to add more story to the game for a while, it would suck if Elder Scrolls suffers a delay but waiting over 10 years to carry on the stories of Starfield would suck too so things suck either way, unless Bethesda expands significantly, Lol.

Ryuu96 said:

I'd like to see an expansion focusing on House Va'Ruun.

An expansion about the gangs of Neon could be cool too.

Also would like more main story expansion while I wait 12 years for the next Starfield.

Absolutely! House Va'Ruun is arguably the most interesting faction in the game and they don't even have their own questline! lol do they? Only interaction I've come across them is during the UC Vanguard questline and I had to save their ambassador on New Atlantis. Creepy as hell too! 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:
Ryuu96 said:

I'd like to see an expansion focusing on House Va'Ruun.

An expansion about the gangs of Neon could be cool too.

Also would like more main story expansion while I wait 12 years for the next Starfield.

Absolutely! House Va'Ruun is arguably the most interesting faction in the game and they don't even have their own questline! lol do they? Only interaction I've come across them is during the UC Vanguard questline and I had to save their ambassador on New Atlantis. Creepy as hell too! 

They don't. I think they're just a bunch of crackpots but I'd like to explore their faction further, kick their ass a little more, Lol.

The museum made them sound worse than both Freestar and United Colonies during that war.

Also, you can't even visit their homeworld, it's not in the current star map.

More about their homeworld.

When a Varuun agent leaves Va'ruun'kai, their homeworld, they are never given the coordinates back to it. Someone else jumps them out of the system and drops them off. They literally don't know how to return home.

It very much feels like expansion bait, maybe even Shattered Space is about them. Freestar, United Colonies and House Va'Ruun are on a truce, for now, maybe Shattered Space is that truce breaking apart.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 September 2023

Yeah, House Va'Ruun definitely needs to be explored more, they've got this whole faction who disappeared for a time in the deep colonies, then came back talking about a giant space snake entity that they worship, killing people in the name of this space snake. And yet all the game gives you is a single mission where you infiltrate their mostly abandoned embassy filled with hallucinatory gas and robots and turrets? They've just got to do a whole Va'Ruun expansion or at least a Va'Ruun questline within another expansion, where we learn more about them and see if the Space Snake is real or just something conjured up by a cult leader with holograms to put radical followers under his control.