Considering we had the discussion about Xbox series availability in Europe before I took some pictures in my local mediamarkt Belgium(Antwerpen)
This is the situation: Honestly a ton of Xbox series X units available and honestly has been the case soon after launch.
Bit weird to read about series X shortages in NA.

They got rid of the Xbox one/Series software department and just put some Xbox games in the PS department(mind you also got a bit smaller)
But yeah for every Xbox one/Series game their are like 10 PS4/5 games physically available.

Mediamarkt isn't a small company either with (almost) half of the population in EU + Turkey/Switzerland having the retailer close to them.
I wasn't kidding when i mentioned a few weeks ago that we are getting close to retailers in Europe discontinuing Xbox software
Imo, the price hike was a deadly mistake,
Discontinue White Series S, Replace it with the Black series S 1TBfor 299€ and Series X price cut to 449€ or 499€ with game.
Curious what the situation will be after Starfield release.