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Jesus. Turns out the dude who got an early Starfield copy and leaked gameplay actually stole a whole crate.

What a twat.

Also has just been account banned from Xbox Live. Also showed his face on stream so he's fucked.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

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Not surprising. Seems like AoE 4 will be a continuous live service for Relic.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:

Yep, seemed pretty likely to me that Starfield would exceed both the 150ish hours you could put into Fallout 4 and the 200ish hours you could put into Skyrim. The script is bigger than all 4 previous Bethesda singleplayer RPG's combined which means there are alot more NPC's and quests. We have 1000 planets/moons, 100 of which are inhabited by people and/or alien wildlife, which likely means quite alot of planets and moons with at least some side quests on them. We have space combat, we have ship and base designing, we have multiple factions each with their own questline. And of course we have the survey missions for those other 900 uninhabited, lifeless moons and planets, for those who want to take the extra time to explore those. I always felt confident this will be a game I sink at least 300 hours into on my first playthrough. Going to take me months to finish most likely. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 23 August 2023

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Considering we had the discussion about Xbox series availability in Europe before I took some pictures in my local mediamarkt Belgium(Antwerpen)

This is the situation: Honestly a ton of Xbox series X units available and honestly has been the case soon after launch.

Bit weird to read about series X shortages in NA.

They got rid of the Xbox one/Series software department and just put some Xbox games in the PS department(mind you also got a bit smaller)
But yeah for every Xbox one/Series game their are like 10 PS4/5 games physically available.

Mediamarkt isn't a small company either with (almost) half of the population in EU + Turkey/Switzerland having the retailer close to them.

I wasn't kidding when i mentioned a few weeks ago that we are getting close to retailers in Europe discontinuing Xbox software

Imo, the price hike was a deadly mistake,  

Discontinue White Series S, Replace it with the Black series S 1TBfor 299€ and Series X price cut to 449€ or 499€ with game.

Curious what the situation will be after Starfield release.

Phil Spencer Thinks Baldur’s Gate 3’s Success Is Great For the Industry | gamescom 2023 - YouTube

Make sure you get your Starfield votes in on it's final month: