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How would you rate the '25 Developer Direct?

S 5 27.78%
A 6 33.33%
B 5 27.78%
C 1 5.56%
D 0 0%
F 1 5.56%

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Ryuu96 said:

That's true, but by emails that transpired in the FTC case Sony wanted a commitment for ALL ABK Ips current and future, plus they wanted that MS commit to the same with Bethesda Ips. 

Now they have an agreement for CoD, maybe a bit more generous than the previous 10 years' offering but not anything unlike what Sony could have got if they were engaging in good faith in negotiation from the very start.

Part of me believes that Sony gave them all the crap they could only because they knew that MS would not hold a grudge anyway even in case they were not successful and still sign a deal like nothing happened.

but yeah MS is a monopolistic company -__________-

ACuriousHorse said:

Hello there, fellow Xbox gamers! Been lurking on this great thread for several months now and decided to consult your expert advice - is it worth me trading in my Series S for a Series X if I don't have 4k TV? I got my S for very cheap and it does a great job but I kind of want the most 'premium' experience, just not sure if it's worth it when I'm playing on an older telly. Thanks!

If you want the most premium experience you should buy a 4K TV with VRR and 120hz. As far as playing on a standard HD TV it's still the same games, so unless you're finding games unsightly on Series S already (pretty sure it took much longer last gen before One S performance truly became awful), you should feel comfortable sticking by your original purchase until you're ready for a full upgrade. Hopefully Series X will have better pricing and bundles by then.

Unless you believe there's a good chance you'll upgrade your TV in the near future, I'd honestly suggest to just sit tight and wait it out. You're already on next-gen and you're getting good value. Don't feel pressured for something you don't need until you're sure it's the right time for you.

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

Google: We're happy to announce that Stadia is back alive, and we've signed a 10 year deal with Microsoft!

Jk. Fuck Google.

Their Fiber internet's good, though. 

Nice to see Sony finally waiving the white flag

Ryuu96 said:

My guess on this new deal PlayStation got: 

1. Call of Duty remains on PlayStation until the PS6 launches, after which a new deal will have to be negotiated 

2. there will be performance parity, there will not be content parity 

3. All non call of duty ABK published titles will be skipping PlayStation until and unless they allow gamepass on their platform 

We are almost at the finish line xbros!

Hopefully, the CMA is quick in accepting MS's proposal. I want my ABK games in GamePass YESTERDAY.