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No shit they'd compare the two when they're launching near the same time...

Desperate tactic, there is still non-Xbox platform revenue but both the acquisitions are different, both have different contracts and one has promised CoD already.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 June 2023

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Fuck me, Xbox already swore already oath that CoD will stay multiplatform, change tactic FTC, or don't, keep this "protect Sony" up.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 June 2023

FTC lawyer basically implied he said he wouldn't pull ANY Zenimax content from PlayStation.

Then he quoted his statement: You said you wouldn't pull ALL Zenimax content.

Tim: Yes, I said all, you said any.

FTC is basically trying to twist his words by saying he meant "ANY" Zenimax content rather than "ALL"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 June 2023

And it's a completely different acquisition with completely different goals and promises, they were upfront about Zenimax publicly and to regulators and stuck to their words, just as they are attempting to do with Activision and have specific contracts for that purpose, what is flip is the purpose in bringing up Zenimax, we all know Zenimax is an exclusive play, Activision is a money play, like Mojang was.

Ghostwire Tokyo ran worst on Xbox too, Lmao.

FTC's whole argument today: You made Zenimax stuff exclusive.

Even though Microsoft never promised any regulators that they'd be no Zenimax exclusives, nor did they sign a 10 year legal commitment, nor did they swear under oath, to continue to put Zenimax content on other platforms, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 June 2023

Ryuu96 said:

Sega Corp. dismissed speculation it may be the target of acquirers including Microsoft Corp., as the studio behind Sonic The Hedgehog stressed it intends to remain part of a bigger Japanese entertainment conglomerate. Sega, maintains a close relationship with Xbox-maker Microsoft but will remain within Sega Sammy Holdings Inc., co-Chief Operating Officer Shuji Utsumi told Bloomberg News.

Sega Sammy’s shares rose to their highest since 2007 this week. Legal filings in the Federal Trade Commission’s suit against Microsoft revealed that the US company considered buying Sega to beef up its Xbox Game Pass subscription service.

“No, not now,” Utsumi said when asked if the company was open to acquisition talks. He declined to say whether Microsoft had made a formal approach.

Sega has strong relationships with platform owners from Sony Group Corp. and Nintendo Co. to Apple Inc. and Inc. But Microsoft values Sega more than other platform operators, Utsumi said. The pair announced they will consider forming a strategic alliance in 2021 to support Sega’s initiative of developing big-budget games.

“We are very close with Microsoft and have a great relationship with its management team,” he said. “Microsoft particularly has a high regard for us. Xbox’s Phil Spencer and Sarah Bond are really serious about values that video game fans emphasize.”

Sega COO Quashes Talk of Microsoft Deal in Favor of Independence - Bloomberg

I'll take being close to Sega over Square any day of the week tbf. At least MS has managed to get one Japanese pub in its corner in terms of support for Xbox. 

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Microsoft ain't allowed exclusives. 😤😡

NobleTeam360 said:

I'll take being close to Sega over Square any day of the week tbf. At least MS has managed to get one Japanese pub in its corner in terms of support for Xbox. 

Hell, even Capcom is slowly getting warmed up with MS! 

Canada coming to FTC's rescue, Lol.

(IIRC Canada is part of some sort of North American Competition thing which includes America, Mexico and Canada so this support isn't surprising).

It still isn't a block, because they lapsed the time on that, Microsoft can still technically close in Canada but I suppose FTC asked Canada for their support and they gave it them to hope that FTC can block the deal.

Meanwhile Canada also approved this: Timeline: Canada gives final nod on C$20 bln Rogers-Shaw merger | Reuters

They just allowed 2 of the top 5 Telecomm companies to merge with each other, Lol.

Ryuu96 said:

Canada coming to FTC's rescue, Lol.

(IIRC Canada is part of some sort of North American Competition thing which includes America, Mexico and Canada so this support isn't surprising).

It still isn't a block, because they lapsed the time on that, Microsoft can still technically close in Canada but I suppose FTC asked Canada for their support and they gave it them to hope that FTC can block the deal.

Meanwhile Canada also approved this: Timeline: Canada gives final nod on C$20 bln Rogers-Shaw merger | Reuters

They just allowed 2 of the top 5 Telecomm companies to merge with each other, Lol.

Damn Canada, if you truly wanted to help the FTC case you could at least chooses not to pick the most retarded fighting ground of the case. 

Canada has granted approval for Rogers Communications’ US$15 billion buyout of Shaw Communications, creating the second-largest telecoms company.

What a joke the Canadian Competition Bureau is

But again, not really a shock, and not a block, just a show of support to the FTC.

Like I said before, we'll likely see Australia and New Zealand have similar "issues" to throw their support behind UK.

The Five Eyes (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States) are closing rank.

NZ tends to follow AU because NZ is underfunded and AU tends to follow UK who tend to follow US.