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Finally, it's over.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 June 2023

FTC's expert witness after that

Ryuu96 said:

FTC's expert witness after that

Man dies after trying to drink all 21 cocktails on menu on Jamaican vacation (

Ryuu96 said:

FTC's expert witness after that

Around the Network
NobleTeam360 said:

Yeah, we Americans are used to the Government wasting our tax dollars. It's the one thing they do well.

Why don't you tell everyone your total salary last year was $12. 

@ice KoQ quote.">"><img src="

Can already see comments about how the judge was paid">"><img src="

And almost every other publisher cause they were annoyed at Nvidia for one reason or another*

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 June 2023

All that needs to be said, useless waste of 9 minutes.