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Forums - Politics Discussion - The Free Speech thread


Is free speech suppressed on the internet's main public squares

Yes 61 54.95%
No 46 41.44%
Undecided 4 3.60%
RolStoppable said:
LegitHyperbole said:

If that is true, my point stands. They need to be held to the laws of the country for better or worse, some countries have oppressive caveats to their free speech like in the UK. I don't give a shit what Trump or Musk are doing, free speech is a basic human right in the western world and things need to be rectified in the new digital age. 

Which are?

I man nearly got sent to prison for making his dog do a nazi salute online to irritate his girlfriend. Almost got severely punished and there are many and more cases up and down the Isles that don't get as much attention where people are getting prosecuted. 

Here in Ireland we have a new bill changing our constitution on Free speech, they tok oout the most extreme and vague laws as well as aspects like getting arrested for holding offensive memes but what's still In there is pretty much a regression away from free speech but it's not lime we ever had a taste of real American 1st ammendment rights.