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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Cobretti2 said:
shavenferret said:

And yet, since the 2000s, which group has committed the most terrorism in America?  The question is really over terrorism, not mass shootings in general, so this is not a valid comparison.  Apples to oranges as we say over here.  

The issue of terrorism though is that it has the potential for much higher numbers of deaths than some random nutjob.  9/11 was a terrible event for America and thousands died that day.  And if it is such a concern for our CIA and FBI, then wouldn't it be prudent for the average American to be concerned as well?   

Aren't you living in Germany, Chris?  I think that it is very easy to criticize others as to not be concerned of terrorism when it isn't affecting your nation as much as others.  In America, there have been many incidents, and they haven't stopped occurring.  

The problem is America is just prejudice in general. To us outside the US, mass shootings may as well be terrorist attacks. They both use violence to cause terror. Your governments hide behind the boogie man (aka Muslims) because gun lobby groups fund their election campaigns. They want to separate the two issues so that American's have an external enemy to hate rather than worry about all the children getting killed at schools by local grown terrorists.

So i see that you believe that Americans have an incorrect fixation on terrorism.  This might be because we have had more and worse terrorism than any nation except for perhaps Israel.    

Last edited by shavenferret - on 13 January 2025

shavenferret said:
Cobretti2 said:

The problem is America is just prejudice in general. To us outside the US, mass shootings may as well be terrorist attacks. They both use violence to cause terror. Your governments hide behind the boogie man (aka Muslims) because gun lobby groups fund their election campaigns. They want to separate the two issues so that American's have an external enemy to hate rather than worry about all the children getting killed at schools by local grown terrorists.

So i see that you believe that Americans have an incorrect fixation on terrorism.  This might be because we have had more and worse terrorism than any nation except for perhaps Israel.    

USA ranks 30th in the global terrorism index

Burkina Faso ranks first.

Burkina Faso became the country with the highest impact from terrorism for the first time, with deaths from terrorism increasing by 68 per cent to 1,907. A quarter of all terrorism deaths occurring globally were in Burkina Faso.

You had the worst attack in history with 9/11 in 2001, but it's time to get over it and move on. It's 2025 now.

I would wager that Gaza is now nr 1 for the worst terrorism experienced.

SvennoJ said:
shavenferret said:

So i see that you believe that Americans have an incorrect fixation on terrorism.  This might be because we have had more and worse terrorism than any nation except for perhaps Israel.    

USA ranks 30th in the global terrorism index

Burkina Faso ranks first.

Burkina Faso became the country with the highest impact from terrorism for the first time, with deaths from terrorism increasing by 68 per cent to 1,907. A quarter of all terrorism deaths occurring globally were in Burkina Faso.

You had the worst attack in history with 9/11 in 2001, but it's time to get over it and move on. It's 2025 now.

I would wager that Gaza is now nr 1 for the worst terrorism experienced.

You can tell that to my uncle.  It's a religion of peace, and was founded by a guy named muhammad that spread it by the sword.  If he wasn't such a good warlord, then islam would have never been a thing historically.     He rode from city to city with his army and forced by sword everyone to convert if i'm not mistaken.  Then muhammad would look at all the battle carnage atop his panting camel, and feeling satisfied with himself, would passionately kiss his 9 year old wife Aisha. (You can look this up anytime Svenno) That's the founder.  Now, many muslims will say that Islam has made such a positive difference that it has surely been worth it, and that in the end, this was divinely inspired.  However, again, we are talking about people with a warped sense of justice and retribution.   Many years later, well some people (but not all as i have to remind you in order to be pc) have taken inspiration from that.  And you see many more (but not all) take inspiration, than say jews taking inspiration from abraham or buddhists taking inspiration from buddha in order to commit terrorism.   If you don't mind me asking, which religion inspires the most terrorism these days Svenno? Sikkhism?  Buddhism?  Judaism?  Or could it be Islam?  And y'all are bringing these conversations to me, i'm not the one venturing out and starting these right now Svenno.   When i get on my soap box, it's hard to remove me from that.  So i wouldn't start these conversations stating that i'm misinformed or need to be enlightened on how terrorism isn't a big deal.  

Last edited by shavenferret - on 14 January 2025

Around the Network
shavenferret said:
SvennoJ said:

USA ranks 30th in the global terrorism index

Burkina Faso ranks first.

Burkina Faso became the country with the highest impact from terrorism for the first time, with deaths from terrorism increasing by 68 per cent to 1,907. A quarter of all terrorism deaths occurring globally were in Burkina Faso.

You had the worst attack in history with 9/11 in 2001, but it's time to get over it and move on. It's 2025 now.

I would wager that Gaza is now nr 1 for the worst terrorism experienced.

You can tell that to my uncle.  It's a religion of peace, and was founded by a guy named muhammad that spread it by the sword.  If he wasn't such a good warlord, then islam would have never been a thing historically.     He rode from city to city with his army and forced by sword everyone to convert if i'm not mistaken.  Then muhammad would look at all the battle carnage atop his panting camel, and feeling satisfied with himself, would passionately kiss his 9 year old wife Aisha. (You can look this up anytime Svenno) That's the founder.  Now, many muslims will say that Islam has made such a positive difference that it has surely been worth it, and that in the end, this was divinely inspired.  However, again, we are talking about people with a warped sense of justice and retribution.   Many years later, well some people (but not all as i have to remind you in order to be pc) have taken inspiration from that.  And you see many more (but not all) take inspiration, than say jews taking inspiration from abraham or buddhists taking inspiration from buddha in order to commit terrorism.   If you don't mind me asking, which religion inspires the most terrorism these days Svenno? Sikkhism?  Buddhism?  Judaism?  Or could it be Islam?  And y'all are bringing these conversations to me, i'm not the one venturing out and starting these right now Svenno.   When i get on my soap box, it's hard to remove me from that.  So i wouldn't start these conversations stating that i'm misinformed or need to be enlightened on how terrorism isn't a big deal.  

What would you call the Holy crusades, Spanish inquisition etc when talking about spreading religion by the sword. However that's all ancient history. Today Neo-Zionism inspires the moat terrorism these days. Neo-Zionism has been spreading hatred and terrorism since the late 1920s. The highest number of terrorists attacks today are in the West Bank, avg 4 settler attacks daily under military protection. (over 1400 mapped attacks since Oct 7) While the Israeli government is infiltrated by religious fanatics keeping state genocide going.

Burkina Faso did have more deadly (non state) terrorist attacks with 400 recorded attacks last year. I'm not up to date by what's happening in Burkina Faso today, according to this report religions were working well alongside each other.
The balance obviously broke down with military juntas oppressing certain factions.

The terrorists are affiliated with Al-Queda, but so is HTS that just liberated Syria from Bashar Al-Asad... Terrorism isn't grown out of religion, religion is used as a tool to promote oppression. The religion doesn't matter. Remove the reason for the conflict and no amount of religious/national pride will sustain terrorism, see Northern Ireland.

9/11 wasn't born out of religious hatred of the West, rather the opposite. It was retaliation for oppression of Muslims in Somalia, Chechnya, and Kashmir, as well as the US presence in Saudi Arabia. Not because they hate your freedoms, because the US restricts the freedoms of others. As long as the US keeps supporting oppression worldwide, it will remain vulnerable to retaliation.

That's the difference nowadays with terrorism, it's no longer bound to where the conflict happens, it attempts to follow the source. And in that sense the US does need to be prepared for more terrorism as the US exports/induces the most hatred abroad.
The Iraq/Afganistan wars had over 800K direct deaths and According to the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, an estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in the post-9/11 wars.

It's not religion driving these cycles of violence, it's geopolitical powers using religion to dupe people into wars and counter terrorism.

Putin is using religion as well to keep the Ukrainian genocide going

As you can see, not born out of religious motives, Putin has been turning to religion to keep fueling his expansionist wars.

"Propaganda campaigns achieve greater impact when featuring a “hero” for the masses to admire and emulate.[6] For Russia and the Orthodox Church, Putin is that hero. Putin has managed to artfully craft a religious backstory by claiming his mother was a closeted Christian and had him baptized as a baby.[7] Putin has built upon this narrative, like the Czars of old, by connecting his state authority to religious symbology. At his first inauguration, Putin had the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church present him with religious relics and a personal prayer. Putin then announced that the Russian nation owed the Church a huge debt of gratitude and credited the Church for preserving Russia’s “century-old traditional spiritual and moral values, which would have been otherwise lost irretrievably.[8]"

Benzion Mileikowsky (renamed himself Netanyahu, meaning "God has given" in Hebrew, after moving from Poland to Israel) the same. Religion is the tool to stay in power, not the other way around.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is attempting to gain support for the Israel-Palestine conflict by using religious references, specifically to Jewish and Christian theology, to create an image of an religious war.

Don't be duped by 'authorities' blaming religion for terrorism, look for the real motives.

Can we keep the terrorism discussion out of this thread when not on topic? It's an interesting discussion for sure, but it's distracting from the topic at hand, and for that reason I'm also personally quite hesitant to participate. (Note that I'm unlikely to participate in a separate thread either, because I have to pick my battles due to time constraints, but at at least it'll be because I chose so instead of the topic being off-topic.)

Last edited by Zkuq - on 15 January 2025

SvennoJ said:
shavenferret said:

You can tell that to my uncle.  It's a religion of peace, and was founded by a guy named muhammad that spread it by the sword.  If he wasn't such a good warlord, then islam would have never been a thing historically.     He rode from city to city with his army and forced by sword everyone to convert if i'm not mistaken.  Then muhammad would look at all the battle carnage atop his panting camel, and feeling satisfied with himself, would passionately kiss his 9 year old wife Aisha. (You can look this up anytime Svenno) That's the founder.  Now, many muslims will say that Islam has made such a positive difference that it has surely been worth it, and that in the end, this was divinely inspired.  However, again, we are talking about people with a warped sense of justice and retribution.   Many years later, well some people (but not all as i have to remind you in order to be pc) have taken inspiration from that.  And you see many more (but not all) take inspiration, than say jews taking inspiration from abraham or buddhists taking inspiration from buddha in order to commit terrorism.   If you don't mind me asking, which religion inspires the most terrorism these days Svenno? Sikkhism?  Buddhism?  Judaism?  Or could it be Islam?  And y'all are bringing these conversations to me, i'm not the one venturing out and starting these right now Svenno.   When i get on my soap box, it's hard to remove me from that.  So i wouldn't start these conversations stating that i'm misinformed or need to be enlightened on how terrorism isn't a big deal.  

What would you call the Holy crusades, Spanish inquisition etc when talking about spreading religion by the sword. However that's all ancient history. Today Neo-Zionism inspires the moat terrorism these days. Neo-Zionism has been spreading hatred and terrorism since the late 1920s. The highest number of terrorists attacks today are in the West Bank, avg 4 settler attacks daily under military protection. (over 1400 mapped attacks since Oct 7) While the Israeli government is infiltrated by religious fanatics keeping state genocide going.

Burkina Faso did have more deadly (non state) terrorist attacks with 400 recorded attacks last year. I'm not up to date by what's happening in Burkina Faso today, according to this report religions were working well alongside each other.
The balance obviously broke down with military juntas oppressing certain factions.

The terrorists are affiliated with Al-Queda, but so is HTS that just liberated Syria from Bashar Al-Asad... Terrorism isn't grown out of religion, religion is used as a tool to promote oppression. The religion doesn't matter. Remove the reason for the conflict and no amount of religious/national pride will sustain terrorism, see Northern Ireland.

9/11 wasn't born out of religious hatred of the West, rather the opposite. It was retaliation for oppression of Muslims in Somalia, Chechnya, and Kashmir, as well as the US presence in Saudi Arabia. Not because they hate your freedoms, because the US restricts the freedoms of others. As long as the US keeps supporting oppression worldwide, it will remain vulnerable to retaliation.

That's the difference nowadays with terrorism, it's no longer bound to where the conflict happens, it attempts to follow the source. And in that sense the US does need to be prepared for more terrorism as the US exports/induces the most hatred abroad.
The Iraq/Afganistan wars had over 800K direct deaths and According to the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, an estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in the post-9/11 wars.

It's not religion driving these cycles of violence, it's geopolitical powers using religion to dupe people into wars and counter terrorism.

Putin is using religion as well to keep the Ukrainian genocide going

As you can see, not born out of religious motives, Putin has been turning to religion to keep fueling his expansionist wars.

"Propaganda campaigns achieve greater impact when featuring a “hero” for the masses to admire and emulate.[6] For Russia and the Orthodox Church, Putin is that hero. Putin has managed to artfully craft a religious backstory by claiming his mother was a closeted Christian and had him baptized as a baby.[7] Putin has built upon this narrative, like the Czars of old, by connecting his state authority to religious symbology. At his first inauguration, Putin had the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church present him with religious relics and a personal prayer. Putin then announced that the Russian nation owed the Church a huge debt of gratitude and credited the Church for preserving Russia’s “century-old traditional spiritual and moral values, which would have been otherwise lost irretrievably.”[8]"

Benzion Mileikowsky (renamed himself Netanyahu, meaning "God has given" in Hebrew, after moving from Poland to Israel) the same. Religion is the tool to stay in power, not the other way around.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is attempting to gain support for the Israel-Palestine conflict by using religious references, specifically to Jewish and Christian theology, to create an image of an religious war.

Don't be duped by 'authorities' blaming religion for terrorism, look for the real motives.

Religion has been a horrible thing for the middle east though.  You seem rather liberal if I may say so.  If so, then you probably have some opinions on the treatment of women within Islamic predominant nations.  The burqa that they have to wear in saudi arabia is absolutely horrible.  I agree that while Islam doesn't mandate it, the interpretation of one's religion provides the groundwork for what is right and wrong.  And so the saudis have become conservative from islam and they are using it to opress women.  Women should be able to wear what they want, and live in a post-feminist country if possible.  But this will never happen in the middle east and they are far worse than what religion has done in say the United States.  Wow, i was looking up some material on the treatment of women and it seems as if the middle east has been horrible to women.  This is in a large part to religion, because of the argument that I made previously.  

The treatment of gay people is horrible.  Being gay is punishable in the main countries in the middle east such as Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. If a gay guy wants to have a boyfriend and kiss him in public or possibly even in private, then he will be put to death without any mercy even if invokes the name of muhammad, lol.  

Finally, for the rest of you...... this topic does something to me.  It's like a pro wrestler that has this altenate ID that they don't bring out very often, but it's kind of fun lol.  It was a lot of fun railing against ryuu after that terrorist attack fortuitously happened last week which was soon after he lambasted me a bit because I was really overstating my points and i may not have been entirely fair when i made those at first.  Apologies if I seem like i'm trolling.  What can i say...... i like drama sometimes and i don't have anything against anyone here.  I will go back to being a good and humble forum member and staying in line, and i promise that it will be a while before i get a wild hair again and want to be mischevious in this way.