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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

I saw the video yesterday and it really looks like the pilot saved a lot of lives, it quite possibly went from a zero survivors scenario to a 29 survivors scenario, I hope that the pilot is well recognised and their family shown how much of a hero they were.

Yet another commercial plane shot down by Russia.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 December 2024

Around the Network

Several telecommunication cables are out of service in Lake NATO:

In other news, a tanker connected to Russia's 'shadow fleet' has also been detained by Finland:

Russia has been really active outside Ukraine as well in the last few days.

Zkuq said:

Several telecommunication cables are out of service in Lake NATO:

In other news, a tanker connected to Russia's 'shadow fleet' has also been detained by Finland:

Russia has been really active outside Ukraine as well in the last few days.

They have really been earning the hate of others lately.  That airliner being shot down and the civilians inside...    

Zkuq said:

Several telecommunication cables are out of service in Lake NATO:

In other news, a tanker connected to Russia's 'shadow fleet' has also been detained by Finland:

Russia has been really active outside Ukraine as well in the last few days.

My reaction at this point is largely meh who cares, not like NATO will do anything about it except watch Ukraine slowly lose.

Also saw China blocked authorities from investigating the bulker, have to protect their Russian buddies.

Again, nothing will happen, we'll see "aw shucks, naughty China, guess we can't say for sure if it was Russia or China now!"

Don't know why Russia even bothers hiding at this stage, they might as well lob a submarine missile at these cables.

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BFR said:

Surveys like this convince me that if Russia invaded a NATO country a huge portion of populations would piss their pants and demand we rollover and let Russia take it, if we're this weak during a time where Ukraine is doing all the fighting for us then I can't imagine how fucking pathetic we'll be if it was actually us at war. The Western European countries in particular are fucking pathetic, I wonder if it's a lack of education on the events of WW2 or just being too used to peace that has made Western Europe so damn cowardly and isolationist.

You know Russia likely told them they couldn't land at a Russian airport because they were hoping for the aircraft to crash into the sea and the evidence to be lost.