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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Zkuq said:
shavenferret said:

I think that you are mischaracterizing what I am saying.  When i say that event XYZ was probably caused by JKL group due to my perception of their past actions, it doesn't imply any assumptions because I realize that this hasn't been proven legally yet.  

Just assigning a somewhat greater probability to something isn't assuming or giving a mental certainty to anything.  

That's not at all what you said initially though.

I know and I said that my initial comments were a knee jerk reaction. But the whole point of a discussion and even a disagreement is to move closer to the truth

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RolStoppable said:
shavenferret said:

I think that you are mischaracterizing what I am saying.  When i say that event XYZ was probably caused by JKL group due to my perception of their past actions, it doesn't imply any assumptions because I realize that this hasn't been proven legally yet.  

Just assigning a somewhat greater probability to something isn't assuming or giving a mental certainty to anything.  

It's called prejudice and you are 100% guilty of it.

Well I'm allowed to be. I had an uncle pass away on 9/11. 

Shave, thanks for the clarification. Nice job.

shavenferret said:
RolStoppable said:

It's called prejudice and you are 100% guilty of it.

Well I'm allowed to be. I had an uncle pass away on 9/11. 

Sure, you are allowed to be a tool for far-right propaganda. But that doesn't mean you have to choose that path.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:
shavenferret said:

Well I'm allowed to be. I had an uncle pass away on 9/11. 

Sure, you are allowed to be a tool for far-right propaganda. But that doesn't mean you have to choose that path.

Except that I don't vote Republican, and on top of that, the GOP could care less about what is going on in the middle east right now.  There is no propaganda against terrorism these days.  It's all about immigrants and China, if you are talking about some foreign power to make an enemy out of. 

What will you do to persuade me?

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shavenferret said:
RolStoppable said:

Sure, you are allowed to be a tool for far-right propaganda. But that doesn't mean you have to choose that path.

Except that I don't vote Republican, and on top of that, the GOP could care less about what is going on in the middle east right now.  There is no propaganda against terrorism these days.  It's all about immigrants and China, if you are talking about some foreign power to make an enemy out of. 

What will you do to persuade me?

I am not here to persuade you, I am just telling you how it is.

You don't need to vote Republican or any far-right party in order to qualify as a tool. The far-right has long recognized that misdirecting public opinion can benefit them greatly and the rise of social media has made that a lot easier for them. Even if you don't vote for them, repeating their talking points can influence other voters.

On the note of you being a tool, it also needs to be noted that you aren't the sharpest one in the shed. For some reason you made a leap from Germany to the Middle East and then say there's no propaganda against terrorism these days, as if there had ever been one or as if anyone had ever claimed this in this thread. The propaganda we've been talking about in here is anti-immigration propaganda which is about fueling the belief that immigrants are the biggest problem any given country is facing in order for the abusive rich to distract from them being the ones who are pocketing all the wealth of the country. Obvious case in point here is Elon Musk who doesn't only support the GOP with his misinformation on X, but any far-right party in Europe. After all, that's where this whole discussion originated from.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:
shavenferret said:

Except that I don't vote Republican, and on top of that, the GOP could care less about what is going on in the middle east right now.  There is no propaganda against terrorism these days.  It's all about immigrants and China, if you are talking about some foreign power to make an enemy out of. 

What will you do to persuade me?

I am not here to persuade you, I am just telling you how it is.

You don't need to vote Republican or any far-right party in order to qualify as a tool. The far-right has long recognized that misdirecting public opinion can benefit them greatly and the rise of social media has made that a lot easier for them. Even if you don't vote for them, repeating their talking points can influence other voters.

On the note of you being a tool, it also needs to be noted that you aren't the sharpest one in the shed. For some reason you made a leap from Germany to the Middle East and then say there's no propaganda against terrorism these days, as if there had ever been one or as if anyone had ever claimed this in this thread. The propaganda we've been talking about in here is anti-immigration propaganda which is about fueling the belief that immigrants are the biggest problem any given country is facing in order for the abusive rich to distract from them being the ones who are pocketing all the wealth of the country. Obvious case in point here is Elon Musk who doesn't only support the GOP with his misinformation on X, but any far-right party in Europe. After all, that's where this whole discussion originated from.

Rol, we are all just as much tools depending on how big we are.  Many of us vote, towards this supposedly larger higher cause.  But no, it all goes towards the political machine that runs things.  And if so, then we are all tools or pawns for the people that control us.  

And i really need to read some absurdism, because my thoughts are moving towards that it seems.  

And no, you really don't have to like all of the world's peoples.  You just have to get along with them and keep yourself composed so that you aren't spewing out hate and angry filth.  

Last edited by shavenferret - on 23 December 2024