He is free now.. The oldest Syrian detainee, Brigadier General Ragheed Al-Tatari, after 43 years of detention, he was transferred to many prisons and ended up in Tartous Central Prison. He was released with the last batch of detainees following the fall of the tyrant Bashar… pic.twitter.com/mL7B9SUBRD
— ADMSP (@sednayamissing) December 8, 2024
The liberation of Saydnaya's prison cells in Syria. There were women and children locked up here. pic.twitter.com/oJykoeohOs
— Rami (@RamiSafadi93) December 8, 2024
"My coworker from Syria is ecstatic. One of the kindest, most generous and hard working people I know. He's been waiting so long for this day. Says he has family scattered all over the world. Warms my heart to see him like this. Idk what happens next but I'm hopeful and I'm just happy for him."
"As a Syrian, this is one of the happiest days of my and my whole families lives. We have been oppressed for 50+ years. I don't think people understand just how horrific the Assad family was, people were scared to speak in their own houses "The walls have ears". The most horrendous torture, killings, kidnappings, etc. I accepted I would never again see my homeland, now there is hope. May Allah keep Syria safe and whoever comes next, I hope they try their best and stick to what they are saying."
Saw those two comment above on ResetEra from a Syrian and someone who knows a Syrian.
Today is a day of celebration, a brutal dictator and Putin ally has fallen, seeing the elation on Syrians faces is beautiful. Nobody knows what comes after, I hope it's an improvement but Syrians have overthrown their oppressor and they have a better chance to improve things now, I think we should give them a chance, it's a better chance than being under the combined boot of Assad and Putin.
For today, one less evil bastard controlling the world.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 December 2024