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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Ryuu96 said:

Question: Is France also supplying the equipment and vehicles for this brigade?

I mean, they could bring their VABs and AMX 10 they've trained upon directly with them to the front. Both vehicle types are getting replaced (the VAB by the VBMR and the AMX-10 by the EBRC). Add some VBL and PVP (light vehicles more comparable to the Humvee which also will get replaced soon by the VBAE) and CEASAR Howitzers (which already have been pledged, not sure if all have been sent yet) plus small arms (like the Famas F1 rifle and the ANF1 machine gun, both getting replaced), rocket/grenade launchers (MILAN, Eryx, and maybe their Javelins, all getting replaced) and some MANPADS (MISTRAL) and you basically have a fully operational brigade at hand

New Kings & Generals video about the War in Ukraine (september 24 edition):

Basically, the terrain losses are slowing down and like shavenferret pointed out before, the losses in the Russian army are steadily increasing, which probably means that Russia is throwing more and more men at the problem to advance and take territory - but this won't be sustainable for long for Russia without an new round of extremely unpopular conscription, which would risk to destabilize Russia.

Meanwhile the West is too scared to send trainers to Ukraine, actually, it's even worse than that, the West is too scared to even shoot down Russian missiles and drones violating their own airspace let alone sending trainers to Ukraine.

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Hmm...Grain of salt, I don't believe the F16's which Ukraine has, have the missiles required to shoot down F-34s without getting into dangerously close range. Unless Ukraine has stuff which we don't know about or just took a big risk.

Would be funny, as the Su-34 is more modern than the F-16 and these are brand new pilots to the F-16.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 5 days ago

Polish general Rajmund Andrzejczak: "If Russia attacks even an inch of Lithuanian territory, the response will come immediately. Not on the first day, but in the first minute. We will hit all strategic targets within a radius of 300 km. We will attack St. Petersburg directly".

He said it in the context of a possible defeat of Ukraine: "[in case] of a Russian victory in Ukraine, we would have a Russian division in Lviv, one in Brest, and one in Grodno...Poland and Lithuania would then be surrounded by Russian forces...Russia must realise that an attack on Poland or the Baltic countries will also be its end"


Scholz ain't going to be happy!

We will continue presenting our strategy to compel Russia to peace to our European partners. The teams of our country and the teams of leaders, who have already been introduced to the Victory Plan, are continuing to work on the details. Joint actions are needed—and they must be decisive.

It’s entirely realistic to strengthen Ukraine’s position in the way necessary for a just peace. The time to act is now—before Russia and its allies adapt to our capabilities. We see the growing alliance between Russia and regimes like that of North Korea. This is no longer just about the transfer of weapons. It is, in fact, about the transfer of people from North Korea to the occupying forces.

It is clear that, under these circumstances, our relations with partners need further development. The frontline requires stronger support. When we talk about increasing Ukraine’s long-range capabilities and more decisive supplies for our forces, it’s not just a list of military assets. It’s about intensifying pressure on the aggressor—pressure that Russia will not be able to withstand. And it’s about preventing an even greater war.

Ukraine vs The Axis of Evil (Russia, North Korea, Iran).

West: Good Luck Ukraine.