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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

I really hope JASSM if it is being sent is included in the removal of the restrictions, it has a longer range than both Storm Shadow and ATACMS.

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Seems like Russia is taking Kursk back (or at least parts of it) and already got 10+ settlements back. Zelensky on the other hand said everything is going after their plan. No clue what the plan is, though. At least not if it's not some kind of trap to get the next bunch of Russian soldiers as POWs


Not only do they want to gift Russia everything they have stolen, they even want to give Russia guarantees? No, not Russia has to give guarantees, NATO and Ukraine have to give them to make Putin happy...I already feel sorry for Taiwan.

And this guy obviously also lies like a motherf...talking about funding for Ukraine from Europe compared to USA...can just one time a damn journalist/moderator ask them why they say that when Europe gave Ukraine much more than USA? Why do they never do that? That's btw something I always hate also in German politics. Politicians just say something and journalists almost never tell them in front of the camera the real numbers and that they obviously lie to everyone.

Or maybe Trump/Vance are just idiots who look at the money from European institutions and completely ignore that every single country still has own fundings going if the EU money would be everything. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 12 September 2024

crissindahouse said:

Not only do they want to gift Russia everything they have stolen, they even want to give Russia guarantees? No, not Russia has to give guarantees, NATO and Ukraine have to give them to make Putin happy...I already feel sorry for Taiwan.

And this guy obviously also lies like a motherf...talking about funding for Ukraine from Europe compared to USA...can just one time a damn journalist/moderator ask them why they say that when Europe gave Ukraine much more than USA? Why do they never do that? That's btw something I always hate also in German politics. Politicians just say something and journalists almost never tell them in front of the camera the real numbers and that they obviously lie to everyone.

Or maybe Trump/Vance are just idiots who look at the money from European institutions and completely ignore that every single country still has own fundings going if the EU money would be everything. 

It's a reasonable argument to say that the last thing could be true, that they're simply fucking idiots and mixing EU with Europe as a whole because well, they are fucking idiots. Personally I think the reason is more sinister than that and they know it's bullshit but they're trying to turn American voters against the idea of NATO and aiding Europe.

Now Trump and Vance is telling Ukraine it can't join EU, a European org

Yeah. You're right. These pricks would abandon Taiwan in an instant, Harris was spot on with how easily manipulated Trump is by dictators, I mean shit, Harris straight up manipulated Trump on the debate stage to react to her every comment, Lmao. Russia is rewarded after slaughtering Ukraine with 20% of Ukraine and the comfort that they can invade Ukraine again in the future because Ukraine can't join any defensive alliances and are still on their own.

These journalists are fucking useless, they need to be correcting JD Vance and Trump on this utter bullshit, they're talking utter bollocks about America's allies and they just let them. Do the journalists not know the fact or do they simply not care? Harris should start maybe sending information packages out to journalists on America and Europe's commitments to Ukraine

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2024

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Ryuu96 said:


Hoare-Lovall Pact, now the Trump-Vance Pact.

Also no idea how they think this will achieve peace as it just gives Russia the incentive to attack again, as Trump will have shown he'd just roll over.

This is beyond a joke at this stage.


What the fuck...

Can someone please explain to me what the fucking difference is?

I can't anymore.

Just give UK the fucking permission already. We'll show America what not being a coward looks like.

INB4 Ukraine has like 2 Storm Shadow missiles left.


Motherfucker just threw us under the bus. It's a damn good thing I think nothing of Putin's threats.

Does Biden not see how bad this looks? Lmao. It's like "Oh if Russia retaliates, at least it will be against UK and not us"


Whatever man. Storm Shadow should be able to hit a few targets at least...ATACMS Cluster would have been better for the airfields though...Maybe we should make a Storm Shadow Cluster variant...We better get mass producing more Storm Shadows since apparently it's the only fucking missile Ukraine can use to the fullest.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2024

biden is as spineless as trump is duplicitous

shavenferret said:

biden is as spineless as trump is duplicitous

Legit this is so fucked up that it made me laugh.

I seriously wish Biden could explain to me what the difference is between Storm Shadow and ATACMS.

They both have roughly the same range, ATACMS may be better for wide range attacks due to cluster variant but Storm Shadow can still do significant damage to AA, Buildings and Individual Planes.

I mean all this looks like is USA throwing UK under the bus?! I'm not afraid, I would let Ukraine fire all of UK's Storm Shadows on Russian soil if I was in charge, I would give Ukraine the 500km variant, shit I would even give Ukraine first access to SCALP but Christ Biden is basically saying "We're too scared in case Russia attacks us but go ahead UK" Lmfao.

Well...At least we have France by our side as well, I keep forgetting about SCALP.

I'm at the stage though that I'm just like "Oh fucking whatever. Just give us permission only then"

My only fear is how low is the Storm Shadow stockpile at this point and if Russia has gotten better at intercepting it =/