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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Yet another Red Line has been crossed. LOL!

Ryuu96 said:

Muir pressed: "Just to clarify the question, do you believe it's in the US best interest for Ukraine to win this war?"

"I think it's the US best interest to get this war finished and just get it done, all right, negotiate a deal, because we have to stop all of these human lives from being destroyed," Trump said.

Look up the Hoare-Lovall pact from the 1930s. Any ‘deal’ agree by Trump with Russia and Ukraine will almost certainly resemble this.

If you don’t know what this is, it when Italy invaded Ethiopia, and in an effort to end the conflict two politicians came up with a deal that gave Italy all the useful bits of the country and leave the Ethiopians with the scraps. Trump saying he cares about the lives being ruined seems shallow as he’s not considering the lives he would ruin by ceding them to Russian oppression.

crissindahouse said:

He also lied again about how much help Ukraine gets from USA and Europe and that USA does way more while Europe profits more from that. The EU+UK+Norway are already at 1.5x the spending of USA now or even like 3x with costs for refugees included and that with USA's economy at 29 trillion while EU+UK+Norway are at like 23 trillion.

USA is at place number 24 of supporting countries considering the GDP and that without costs for refugees or USA would be even more behind others.

USA total spendings until end of June in €: 75 billion

EU constitutions: 39 billion
Germany: 43 billion
Poland: 29 billion
UK: 16 billion
Netherlands: 8 billion

and so on....

and even without costs for refugees (which in my opinion should be counted because it's not easy to handle for many countries) USA is at 75 billion and Europe at 110 billion and still to be allocated USA is at 23 billion while Europe is at 77 billion...

Yes, pure military equipment sent to Ukraine USA is in front but only because USA has so much to give away without even recognizing in their inventory. But it doesn't matter if you send a tank or if you give Ukraine the money to buy a tank if you look at the support every country gives Ukraine. A billion is a billion...

Europe's economy does also suffer much more especially considering the former cheap energy imports from Russia while USA can push their exports to Europe to replace some what came from Russia before so that USA's economy maybe even profits from the war

Europe profits from it? We also spend billions buying American equipment, Lol.

Ryuu96 said:
crissindahouse said:

He also lied again about how much help Ukraine gets from USA and Europe and that USA does way more while Europe profits more from that. The EU+UK+Norway are already at 1.5x the spending of USA now or even like 3x with costs for refugees included and that with USA's economy at 29 trillion while EU+UK+Norway are at like 23 trillion.

USA is at place number 24 of supporting countries considering the GDP and that without costs for refugees or USA would be even more behind others.

USA total spendings until end of June in €: 75 billion

EU constitutions: 39 billion
Germany: 43 billion
Poland: 29 billion
UK: 16 billion
Netherlands: 8 billion

and so on....

and even without costs for refugees (which in my opinion should be counted because it's not easy to handle for many countries) USA is at 75 billion and Europe at 110 billion and still to be allocated USA is at 23 billion while Europe is at 77 billion...

Yes, pure military equipment sent to Ukraine USA is in front but only because USA has so much to give away without even recognizing in their inventory. But it doesn't matter if you send a tank or if you give Ukraine the money to buy a tank if you look at the support every country gives Ukraine. A billion is a billion...

Europe's economy does also suffer much more especially considering the former cheap energy imports from Russia while USA can push their exports to Europe to replace some what came from Russia before so that USA's economy maybe even profits from the war

Europe profits from it? We also spend billions buying American equipment, Lol.

No, I said USA's economy could even profit from it because they can sell us more now while Europe's economy suffers. 

In 2021, trade between EU and Russia was 260 billion while it was like 30 billion between USA and Russia so that USA doesn't really lose much but can happily replace some of the trade the EU had with Russia. 

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crissindahouse said:
Ryuu96 said:

Europe profits from it? We also spend billions buying American equipment, Lol.

No, I said USA's economy could even profit from it because they can sell us more now while Europe's economy suffers. 

In 2021, trade between EU and Russia was 260 billion while it was like 30 billion between USA and Russia so that USA doesn't really lose much but can happily replace some of the trade the EU had with Russia. 

I was responding to what Trump said

Just pointing out that Europe spends billions on American equipment so he's talking shit.

Yeah, if you really look at the whole picture, Europe is easily 5-10x as much negatively affected by the war as USA is but somehow people will still buy everything Trump says.

The UK, France and Germany say they have imposed fresh sanctions on Iran for supplying Russia with ballistic missiles for use in Ukraine, including restrictions on national carrier Iran Air's ability to fly to the UK and Europe.

"Iran must stop supporting Putin's unprovoked, premeditated and barbaric attack against a sovereign democratic state," he added. "The UK will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."

UK halts all Iran flights as allies step up sanctions - BBC News