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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Poland won't do a thing unless they have one of the major powers backing them up (UK, France, Germany or America) and we know UK and France follow everything America says meanwhile Germany essentially takes America's position on most things so this is just Poland publicly pressuring them. Eastern Europe really just needs to give a middle finger to Western Europe + America at this stage.

Jake Sullivan Masterclass in Foreign Genius.

"The US and allies have repeatedly warned Tehran"

Like their warnings mean anything at this stage, all empty words and Iran is realising that, all of America's enemies are growing emboldened by Biden and Jake's weakness. What more can they do to Iran anyway, they're already sanctioned to hell and when some Iranian ballistic missile decapitates more Ukrainian children, all we'll hear from America is "don't use our long-range missiles on military targets in Russia, that would be escalatory"

If China Wants Taiwan It Should Also Take Back Land From Russia, Taiwan President Says | Reuters

He isn't wrong, also Russia has shown when invaded it will do the absolute bare minimum, they've shown that twice now, first when Wagner marched on Moscow and Putin was paralysed and fled to St Petersburg and then when Ukraine invaded Kursk and he's say "this is the new normal" I'd actually buy at this stage China being able to invade Russia and Putin doing exactly fuck all about it, not that it would ever happen, Lol.

Another Russian general arrested and sacked

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40K Ukrainian children have been transported and sent to reeducation camps. It's just bizarre that the Russians think that these Stalin-era tactics will work these days. All they are sowing is hatred.

shavenferret said:

Another Russian general arrested and sacked

1938 called, they want their Stalin back

shavenferret said:

40K Ukrainian children have been transported and sent to reeducation camps. It's just bizarre that the Russians think that these Stalin-era tactics will work these days. All they are sowing is hatred.

It's just what China is doing with the Uyghurs in Sinkiang... and they seem pretty successful with that tactic, sadly.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
shavenferret said:

40K Ukrainian children have been transported and sent to reeducation camps. It's just bizarre that the Russians think that these Stalin-era tactics will work these days. All they are sowing is hatred.

It's just what China is doing with the Uyghurs in Sinkiang... and they seem pretty successful with that tactic, sadly.

Right, i have no argument with the Uyghurs.  But, are the situations truly the same?  When someone else comes in and forcefully takes your kids away and makes you learn things its a lot worse than if your own government does that.  I think that this will cause problems for Russia and make Ukraine even happier to throw them out.