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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ukranians attacked the orcs Savasleyka airbase, 3 planes destroyed and 5 damaged

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A tweet about strike on oil depots, 14 units destroyed. Very soft targets!

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Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 August 2024

Inflation is mauling russia's economy

The latest reports are saying that around 3000 Russian troops are trapped in kursk region

Ryuu96 said:

I guarantee that the chichen commander probably hopes that Russia does actually fail, he wants Russia to fail and become weaker so that Chechnya can try to secede again. Also, that tweet about the police officers getting $$$ to sell military service to suspects is hilarious. It's like corruption is so built in to their society that these practices aren't a big deal. This would never happen in Britain or America 

Ryuu96 said:

We Cannot Give Into The Isolationists. Taiwan Must Not Fall.

By Mike Pence and Ed Feulner

A new and troubling strain of isolationism is emerging within the Republican Party.

For more than 70 years, America heeded MacArthur’s warning. For decades, standing with Taiwan has been a cornerstone of American strategy in the Indo-Pacific. Our leaders have recognized that Taiwan is a crucial barrier to the expansion of communist influence in the region. With virtual unanimity, leaders of both political parties have acknowledged that abandoning Taiwan and allowing it to fall into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party would not only betray our values but also endanger the security and prosperity of the United States and the free world.

But now, even as Chinese President Xi Jinping has candidly admitted his intention to annex Taiwan, a new and troubling strain of isolationism is emerging within the Republican Party that advocates for turning our backs on Taiwan and other allies. This new isolationism, masquerading as realism, dismisses the strategic imperatives that have underpinned American foreign policy since World War II. Former president Donald Trump recently epitomized this sentiment when he remarked in an interview with Bloomberg News, “Taiwan is 9,500 miles away. It’s 68 miles away from China.” Such comments reflect a dangerously narrow understanding of America’s role in the world and ignorance of the far-reaching consequences of American disengagement.

What is distance to a global superpower? The beaches of Normandy are 3,700 miles away. Iwo Jima is 7,600 miles. It’s roughly 7,000 miles from Washington, D.C., to Afghanistan. America remains the world’s only true superpower, fully capable of projecting forces to every corner of the earth. Distance has no bearing on our responsibility to safeguard American interests.

Opinion - The Washington Post

Pence calling out Trump, now lets see if he backs these words up further and endorses Harris.

He won't. He's permanently in thrall to Trump. He has consistently endorsed Trump at every turn. If what happened on January 6, 2021 wasn't enough to sway him, nothing will be. The guy was a coward when he was the governor if Indiana, he was a cowards as a VP, and he's a coward now. We already gave him props for doing the bare minimum of his job on January 6, but he still bends the knee. All I want is for Pence to take his fleeting moment of glory from J6 and go away for good.