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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:
crissindahouse said:

Would be a good moment for Poland to transfer their equipment to Belarus considering they transfer theirs to Russia lol. Man, I guess Russia will take that area back in some weeks/months but they look so damn weak. Without North Korea, Iran and now Belarus they would be so so done and that's with fighting against Ukraine who mostly got Western equipment not needed anymore by the other countries (except for some CV90 and a few other weaponry)

And delays, and a million different restrictions.

The Belarusian equipment is probably better than the shit Russians are using right now. Hopefully Putin bleeds Belarus military dry and then Belarusians can finally drag Lukashenko's ass into the streets. Would be time to lift the long-range weapon restriction so that Ukraine can just blow up anything that comes across the Belarus border into Russia.

Belarus doesn't have that much spare equipment to give Russia, even if they are paying top dollar for everything.  Options are running out.......

Do they: 

-go to Africa and beg them for old soviet equipment that probably hasn't been maintained too well?

-Use shitty North Korean equipment?

-Use mostly infantry when tanks, IFV's and artillery run out?

-start fielding real divisions instead of the shitty border troops?

-Just give up?

I think the real troops plan seems best, but it will take a little while for substantial numbers of troops to kick ukraine out.  And they'll have to thin out from elsewhere.     

Last edited by shavenferret - on 13 August 2024

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The Ukrainian invasion of Russia is genius. Multiple reasons have been mentioned before so I want to highlight a new one.

Russia can't simply obliterate everything in order to advance like they have been in Donbas. Or maybe they will.

If they do, Ukraine doesn't care so much that Russia is obliterating their own cities and infrastructure.

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Ryuu96 said:

or is it more about preventing that any anti war demonstration could ever happen? To let his sheep beat everyone to the ground who would dare to hold some sign against his politics in his hand is Putins favorite act as President.

Really makes you wonder how much worse it would be for Russia had Ukraine not felt pressured to do an offensive in 2023 and instead saved those forces for this offensive into Russia, I think the West expected too much of Ukraine to charge into minefields and artillery with next to no air-support, the West doesn't fight wars like Ukraine has to, they just aerial bomb the living fuck out of whoever it is and only then do they send the troops in when they achieve air superiority.

Shoigu! Gerasimov!

Prigozhin sends his approval from Hell.