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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

I don't get the logic of Ukraine invading Russia after being massively aided by us = Fine. But Ukraine using our missiles on Russian military jets on Russian soil = Too Escalatory! It makes no fucking sense man...Especially when Russia lobs missiles across the border at Ukraine 24/7 on military objects, on children's hospitals, etc. How fucking embarrassing will it be if Russia blows up an American F-16 on the airfield while America still blocks Ukraine from doing the same to Russia? If this rule is still enforced after this then I seriously question America's motives. The perfect time to lift the rule would be NOW while Russia is confused and scrambling.

Doubt they will, they'll wait until Ukraine is pushed back out. Ukraine was forced into doing something bold and different which could be a genius move or it could be a huge tactical blow to Ukraine if something goes wrong but due to the slowness of the West, due to the constant rules of the West, Ukraine was expected to fight a war like the West fights but with less than half the airpower that the West would employ, Ukraine was expected to charge headfirst into minefields and artillery and hope for the best. Ukraine is expected to use NATO tactics but without half the shit that NATO has. Now due to the situation at the front, Ukraine has to be bolder, it has to try something new, the least we can do is help them the best we can and stop enforcing stupid goddamn rules on them.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 August 2024

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Ryu is on a roll. Go Ryu!

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 August 2024

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For maximum chaos, lets lob a few missiles at Kerch Bridge.

Large explosions observed .at Lipetsk airbase, located about 280 km from ukraine

Ryuu96 said:

For maximum chaos, lets lob a few missiles at Kerch Bridge.

Question: Would the Ukrainian R-360 Neptune anti-ship missiles or their land-based Neptune-MD work against a bridge? As in, would they be they strong enough to cause enough damage against the Kerch bridge in such a scenario?

After all, nobody can tell Ukraine what they can and can't do with their own missiles...

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

For maximum chaos, lets lob a few missiles at Kerch Bridge.

Question: Would the Ukrainian R-360 Neptune anti-ship missiles or their land-based Neptune-MD work against a bridge? As in, would they be they strong enough to cause enough damage against the Kerch bridge in such a scenario?

After all, nobody can tell Ukraine what they can and can't do with their own missiles...

In all seriousness, I've read before that Storm Shadow wouldn't be strong enough, nor would ATACMS, they'd only temporarily take out a small section of the bridge, that's why we need Taurus because it has a design to take out bridges, they really need to blow the pillars. I do not believe Neptune has a more powerful warhead than Storm Shadow but I could be wrong.

They'd probably blow a chunk out but that'll be fixed fairly quickly, the pillars need to go.