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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Possibly dozens of jets could have been destroyed and now they can't, it won't even matter that much if America lifts the restriction now when they've moved most of their jets, like Zelenskyy repeatedly says, everything is too late. Biden can get fucked if he lifts the restriction in the future and tries to look good from it. The only reason they'll lift the restriction now is because they know Russia is safe.

It's going to be embarrassing for America when the first F-16 is destroyed knowing America kept Russia's jets safe.

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Ryuu96 said:
SecondWar said:

Hasn't the recent strike achieved Ukraine's objective anyway though?
Whilst it certainly would have been beneficial to destroy all the fighter craft, it was a never likely to be achieved in a single strike even using ATACMS and Russia would always have been likely to relocated the jets after the first strike highlighted the vulnerability. Maybe they could have launched a mass attack at all airfields in a single night, but again, that could have been done on the night of the drone strike.
Moving the jets hundreds of miles away restricts their effective range and the number of sorties they can carry out - what was previously touted as a benefit of pressuring the airfields with the missiles. Yes, they can still operate but less effectively. Not to say they couldn't move them back later, but then they're vulnerable to drone strikes again.

The recent strike only destroyed one plane and damaged another.

Issue is that drones are far easier to intercept, far less likely to destroy a plan, they've been multiple drone strikes on Russian airfields that have resulted in no aircraft destroyed using dozens of drones. ATACMS Cluster would have been far more likely to wipe out a bunch of jets before Russia could have moved them back and while Russia being forced to move them back is beneficial to Ukraine in a few ways, it would have been way more preferable if more jets could have been destroyed, now it's too late.

What should have happened is Ukraine, America and allies come to an agreement in private that Ukraine can use missiles on Russia, Ukraine then surprise attacks Russian airfields with ATACMS Cluster + Storm Shadow and then after that Russia is forced to move back their jets. Dozen long-range missiles could have wiped out far more jets than 100+ drones.

I agree. Russia may also be wasting missles against the drones, I just don't know though. Or perhaps Russia is using its old Soviet gun based anti aircraft. Politically, I don't think that Trump would ever lift the ban on attacking anything inside Russia and harris will always want to play things by the book, meaning that nothing will change next year. However, Ukraine is making more and more long range range drones. This month has had a tremendous amount of attacks inside Russia already. Ukraine may have to just use cheap drones to win this war and it will be quite interesting if they can pull it off. 

lmao, this Russian pilots plane blows up from a missle he didn't know was coming, so while floating down to safety in parachute he whips put his phone and records a video, here's an article

BTW, could this be the F-16s first kill? That would explain why he didn't get it on radar, aren't sidewinder heat seeking?

Putin to fire general leading armored vehicle production. lol ! ha! Their production won't be any better 5 years from now. They'll still have massive corruption, large amounts of alchoholism, and large numbers of men killed/maimed in the war. How can you fix these larger issues, Putin? by sending more men out to slaughter? You'll make everything worse and get the results you deserve.

Here's the reference

Ukraine was preparing an assassination against Putin and defense minister during Russia's Navy Day, but U.S. asked them not to. I guess if the plot failed then Ukraine would be in deep doodoo with Biden.

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Russia avoiding head-on battles with Bradley's. Wow, these Bradley's are proving themselves over and over again.

Ukraine is a little tired of playing defense all the time, has crossed into the Russian border to go into the kursk oblast. Remember how hitler had that huge tank battle in kursk and it was the site of the largest tank battle in history? nazis vs russians part 2? yuk yuk yuk, just kidding. But yeah, very glad that they are feeling ballsy and coming to send some russians to the devil

shavenferret said:

Ukraine was preparing an assassination against Putin and defense minister during Russia's Navy Day, but U.S. asked them not to. I guess if the plot failed then Ukraine would be in deep doodoo with Biden.

USA would have bombed him and his entire family if they were at war with Russia, Lol.

Hate the double standards.

shavenferret said:

Russia avoiding head-on battles with Bradley's. Wow, these Bradley's are proving themselves over and over again.

Bradley's are being phased out, USA might as well send Ukraine all of them, there should be a Bradley for every unit, I'm starting to think these things are better than Leopard 2's, Challenger 2's and Abrams. It may be video confirmation bias but we've had multiple videos of Bradley's shredding enemies, they're more agile and powerful enough, better suited to Ukraine's environment and have even taken down T-90s.

Ryuu96 said:
shavenferret said:

Russia avoiding head-on battles with Bradley's. Wow, these Bradley's are proving themselves over and over again.

Bradley's are being phased out, USA might as well send Ukraine all of them, there should be a Bradley for every unit, I'm starting to think these things are better than Leopard 2's, Challenger 2's and Abrams. It may be video confirmation bias but we've had multiple videos of Bradley's shredding enemies, they're more agile and powerful enough, better suited to Ukraine's environment and have even taken down T-90s.

It seems like they are a lot better than Abrams.  But the Leopards have a great reputation, and I think that the Challenger is noted for its (chobaham?)armor as well.  It's just the new type of drone warfare that is giving the Abrams problems, i'm afraid.