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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

They're flowing through European waters? Get the Royal Navy on them.

Even better, force them to dock at an oil harbor, unload their cargo and then let them go again. Russia can't sell that oil and Europe could claim it's just enforcing the sanctions while getting some free oil in the process.

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Mabey? Possibly? ......

Poland is still considering the Ukrainian proposal to shoot down missles close to its border to help protect Ukrainian planes, despite opposition from backless scholz and other testosterone deficient individuals

Also, I really hope that ukraine is able to start building more airbase so that they can distribute the planes more 

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

They're flowing through European waters? Get the Royal Navy on them.

Even better, force them to dock at an oil harbor, unload their cargo and then let them go again. Russia can't sell that oil and Europe could claim it's just enforcing the sanctions while getting some free oil in the process.

It would be awesome if Ukraine could get some special forces inside Russia close to the ports so that they can send the seababy drones to blow up the tankers 

Russia is deploying Stalin Era howitzers to the front..... whatever. If they they are that desperate then great, whatever. But these mothballed artillery pieces won't last long and won't be able to shoot and then move as well as the good stuff. The turret will also be worn down, like buying a second hand shoe lol So it won't last long

Meh, zelenskyi is getting discouraged at that bastard trump getting into the white House and feels the need to make a deal. I'm hoping that the F-16s can wreck some havoc on the Russians and put the Ukrainians into a good place for when it becomes time to negotiate.

Last edited by shavenferret - on 20 July 2024

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shavenferret said:

Meh, zelenskyi is getting discouraged at that bastard trump getting into the white House and feels the need to make a deal. I'm hoping that the F-16s can wreck some havoc on the Russians and put the Ukrainians into a good place for when it becomes time to negotiate.

You're reading too much into this Imo. Zelenskyy announced his peace plan in November 2022.

  1. Nuclear safety, especially that of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant
  2. Food security for Asian and African countries
  3. Energy security and restoration of Ukraine's energy infrastructure
  4. Release of all prisoners and the return of Ukrainian children deported to Russia
  5. Restoration of the Russia–Ukraine border to that prior to the 2014 annexation of Crimea, in line with Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations
  6. Full withdrawal of Russian military forces from Ukraine and cessation of hostilities
  7. Prosecution of war crimes in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including the creation of a special tribunal for Russian war crimes
  8. Assessment of ecological damage, including that caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam; prosecution of those responsible; recovery and reconstruction
  9. Guarantees against future Russian aggression
  10. A multilateral peace conference with a legally binding international treaty.

These peace summits are based on Zelenskyy's peace formula, some of it may change but Zelenskyy has said multiple times that NATO is Ukraine's future and that seems not negotiable, in addition, Yermak said "No compromise with independence, no compromise with sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Zelenskyy is looking like the reasonable one and trying to enforce diplomatic pressure onto Russia, Russia has refused to participate in the second summit, while Ukraine and dozens of countries are, further isolation Russia. Zelenskyy is being a politician, he's trying to get countries to put diplomatic force onto Russia (it won't work) but also making note they still need to weaken Russia on the battlefield. He is basically implying he will use military force, then diplomatic pressure, to convince Russia to leave the territories.

"It doesn't mean that all territories are won back by force. I think the power of diplomacy can help," Zelensky said, adding that weakening Russia on the battlefield would give Ukraine a more advantageous position in negotiations.

Russia will reject all this stuff anyway, but Zelenskyy has to look like the adult in the room while Russia pisses its pants and yes he needs to try to work with Trump too (as futile as it may be). As it stands right now, I have zero reason to believe Ukraine will drop wanting to be in NATO/EU and I do not believe they will surrender territory, not to mention, that would probably result in Zelenskyy being physically tossed out on the streets.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 July 2024

Ryuu96 said:
shavenferret said:

Meh, zelenskyi is getting discouraged at that bastard trump getting into the white House and feels the need to make a deal. I'm hoping that the F-16s can wreck some havoc on the Russians and put the Ukrainians into a good place for when it becomes time to negotiate.

You're reading too much into this Imo. Zelenskyy announced his peace plan in November 2022.

  1. Nuclear safety, especially that of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant
  2. Food security for Asian and African countries
  3. Energy security and restoration of Ukraine's energy infrastructure
  4. Release of all prisoners and the return of Ukrainian children deported to Russia
  5. Restoration of the Russia–Ukraine border to that prior to the 2014 annexation of Crimea, in line with Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations
  6. Full withdrawal of Russian military forces from Ukraine and cessation of hostilities
  7. Prosecution of war crimes in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including the creation of a special tribunal for Russian war crimes
  8. Assessment of ecological damage, including that caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam; prosecution of those responsible; recovery and reconstruction
  9. Guarantees against future Russian aggression
  10. A multilateral peace conference with a legally binding international treaty.

These peace summits are based on Zelenskyy's peace formula, some of it may change but Zelenskyy has said multiple times that NATO is Ukraine's future and that seems not negotiable, in addition, Yermak said "No compromise with independence, no compromise with sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Zelenskyy is looking like the reasonable one and trying to enforce diplomatic pressure onto Russia, Russia has refused to participate in the second summit, while Ukraine and dozens of countries are, further isolation Russia. Zelenskyy is being a politician, he's trying to get countries to put diplomatic force onto Russia (it won't work) but also making note they still need to weaken Russia on the battlefield. He is basically implying he will use military force, then diplomatic pressure, to convince Russia to leave the territories.

"It doesn't mean that all territories are won back by force. I think the power of diplomacy can help," Zelensky said, adding that weakening Russia on the battlefield would give Ukraine a more advantageous position in negotiations.

Russia will reject all this stuff anyway, but Zelenskyy has to look like the adult in the room while Russia pisses its pants and yes he needs to try to work with Trump too (as futile as it may be). As it stands right now, I have zero reason to believe Ukraine will drop wanting to be in NATO/EU and I do not believe they will surrender territory, not to mention, that would probably result in Zelenskyy being physically tossed out on the streets.

great to hear, thanks for the reply Ryuu