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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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It doesn't make any sense, Ukraine is not allowed to strike military targets with Storm Shadow, ATACMS or SCALP but Russia is allowed to bomb whatever it wants, including children hospitals, Ukraine is not allowed to strike military targets because that's "escalation" and after all these stupid restrictions they're following, restrictions no NATO country would follow, they may get stabbed in the back by America either way.

Fuck Off.

Russia has to be brought to its knees, Russia won't change unless the entire Kremlin is completely wiped out, they would need a WW2 Germany-style defeat to change their sick ways but I'll take Ukraine just beating them and keeping them at bay but Ukraine isn't even allowed to do even that and instead must fight this Nazi country with one arm tied behind their back.

Ryuu96 said:

Just another piece of shit.

Usually in situations like this when you have these pariah states who both have deep pockets and a sudden need for everyone is that they have to pay out of the ass for the help that they do get. I read that China expects a 20% discount for the oil that Russia sells it for example.  I guess I'm ok with that because they can't throw away money forever. 

Edit: here is a link talking about those discounts

Last edited by shavenferret - on 08 July 2024

Last time I saw, the President of Argentina looked like an absolute lunatic but his support for Ukraine has been a surprise to me, Lol.

They also opted to purchase F-16 jets instead of Chinese ones and are trying to be a NATO Global Partner.

NATO - News: Argentina Takes First Step Toward NATO Partnership

Argentina Reinforces Ties With The US With Purchase Of Used F-16s

"We cannot remain neutral in this situation. We must be on the side of countries that defend their freedom and democracy," Petrie said.

At the same time, the Argentine minister said that Argentina had decided to take part in the peace summit in Kyiv.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 July 2024

In an interview with Bild, Viktor Orbán said that both Ukraine and Russia rejected his proposal to first declare a truce and then start negotiations. He emphasized that Putin cannot afford to lose, given Russia's substantial military resources, making a Russian defeat hard to imagine. He added that Ukrainian officials are more optimistic about their situation due to receiving high-quality weapons from the West. While acknowledging Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Orbán stated his focus is on achieving peace rather than assigning blame.


Why the fuck is it our problem if Putin can't afford to lose, who fucking gives a shit? Russia will survive without him, nobody will shed tears if he's dragged out on the streets and killed, aside from his friends, I don't give a fuck what happens to Putin, stop saying "Putin can't afford to lose" it's not our fucking problem is it, he is the one who decided to go full Hitler.

He can't assign blame because he knows who is to blame but won't ever call out his Russian friend.

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Yeah, keep screwing over Ukraine until Trump wins the presidency and finishes them off.

Thanks. Useless Fuckers.

"Hey there's these military bases from which aircrafts start which bomb civilians since years and now even target hospitals or children hospitals, can we attack these aircrafts and their bases?" - No, Putin could be angry

This sucks so much. Russia would have lost probably way more planes already and need to station them somewhere else which would also give Ukraine more time to prepare for every attack.

It's pretty much all Russia still has which gives Ukraine so much trouble every single day. Sea fleets are no big problem for Ukraine anymore (from them attacking Ukraine) and ground forces are also not much doing anymore with their shitty equipment but those hundreds of pretty decent warplanes with sadly good missiles are a big deal. They attack civilian infrastructure, they probably also hit important Ukrainian bases/bunkers again and again (even though we almost never hear from that) and they bomb the frontline with soldiers fighting with their life to defend their country/woman/children.

One plane is probably worth more than 50 tanks and as useful as 100 Russian tanks. If you want to win against Putin you need to destroy these. This will blow up Russia's costs for this war and it takes a lot of time to replace destroyed warplanes. You don't just build 10 new ones every day...

Putin could drop a low-yield nuke on Kyiv and America would be like "But escalation! We can't let Ukraine use long-range missiles on Russia!"

And UK, France. And Germany would still refuse to send Taurus.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 July 2024

Hope it's not "We've found you 7 but they'll be delivered across the next 3 years"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 July 2024