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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

RolStoppable said:
Cobretti2 said:

The more you read politics from around the world, the more you wonder if there is a shadow world Government. In 2024 everyone seems to have a problem with immigration as the biggest issue. What gives? coincidence, or statistically unheard off? or perhaps one countries right wing movement goot in power, an others are imitating? Russian puppets?

No coincidence. It's Russia using thousands of social media accounts and various dubious websites in all countries to put the topic of immigration at the center, because anti-immigration has always been the most popular platform for far-right parties to run on. And sadly it's true that immigrants are quickly accepted as the scapegoat for everything that is going wrong in any given country, so all other political parties have not much choice but to talk about immigration as well.

Far-right parties happen to be pro-Russia because they admire how Putin could get rid of democracy. This makes them the ideal partners for Russia's efforts to destabilize western democracies. Russia knows that the weakness of democracies is the knowledge or rather the lack thereof of its citizens. It's also Russia's only realistic chance to win the war in Ukraine, by convincing the population of the USA and the EU that Russia's victory is inevitable. What goes hand in hand with this are attempts to discredit Ukraine, portraying the government there as corrupt and thus as pocketing the aid money for themselves; so the story goes that much-needed money in EU countries gets gifted away to the leeches in Ukraine.

If that is the case Russia needs to fucking fall and change their mentality. No one is out to get them and if they just entered into 2024 like the rest of the 1st world, then they would be far more ahead then they are today and no need for conspiracy theories. 

Even in Australia far away in the southern hemisphere, anti-immigration is starting to pop its head out n the last 6 months more so then before.

I agree to a degree that immigration is a problem, BUT no one stops to ask why. It doesn't matter if you are far right or far left, this issue has never been addressed with the question why is it a problem.

As a immigrant into Australia myself, I can see why there is issues but Governments do not care and are quick to blame each other and the immigrants themselves they allowed in, rather than owning up for not doing a good job of immigrating people over the last 20-30 years.

The biggest problems here and probably other countries:

1) Government let them in bulk lots from one country, but don't provide enough support for them to integrate into the country's culture and be part of the broader community. Instead they have no choice but to congregate together and create their own mini home they come from (i.e. an isolated island maintain all their problems from their country they ran away from). When I moved here, my community was small so had to integrate into the main Australian community to survive and get work. Instead they should limit intake from each country and spread it across many countries so they can't congregate. Allow each group time to find a place in their new home they call Aus.

2) They also bring in an increased number ever year but are 1-2milliiion houses short to accommodate them, that will only create problems. In recent times I am seeing more families with young children living on the streets not just drug addicts.

3) They have a half baked skills visa scheme, and the people that come here on that visa aren't even close to the standard that our education system provides (and we not even that high ranked in the world). When my parents come here, their education wasn't even recognised and basically couldn't get work, and they were far more skilled then what we get today. They had to essentially work any crappy job that would hire them. We have allowed so many labourers into the country, but non of them follow our building codes, and then Governments wonder why inspectors are findings so many defects. They looked for a quick solution to the housing crisis but, he defects are causing far more delays then the pace they want all these houses built.

Governments essentially like to bury their head in the sand and pass the problem onto future governments, as long as they get their golden retirement super fund they are happy.

This is also no different then what they did 50 years ago here, build specific suburbs for poor people far outside the main cities, s that the problem wouldn't be at their door. Now we got a generational unemployment issue become they know nothing better. Now the growth of he country means those outer suburbs are no longer so outer and people complain they live next to the unemployed. The better solution would have been t spread them out around successful people as that rubs off and they would have tried harder in life. 



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Ryuu96 said:
S.Peelman said:

This is the new defence minister. In general I'm happy with the new coalition in my country (though it remains to be seen if they can get things done), but with Wilders's party as the winner our support for Ukraine could have been dialed down. I wouldn't have agreed with such a stance so I'm glad he didn't block this and our support can continue uninterrupted.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Wilders not get enough for a majority and all the other parties in Netherlands are pro-Ukraine support so he's kind of fucked if he wants support?

No this is correct. Of the ones that won seats, except the extreme-right party of Baudet (which is very small), all the others wanted to continue support. So Wilders likely wouldn’t have been able to form a coalition had he put his foot down. He knew however that voters didn’t elect his party because of his party’s stance on aid for Ukraine though. On the other hand there wouldn’t have been many options to form a government for the other parties had Wilders been kept out either.

Ryuu96 said:


China must be drooling at the thought.

That Northeastern Manchuria…

Ryuu96 said:

China must be drooling at the thought.

It would be poetic justice or irony, not sure which. If China moved in lol.

Maybe even the Mongols can claim back some historic land. Moscow I am pretty sure was in that mix so even the rich aren't safe.



BFR said:
Farsala said:

As long as people are sane, the fascist parties never end up victorious. In America, the MAGA party lost support over the years, he already lost an election, people should have no confidence in a loser like that.

MAGA is not a party.  Today, in the USA, the Republican party is divided into 2 factions: Reagan Republicans vs. MAGA Republicans.

This issue is it will become the party if Trump wins in 2024, there's already far too many Republicans who are too scared to speak out against Trump or simply don't because they have a stance of party over country, I've seen Republicans speak out against MAGA largely only after they've left office, I can only really remember Adam Kinzinger being outspoken during office against MAGA.

Republicans can't and must not just stay quiet otherwise they're just as complicit in what happens, if these old Republicans want to save their party from MAGA rot then Trump MUST lose in 2024 and show that Trump is a loser who cannot win for the Republicans anymore. People like MTG must be isolated. As it stands right now, the MAGA Republicans are winning.

Around the Network
Cobretti2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

China must be drooling at the thought.

It would be poetic justice or irony, not sure which. If China moved in lol.

Maybe even the Mongols can claim back some historic land. Moscow I am pretty sure was in that mix so even the rich aren't safe.

Give it a few years, Russia will probably sell it to them anyway, China will have Russia bent over in a few years.

If Biden wants to do an "official" act of an assassination on Donald Trump, I would be okay with that.

Fuck any scumbag who still tries to defend or help Russia, justify their actions, do the world a favour and join their armed forces so we can watch you pathetically dying in your own vomit and piss after a drone strike.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 July 2024

I guess this is a desperate attempt to scare civilians to let them give up and change their opinion about giving away territories to Russia.

Imagine you are the guy programming the missile knowing what it will hit