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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Also when you debate people who say America orchestrated it all for Ukraine to be in NATO and are trying to push Ukraine into NATO to start a war with Russia or similar dumb ass statements when in fact America is currently one of the most reluctant to rush Ukraine into NATO.

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U.S.-made missiles for the Patriot air defense system manufactured for Switzerland are to be delivered to Ukraine despite contractual obligations, the Swiss outlet Blick reported on June 19, citing undisclosed sources.

According to Blick, Bern has an order totaling $340 million with Washington for the PAC-3 variant of the missile.

Sources told the outlet that the U.S. has decided to delay delivery to Switzerland and send them instead to Ukraine, which is in dire need of the weapons to protect against Russian aerial attacks.

Patriot missiles intended for Switzerland to go to Ukraine, Swiss outlet reports (

Good! "Neutral" Switzerland doesn't deserve shit, if they're so "neutral" and no reason to choose a side then they have no need for Patriot missiles, especially when this neutral country is surrounded by powerful allies. If they get mad about it then America should just say "Annoying when a country dictates what weapons you can have even after purchase isn't it?"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 June 2024

That's a brilliant and strong move, nobody needs Patriots more than Ukraine right now, especially no countries in NATO.


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Russia has been striking Ukrainian sovereign ground with weapons from Iran, N.Korea, China for more than a year now... but when S.Korea considers weapon supplies to Ukraine and supplied weapons are used to attack Russian ground it is a big escalation...

wth are they even smoking in that country... :/

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

BFR said:

Yes. Keep threatening South Korea, a genius tactic, awaken that military giant, Lol.

South Korea is quickly losing any reason to not be a direct supporter of Ukraine in this war and they're one of the most heavily armed countries in the world, with a shit ton of artillery ammunition and a defence pact with America, I'm pretty sure South Korea alone would wipe the floor with Russia based on the shitshow they've made of Ukraine.