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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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BFR said:

would you know how many air defense systems have been knocked out in the last few weeks?

BFR said:

good to hear, will bring more turnover to the russian defense system and probably organizational toxicity as well b/c you always see that when there are problems within

I hope that Ryu is enjoying himself and talking to some pretty nurses in his absence. I bet that he will heal quickly and get back to us soon.

shavenferret said:

I hope that Ryu is enjoying himself and talking to some pretty nurses in his absence. I bet that he will heal quickly and get back to us soon.

Lol. Thank You! I'm out already though, I went in Tuesday, had the op on Thursday and was out Friday. Been a week since my OP. Honestly, I feel mostly fine, first few days it felt like someone played the drums on my ribcage and it's still a little sensitive but I feel I'm recovering quickly, I just have a big bandage on my back and 3 incisions, 14 stitches. Having them taken out sometime next week, I'm just a bit restrictive in moving my arms around and BFR seems to be doing fine so I'm just taking it easy still, once the stitches are out and the bandage is off I'll be back to 100.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 June 2024

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Armenia signs Artemis Accords

Armenia signed the Artemis Accords regarding safe and responsible space exploration June 12, the tenth country to do so this year.

From Wikipedia:

The Artemis Accords is a series of non-binding multilateral arrangements between the United States government and other world governments that elaborates on the norms expected to be followed in outer space. The accords are related to the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2026, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond.

As of 12 June 2024 (1 day ago), with the accession of Armenia, 43 countries have signed the accords, including twenty-one in Europe, eight in Asia, six in South America, three in North America, three in Africa, and two in Oceania.

Next step for Armenia, dump the CSTO ! LOL!!  Ryu, this post is for you!

BFR said:

Armenia signs Artemis Accords

Armenia signed the Artemis Accords regarding safe and responsible space exploration June 12, the tenth country to do so this year.

From Wikipedia:

The Artemis Accords is a series of non-binding multilateral arrangements between the United States government and other world governments that elaborates on the norms expected to be followed in outer space. The accords are related to the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2026, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond.

As of 12 June 2024 (1 day ago), with the accession of Armenia, 43 countries have signed the accords, including twenty-one in Europe, eight in Asia, six in South America, three in North America, three in Africa, and two in Oceania.

Next step for Armenia, dump the CSTO ! LOL!!  Ryu, this post is for you!

In addition to that, Armenia is very angry with Belarus right now.

Armenia Recalls Ambassador From Belarus

Neither Pashinyan nor Armenian officials will visit Belarus while Lukashenko is president


The agreement includes provisions for advanced defense systems like Patriot and fighter jet squadrons—that’s right, plural, squadrons—including, but not limited to, F-16s.